
So enough about me
What’s everyone been doing?
Someone catch me up
I see a lot of newbies here. Nice to meet y’all
I haven’t been around much in the last year but I’ve been convinced I need to make a return
So here I am
Let’s talk
A breath of fresh air, so glad to see you on the board again. You are missed and always in our prayers and on our mind Bev. Have a great day.
An official good morning D League

Texas is becoming a basketball state. They put out a ton of high school talent and now have two universities in the Final Four. Let's hope the Longhorns don't find a good coach or they will be a major threat with the talent in that state. Same with Texas A&M. God forbid they get a good coach.

Lots of activity on the lake in the back. A couple of Ospreys were "fishing" and they were successful. They get in the top of a very tall pine tree and patiently await a glimpse of a bass and then take off on a dive straight into the lake. Reminds me of an old WWII movie in the South Pacific with the Japanese Kamikazes, Living in a nature preserve can be entertaining. Except for the Ceratopogonidaes . They can eat you up.

I noticed some of my citrus trees need some copper so I am going to get the sprayer out and take care of that issue. Other than that everything is pretty much caught up here. Gonna make a big pot of chili this morning and get ready for another night of basketball. No pressure, no favorite team just some good hoops,
Supposed to be a nice day here. I want to do a little pressure washing later.

With all of the challenges in the world, I like to try and say something positive.

I love my career and job. I am a technical trainer, and it suits me perfectly.

I get paid good money (Not Paddock Money, of course) to learn stuff and then to talk about it.

Today will be spent getting stronger and updating my Instructor Guide (IG) for a Machine Vision system.

So I study a bit, talk to the wall (myself) a bit, and take brain breaks as I need. :)

What more could a dumb-ole-country-boy ask for?

ANNNND, the new phone book is supposed to get here today. Hopefully, I will have finally made a list.

Interesting stuff. I wouldn't mind reading your instruction guide. It is a wonderful thing to do for a living what you love. The old cliché is true; "If your living is doing what you love, you never have to work a day in your life." (I think that is how it is worded.)
Got a text from a friend. Gas up to 2.89....3 bucks a gallon right around the corner.
Was looking right before Covid hit for a new camper. Already have one but wanted to upgrade. Found a couple we liked, but the Mrs and I couldn't agree on which I put it off. Went and looked again the last 12-15 months price has gone up +/- 35%.
Not good.
Talking about superstitions.... (I know, I know...)

While in Korea I saw many. If you think they are not real, you are wrong. The below is just how real superstitions still are in Korea and I imagine other spots in the world....(See if you spot the superstition...)

Got a text from a friend. Gas up to 2.89....3 bucks a gallon right around the corner.
Was looking right before Covid hit for a new camper. Already have one but wanted to upgrade. Found a couple we liked, but the Mrs and I couldn't agree on which I put it off. Went and looked again the last 12-15 months price has gone up +/- 35%.
Not good.
Gas was $2.41 here yesterday, today it's up to $2.79.
Brooksville won state title in 1939. You referring to that team?
No, this was a team in 1944 that was upset in the Sweet 16, but that had been considered the best in the state. My uncle was Garnet Hause. Here's a story about that team:
Good morning D, what a beautiful day here in the Berg!!!

I got a new permission to metal detect on some property where we played baseball "on the hill" when we were growing up. Sometimes we would have enough guys there to have 9 on a team, man that is going to bring back some memories!!!!

Glad to see you back Bev, some of to old guys were getting out of hand, you will have to straighten them up!!! Also have a new recipe for you if you want it, Creamy Crock-Pot Chicken Noodle Soup, it's Austin approved!!!!

I received a call yesterday from the Lady that we kinda watch over, take her meals once or twice a week, she said Cord, I have been thinking, I have a new self-propelled mower that I can't use anymore and I want you and Mrs. M to have it!!!! We had just the day before had discussed that we may need to get one because it would help me out, age wise. I tried everything I could to pay her but nothing doing, she said there is no telling how much money it will take to get it going. So I got it yesterday, looked it over real good and on the second pull it started!!! Don't know what to say except kindness pays off sometimes!!!

I also got a call yesterday from our pastor and his wife tested positive for the china flu, so they had to put her surgery off for 3 weeks. D, PLEASE keep her in your prayer, her nerves are shot and this doesn't help any. Also this is the first sickness that she is having to go thru without her mother, she passed away just a couple months ago!!!

I hope the D has a great day!!! I appreciate all the prayers and praying for all!!!!

