
I might try that Rooster. One of my big regrets in the fossil collecting world is when I was in my early 20s I worked a pipeline job on the Montana-North Dakota border, outside the town of Wibaux, Mt., and the ditching crew cut right through a patch of petrified trees from the dinosaur (Jurassic) period.

I set aside a big chunk that weighed about 50 pounds, that had brilliant reds and greens and yellows running through it. I had planned to cut and polish that, but ended up leaving it out in a garden of a woman's home when a relationship ended.

You got off lucky.
Hello all,
I was contacted a couple hours ago asking me to meet the Senior Administrator for the organization I interviewed for last week. (That is motivation in itself for me.) I am thankful. Who knows what tomorrow holds and I ask that your prayer, if you pray for me, is that God places me where he wants me and no more. For that I will be thankful. I can do no better than to be within the will of God. I know that now and that is what I strive to achieve. (I cannot be happier. Been there and done that. Focusing on God and his will is joy. One day I may actually succeed.)

My reasoning to try getting ahead is to do my best. It keeps me on my toes and engaged to where I can perform for my current leadership AND my family. It takes continuous motivation to perform consistently over a long period of time. I use many avenues to keep myself motivated. My new found friends here are part of my joy.

In any event, thanks!
I have to say, I don't give a damn about the British Royal Family. Is it just me? Lost interest the day Princess Di passed away.

I have to say, I don't give a damn about the British Royal Family. Is it just me?
Armed with newly acquired knowledge of some 20 ARW vets in the tree, I certainly agree with that sentiment. As a descendant of Augustine Warner, I expect the royalists to be loyalists and dissenting opinions respected with civility so I'm paying more attention than I used to.
John Calipari here: “you people are crazy”! Couldn’t resist. Y’all throwing out a lot of stuff last few days, and I can’t keep up. Dropping by to wish the best to all. Still tied up trying to get my mom back healthy and happy. Will keep reading when I can and try to check in from time to time, liking the fossil/ rock discussion. I’m in a very interesting geological area with very diverse findings.

I have a diverse finding for you...


Oh, I hope this day brings you all satisfaction. Nothing better than knowing something you've done has a good impact on someone else. Have a great day! God Bless you all...

Morning Legionnaires!

Looking for a high of around 71° today. and possible 80's a day or 2 this week.

Royals? Never cared about that. Most on the left seem to almost worship them. Odd really.
I was born and raised in Kentucky USA. I am American and don't care what my lineage says. Besides, my family never kept records on that. I don't even know who my grandparents or their names on the fathers side are (he left when I was 7). On my mothers side I only knew my grandfather and he had no records of anything. My brother went on one of these sites that you type your name in and they give you the names common to your spelling and where you might have come from but, not sure how accurate that is.

I do like reading about some of your past histories and do wish mine had kept records but, alas, we are the wretched refuse.

Morning Legionnaires!

Looking for a high of around 71° today. and possible 80's a day or 2 this week.

Royals? Never cared about that. Most on the left seem to almost worship them. Odd really.
I was born and raised in Kentucky USA. I am American and don't care what my lineage says. Besides, my family never kept records on that. I don't even know who my grandparents or their names on the fathers side are (he left when I was 7). On my mothers side I only knew my grandfather and he had no records of anything. My brother went on one of these sites that you type your name in and they give you the names common to your spelling and where you might have come from but, not sure how accurate that is.

I do like reading about some of your past histories and do wish mine had kept records but, alas, we are the wretched refuse.

Brother Sir, I am almost with you. I had my parents and knew my maternal grandparents while I was younger, (My Maternal Grandma (Nancy Ross) lived in a half-way house in Detroit. Later Ole Smiling Jimmy thought that degrading and inhuman for people to live like that and he preceded to create the homeless population.) have a slew of cousins and relatives but, they never did anything, never gave anything, never had anything, and never became anything. I am the baby of my family by seven years.

I grew up nearly an only child, my parents were in the decision-making times of their lives that ended in a divorce when I was 17 or so after "only" 28 or 29 years of marriage but I was already on my own by that time as I had my own apartment the day I turned 16. (I don't mention this much but my Dad borrowed a hundred dollars from me the day I moved on my own. I had money then as I was welding on boxcars making $11.42 an hour. God provided for me even back then as that was huge dough. I only had to go to school a half day my last two years of High School as I had all my credits to graduate as a Sophomore.)(My shop teacher; David M. Falik got me that job at Whitehead and Kales in Michigan.)(He knew I needed it and I was a worker.) He was in his late 50's then but liked me for some reason.

Only my brother is something I ever aspired to be like or make him proud. I am thankful for my family and also thankful for my life.
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Good morning D-League. Cool and clear outside the nation's capital.

I saw some discussion here about the Royal Family of Great Britain's scandal. As with some others, I couldn't care less.

