
Back at the week before Memorial Day, there is a mini-market/gas station out in the country from us that got a deal on a couple different brands of beer, one being Yuengling. Super cheap and he had one entire garage bay (has 2 or 3 bays to work on cars) full of 12, 24 packs. Probably stacked 6-8 foot high. Asked him how in the world he got so much stock as such a rock bottom price, he said that due to the Covid shut downs, closing of bars and restaurants that the distributor had more inventory than they knew what to do with and was blowing it out.

Not a bar scene person and never was but I hate seeing businesses forced out of operation. That 24 pack was $15.98 or $15.99. The 12 pack as $11.98 or $11.99.. No way I am buying 12. (If all I had was 12 dollars I wouldn't buy the beer anyway.) I drank one last night. May drink another one or two this evening, who knows. In any event I am thankful.
Not a bar scene person and never was but I hate seeing businesses forced out of operation. That 24 pack was $15.98 or $15.99. The 12 pack as $11.98 or $11.99.. No way I am buying 12. (If all I had was 12 dollars I wouldn't buy the beer anyway.) I drank one last night. May drink another one or two this evening, who knows. In any event I am thankful.
If I'm not mistaken, this little mini-mart/garage was selling the 24 pack for $7.99
Good morning D,

Here is what I just got, the hole is closed, they did an echo no leaking. He is off bypass and heart is in good rhythm. They put temporary pace maker wires in just in case, but those can be taken out at bedside. Putting drainage tubes in now, could be another hour before done.
Good morning D,

Here is what I just got, the hole is closed, they did an echo no leaking. He is off bypass and heart is in good rhythm. They put temporary pace maker wires in just in case, but those can be taken out at bedside. Putting drainage tubes in now, could be another hour before done.
I'm so glad it went well. Prayers for his recovery.
My name is cord, my DAD was SIR, Thanks BBUK!

I am 59, Are you older than I am? (I think I saw where you were?) If you are, you are Sir to me BUT, I will honor your request.

Not that I respect less, those younger or the same age as me but, IF I know someone is my elder, Sir, is proper in my world. (May be just me now but it was a respected practice as I remember it growing up...)(Even just a year)

YAM (Your Age Matters)(To me...) ;)

(Unless you're a Ma'am...):eek:
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I am 59, Are you older than I am? (I think I saw where you were?) If you are, you are Sir to me BUT, I will honor your request.

Not that I respect less those younger or the same age as me but IF I know someone is my elder, Sir, is proper in my world. (May be just me now but it was a respected practice as I remember it growing up...)(Even just a year)

YAM (Your Age Matters)(To me...) ;)

(Unless you're a Ma'am...):eek:
I am older than you and I understand where you are coming from, I respect all that I think earns it!!!! It's just the way I was brought up!

And yes I am a man or the last time I checked I still had my peck of pickled peppers!!!!
I am older than you and I understand where you are coming from, I respect all that I think earns it!!!! It's just the way I was brought up!

And yes I am a man or the last time I checked I still had my peck of pickled peppers!!!!

TMI TMI..... uh, Sir... ;)

Oh, and you earned it in my book.

I give everyone my full respect.....until, they lose it.
IF I know someone is my elder, Sir, is proper in my world. (May be just me now but it was a respected practice as I remember it growing up...)(Even just a year)
I respect all that I think earns it!!!! It's just the way I was brought up!
I was brought up the same. The values of our parents...a generation gone....was much different than the majority of parents today.
For those who've visited the United Kingdom (other UK), I found this rather interesting.


Very interesting and I get the point. I once dated a woman from London and her general observation was that the American south was like the far north of England in terms of attitudes and politics. That said, the scale is way off here - the United Kingdom is 12 percent smaller than France in square miles. And France is SMALLER THAN TEXAS alone in terms of area. I know that because I bought a tee shirt once in Crawford, Texas, while W was vacationing there, that made that very point.
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Been reading through trying to catch up. Believe you said earlier that you would only have a couple yougloiungens ? 🥴 ( sorry, couldn’t resist”)

rotflcgu 🤣

Yeah I read some of the "stuff" I type and laugh at myself. Think about if I actually was drinking or drunk... (Probably why I don't drink much.);) (No sustenance yet today...)
If you think of it, remember me tomorrow. I have a job interview around noon, only one grade higher I can go without being appointed. In any event I only want the job God has in store for me as I know I can then be a positive impact. The money isn't the issue. God has blessed me beyond our needs.
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If you think of it, remember me tomorrow. I have a job interview around noon, only one grade higher I can go without being appointed. In any event I only want the job God has in store for me as I know I can them be a positive impact. The money isn't the issue. God has blessed me beyond our needs.
Best of luck to you. You'll ace the interview.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°F and clear. Expecting 77°F for today's high.

I've got some major leaf raking in store. Tree out back began shedding leaves after the arctic blast and subsequent ice storm. Hope the tree isn't dead. We'll find out soon.

@BBUK : good luck on your interview. Knock it out of the park.

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

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Good morning D

We have a cool weather day in store but lots of sunshine. I put in a good day's work yesterday as we laid 10 yards of cypress mulch around flower beds and ornamental trees in the yard. Also planted a couple of Pygmy Date Palms. I planted them in the ground but they also look nice in a planter as in this picture below.

I trust all have a nice day

Good, good morning to all.
Best of luck to @BBUK today!
Happy to hear that all seemed to go well with @cordmaker friend's grandson.
Love pound cake but have it rarely. My ex-MIL (RIP) made the best I've ever had. With a homemade chocolate sauce to put over it. Was one of her Christmas staples.

Spent an hour or so reading Rafters this morning. What a mess. Would love to be a fly on the wall of the UK Prez or AD to see the impact that this cluster%$@* of a season is having.
Good morning D

We have a cool weather day in store but lots of sunshine. I put in a good day's work yesterday as we laid 10 yards of cypress mulch around flower beds and ornamental trees in the yard. Also planted a couple of Pygmy Date Palms. I planted them in the ground but they also look nice in a planter as in this picture below.

I trust all have a nice day

Good morning D, Beautiful day here in the Berg!

Update this morning, He is doing better, lots of pain but they are saying it is because of the tube, once it is out he should be more comfortable. He had to have a transfusion last night but the said it did exactly what they wanted it to do. They are wanting he to be up and walking by noon today, also they are hoping to remove all the wires. So it sounds all good!!!! He wanted me to thank the D for all your prayers!!!

Hope everything goes well for you today BBUK, don't know what you do for a living, but it sounds like you have done great!!!!

Update on the Southwest Chicken made with Bacon-Cheddar Cheez-it crackers, it did exactly what I thought it would, added a nice bacon flavor to it!!! It's funny, the lady down the street that we watch over, my MOM'S best friend, DOES NOT like chicken, so I talked her into just trying it, so she agreed to try it, she called me later on that evening and told me to please add it to her menu now!!!!! Still can't get her to try broccoli though!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day!!!! Prayers for the D!!!!