Don't know Y I didn't see what was happening, it was right there teasing the D!!!!
Talking about superstitions.... (I know, I know...)

While in Korea I saw many. If you think they are not real, you are wrong. The below is just how real superstitions still are in Korea and I imagine other spots in the world....(See if you spot the superstition...)

4 the life of me I don't see anything wrong, but I don't speak Korean.
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Interesting stuff. I wouldn't mind reading your instruction guide. It is a wonderful thing to do for a living what you love. The old cliché is true; "If your living is doing what you love, you never have to work a day in your life." (I think that is how it is worded.)

The below link will show you the kinds of things I get to play with. Balluff is a worldwide leader in automation, and the short videos give a good basic intro. I am not saying that IS who I work for, but they have good stuff. :)

There are about five videos in the Basics of Automation playlist—only a couple of minutes or so each.

However, there at tons and tons of videos out there in YouTube land.

Boring stuff for 99% of the world. But I find it fascinating. Full disclosure, I did not make the videos; I am not that talented.
By the way, for you Kentucky high school basketball historians, that piece that I linked above about the 1944 Brooksville team on which all five starters were signed by Rupp would make a fascinating movie, sort of the other side of Hoosiers.

(Here's the link again)

Imagine what it was like in the mid-1940s in a town of 500 people in Kentucky to be on an undefeated high school team expected to sweep the state tournament -- a team so good you'd captured the eye of Adolph Rupp.

Then you lose in the second round to a team you'd already played and dominated during the regular season. Devastating.

When I was a kid a full 20-25 years later, my uncle and his teammates - now men in their 40s - were asked about that game constantly, as I saw when I was at gatherings in Brooksville.

My dad, who was younger than these guys and grew up idolizing them, said for years there were rumors they all considered that Olive Hill game so little competition they partied the night before, got drunk, had no sleep, and so on. My uncle always denied all that, but I do believe it was something that at some level they never got over.
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I will bet that I shined a lot more pine than you ever dreamed of! 🤣
First time I got in a was the fourth grade..........I took a sideline in bounds pass and made a basket for the other team...................I got excited and didn't know which basket was which............I just saw an open path to the basket........and I was off......a picture perfect left handed lay up........only kid in the defensive court.........short basketball career.........I didn't hardly get off the bench to practice after that..........

The below link will show you the kinds of things I get to play with. Balluff is a worldwide leader in automation, and the short videos give a good basic intro. I am not saying that IS who I work for, but they have good stuff. :)

There are about five videos in the Basics of Automation playlist—only a couple of minutes or so each.

However, there at tons and tons of videos out there in YouTube land.

Boring stuff for 99% of the world. But I find it fascinating. Full disclosure, I did not make the videos; I am not that talented.
The machine (if you want to call it that) one of our renters have. Own a commercial property and the guy started a machine shop. He has two machines that look a lot like that. Don't know if they're at all like what's in the video or not, but they're fascinating to watch. All computer controlled, etc.

One of the things I loved in my career is that I had the opportunity to visit a lot of customers, and got to see a lot of different manufacturing facilities (among other things). Was always interesting in seeing machines/robots that were made to make a particular product, or to do a particular function. All the twists and turns, etc. Never forget I visited the Brown & Williamson plant in Macon, Ga where they made Kool (I think) cigarettes. Unbelievable how many cigarettes were flying out of those machines. One after another. Wish I could remember how many they said they made a day....but it was a bunch.
First time I got in a was the fourth grade..........I took a sideline in bounds pass and made a basket for the other team...................I got excited and didn't know which basket was which............I just saw an open path to the basket........and I was off......a picture perfect left handed lay up........only kid in the defensive court.........short basketball career.........I didn't hardly get off the bench to practice after that..........
Reminds me of..... Never forget it.
Thank you all for the warm welcome home
@cordmaker id love that recipe
Really burnt out on meals right now and need some new ideas
We’re okay as we can be
On a positive note we ARE looking for a house. Market is slim at the moment but hopefully we will find something soon
I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed being here
The machine (if you want to call it that) one of our renters have. Own a commercial property and the guy started a machine shop. He has two machines that look a lot like that. Don't know if they're at all like what's in the video or not, but they're fascinating to watch. All computer controlled, etc.