But one part of it did catch my attention -- and I hope will lead to a useful backlash: Charging the Royal Family, aging queen and all, with being "racist" and with being afraid the grandkid was going to come out too dark.

I HOPE that's the kind of ridiculous playing of the race card -- by a woman who was plucked from obscurity as a C-List actress and given a life of overwhelming privilege, only to whine that it was never enough, and drag her P-Whipped husband into an ugly estrangement from his family -- that will help turn off even lefties to the use of that tactic.

That said, it probably won't. There appears to be no bottom to the idea of Woke Entitlement for people like her.
Good morning D-League. Cool and clear outside the nation's capital.

I saw some discussion here about the Royal Family of Great Britain's scandal. As with some others, I couldn't care less.

But one part of it did catch my attention -- and I hope will lead to a useful backlash: Charging the Royal Family, aging queen and all, with being "racist" and with being afraid the grandkid was going to come out too dark.

I HOPE that's the kind of ridiculous playing of the race card -- by a woman who was plucked from obscurity as a C-List actress and given a life of overwhelming privilege, only to whine that it was never enough, and drag her P-Whipped husband into an ugly estrangement from his family -- that will help turn off even lefties to the use of that tactic.

That said, it probably won't. There appears to be no bottom to the idea of Woke Entitlement for people like her.
Good morning D-League. Cool and clear outside the nation's capital.

I saw some discussion here about the Royal Family of Great Britain's scandal. As with some others, I couldn't care less.

But one part of it did catch my attention -- and I hope will lead to a useful backlash: Charging the Royal Family, aging queen and all, with being "racist" and with being afraid the grandkid was going to come out too dark.

I HOPE that's the kind of ridiculous playing of the race card -- by a woman who was plucked from obscurity as a C-List actress and given a life of overwhelming privilege, only to whine that it was never enough, and drag her P-Whipped husband into an ugly estrangement from his family -- that will help turn off even lefties to the use of that tactic.

That said, it probably won't. There appears to be no bottom to the idea of Woke Entitlement for people like her.
Yep, she is the racist.
Good morning D-League. Cool and clear outside the nation's capital.

I saw some discussion here about the Royal Family of Great Britain's scandal. As with some others, I couldn't care less.

But one part of it did catch my attention -- and I hope will lead to a useful backlash: Charging the Royal Family, aging queen and all, with being "racist" and with being afraid the grandkid was going to come out too dark.

I HOPE that's the kind of ridiculous playing of the race card -- by a woman who was plucked from obscurity as a C-List actress and given a life of overwhelming privilege, only to whine that it was never enough, and drag her P-Whipped husband into an ugly estrangement from his family -- that will help turn off even lefties to the use of that tactic.

That said, it probably won't. There appears to be no bottom to the idea of Woke Entitlement for people like her.

The exact same sentiments I had about that situation. Well stated.
Mine is scheduled for Friday
Second shot for me friday also. wife got hers yesterday at 3pm, woke up at 1am with terrible chills and feeling miserable overall. forehead feels like lowgrade fever though we didn’t check with a thermometer. she’s now lying down still feeling bad. ditto for my bil who, along with his wife, got his saturday pm. 24 hours later he was fine. hoping for same with my wife. his wife had no reaction. my 86yo sister got her 2nd shot a week ago and no reaction. affects people differently i guess.
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Good morning D, keep Mrs. M in your prayers, she got her shot at 3 yesterday and had a rough night, so far I am ok, the only side effect that I can tell right now is, I look like I have two belly buttons!!!

Wonder how many millions she will get paid for keeping the pot stirred up?!!!!
I hope yawl have a great day, praying for all of you that are getting the shot!!!
It is a warm 41.0°F here and we are supposed to be on our way to 67°. I bet we make it higher than that.

On family and race: I had the best, most stable raising that any kid could have in a little town where the "village" actually helped raise you.

One of my childhood friends was Gene and he was a black kid and the best athlete in town (he ended up making the Pittsburgh Pirates before losing an eye). That town was Park City and it had about 400 souls in it. If you were racist you could not get a baseball game going, so we white privileged and black privileged kids did not let race come before having fun. In the summer we played baseball after our chores were done. If Gene picked you then you would be on the winning team. The other guy Blake was the second-best athlete in town, but Blake’s team rarely won. We even worked the tobacco fields on an integrated basis, eat dinner together, so while I know and knew about racism, it was remote from my personal experiences.

I can’t imagine being like Meghan Markle and many other racists whose very existence revolves around seeing race in everything. That has to be a miserable life constantly thinking that others don’t like you because of your ethnicity. Some like that that come to mind are Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Jeramiah Wright

Anyway, on the “village” concept of raising kids; I could not get away with anything in any part of the town. Before I got home mom or dad would know the evil that I did. So, we Park City kids knew the rules and we were forced to follow them. After a while it became really easy.