One of the things I loved in my career is that I had the opportunity to visit a lot of customers, and got to see a lot of different manufacturing facilities (among other things). Was always interesting in seeing machines/robots that were made to make a particular product, or to do a particular function. All the twists and turns, etc. Never forget I visited the Brown & Williamson plant in Macon, Ga where they made Kool (I think) cigarettes. Unbelievable how many cigarettes were flying out of those machines. One after another. Wish I could remember how many they said they made a day....but it was a bunch.
That stuff mesmerizes me. I used to get a bit riled up when a certain drunk Canuck Sales God would get on a rant about machine operators, technicians, military, etc., were just stupid automatons. <- Paraphrasing slightly there. He is clueless about the talent that is out there. /Rant off.

These guys/gals make some impressive machines.

Ok, I am going to try and not hog the D-league again today. lololol
So enough about me
What’s everyone been doing?
Someone catch me up
I see a lot of newbies here. Nice to meet y’all
I haven’t been around much in the last year but I’ve been convinced I need to make a return
So here I am
Let’s talk

Nice to meet you.
To sum up the last year:
Covid sucks, politics suck, UK basketball sucks.

Pretty much covers it all. Welcome back.
Supposed to be a nice day here. I want to do a little pressure washing later.

With all of the challenges in the world, I like to try and say something positive.

I love my career and job. I am a technical trainer, and it suits me perfectly.

I get paid good money (Not Paddock Money, of course) to learn stuff and then to talk about it.

Today will be spent getting stronger and updating my Instructor Guide (IG) for a Machine Vision system.

So I study a bit, talk to the wall (myself) a bit, and take brain breaks as I need. :)

What more could a dumb-ole-country-boy ask for?

ANNNND, the new phone book is supposed to get here today. Hopefully, I will have finally made a list.
Thank you all for the warm welcome home
@cordmaker id love that recipe
Really burnt out on meals right now and need some new ideas
We’re okay as we can be
On a positive note we ARE looking for a house. Market is slim at the moment but hopefully we will find something soon
I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed being here
It's an excellent recipe. Truly awesome.

Got her to work and back, ole red did good in the snow, don't use the 4 wheel high often, but when I do it does good!!!!

I am going to fix tater soup today

One bag of frozen shredded or chunk hash browns
2-can cream of chicken soup
3-can of milk (use the cans for measuring)
1/4 block Velveeta cheese (8oz)
1-package cream cheese
1/2 cup real bacon bits
cook in crock-pot for 3-4 hours on high
If you double this it takes about 5-6 hours
We use crock-pot liners all the time, easy clean-up, get all the goodness out then just throw the liner away, no mess!!!!
I hope this works Bev sorry wrong one, I will try to find the other one
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There was a small amusement park near where i live called LeSourdsville Lake. talk about character. a real treat to go there when i was a kid. after i was married my wife and i would sometimes go there after work and stroll around, visit the penny arcade, grab a beer and hotdog. admission was like $1 back in the seventies. simple pleasures people nowadays can’t relate to.
We went up there once/twice. Don't remember much other than lake & it being dam cold.
Stevens Rail Yard? If memory serves, my grandfather may have worked there way back when, possibly 1940s during WW2. He worked over 30 years for the railroad.
Yes! I would never have remembered the name Stevens had you not brought it up, but there was a Stevens sign somewhere in the yard that I can now recall 60 years later. Often wondered what it was/meant. Why would I remember that??? Why would you remember that???
Yes! I would never have remembered the name Stevens had you not brought it up, but there was a Stevens sign somewhere in the yard that I can now recall 60 years later. Often wondered what it was/meant. Why would I remember that??? Why would you remember that???
The C&O rail yard at Silver Grove was named Stevens after George W. Stevens, who was president of the C&O back in the late 19th Century when the plans were made for a switching yard there. The town, pretty much a C&O company town as late as the 1960s when I was a kid, was named Silver Grove after the preponderance of Silver Maple trees that still lined the streets (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th) for many decades.

That's probably more than anyone needs to know about a fly speck of a town that peaked at about 1,000 people and is probably fewer now.
  • Good Afternoon, D-Leagueanites, Newbies and Lurkers.
  • Nice day going.
  • Dark Magic (2 mugs) gone.
  • Wildlife: none.
  • Traffic: continues to run 35-40 in a 25mph posted signage zone,
  • Pros not graduating from high school even is a terrible idea. One half of 1 % make it to the pros. Think about that number.
  • My Lola is good company.
  • QB is getting a haircut.
  • FCC's phone is cut off. He may be still DAAS. Pray for the boy. I am.
  • Happy Easter Party on Sunday.
  • That is all.
  • As you were.
  • Carry on.