Yesterday my dad would have turned 119 years old. He has been dead over 45 years now, but I still dream of him in color. One of his best friends was a black man, so I just did not see the world in skin colors because a bunch of my childhood friends were of a different skin color than mine.
Second shot for me friday also. wife got hers yesterday at 3pm, woke up at 1am with terrible chills and feeling miserable overall. forehead feels like lowgrade fever though we didn’t check with a thermometer. she’s now lying down still feeling bad. ditto for my bil who, along with his wife, got his saturday pm. 24 hours later he was fine. hoping for same with my wife. his wife had no reaction. my 86yo sister got her 2nd shot a week ago and no reaction. affects people differently i guess.
I felt bad for about 12 hours three days after my second shot. I guess that you should view that as good because your body is already reacting to the virus' protein.
Morning all.

Am I the only one here that has not/is not getting the vaccine for the China Flu? The Mrs had her first one last week and her only problem was a slightly sore arm.

I've never had a flu shot. Have hardly ever been sick (🤜 on wood) so I never saw a need. Became even more adamant about flu shots when I had a cousin who about 5 years ago got one, and then some time later started feeling poorly. Very weak. Got to the point where he slowly felt weaker and weaker to the point he was having problems walking, muscles, etc. Make a long story short...he was finally diagnosed, at the UK Med Center I believe (who brought in a team of specialists) with Guillain-Barre syndrome. Very rare...and they think in some cases it's a byproduct of getting the flu vaccine. After a number of months, where his body basically totally shut down, he died.

Remember I posted this about 6-8 months ago on the Political thread and one of our esteemed posters basically called me a if he knew my cousin and I didn't.
Morning all.

Am I the only one here that has not/is not getting the vaccine for the China Flu? The Mrs had her first one last week and her only problem was a slightly sore arm.

I've never had a flu shot. Have hardly ever been sick (🤜 on wood) so I never saw a need. Became even more adamant about flu shots when I had a cousin who about 5 years ago got one, and then some time later started feeling poorly. Very weak. Got to the point where he slowly felt weaker and weaker to the point he was having problems walking, muscles, etc. Make a long story short...he was finally diagnosed, at the UK Med Center I believe (who brought in a team of specialists) with Guillain-Barre syndrome. Very rare...and they think in some cases it's a byproduct of getting the flu vaccine. After a number of months, where his body basically totally shut down, he died.

Remember I posted this about 6-8 months ago on the Political thread and one of our esteemed posters basically called me a if he knew my cousin and I didn't.
They asked me if I had Guillain-Barre syndrome before they gave me the first shot.
Found a couple old belt buckles from the late 1970s-early 1980s in a box recently. One has a lesson for today, and the killing of the XL Keystone pipeline by Joe Biden, though I suspect people here don't need the lesson, and the Biden administration doesn't care.

Most people have heard of the Alaska Pipeline. But in 1979 and 1980, I worked on a job called the Northern Border Pipeline. I suspect few have heard of it. It is a natural gas pipeline - still very much in operation - that runs from western Canada to the Chicago area

Here's a short summary of what it does: “Northern Border Pipeline is a 1,408-mile interstate natural gas pipeline system with a design capacity of approximately 2,400 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d). "

It's been operational for 40 years, without interruption. People in the upper midwest who are warm all winter never give it a thought. The Keystone pipeline would have moved refinable oil products along a similar route. But that's dead, at least for now.
Morning all.

Am I the only one here that has not/is not getting the vaccine for the China Flu? The Mrs had her first one last week and her only problem was a slightly sore arm.

I've never had a flu shot. Have hardly ever been sick (🤜 on wood) so I never saw a need. Became even more adamant about flu shots when I had a cousin who about 5 years ago got one, and then some time later started feeling poorly. Very weak. Got to the point where he slowly felt weaker and weaker to the point he was having problems walking, muscles, etc. Make a long story short...he was finally diagnosed, at the UK Med Center I believe (who brought in a team of specialists) with Guillain-Barre syndrome. Very rare...and they think in some cases it's a byproduct of getting the flu vaccine. After a number of months, where his body basically totally shut down, he died.

Remember I posted this about 6-8 months ago on the Political thread and one of our esteemed posters basically called me a if he knew my cousin and I didn't.
I have no trust in the gov, so no shot for me.
The safety buckle reminded me that when i was at Dyno Nobel, we received an award for having a million man hours with no lost time accidents, which is pretty good for an explosive plant! We were always told, before we took bolts off or put them back on, blow them down and wipe them off with an oily rag, just part of the safety procedure. Not long after I retired I got a call about one of my friends a maintenance man was tightening a bolt on a spinning machine and it exploded. My friend said when she got to him she thought he was dead, but he is back to work. The wrench he had in his hand hit him in the mouth breaking his jaw and knocking out some teeth!
Good morning D-League. Cool and clear outside the nation's capital.

I saw some discussion here about the Royal Family of Great Britain's scandal. As with some others, I couldn't care less.

But one part of it did catch my attention -- and I hope will lead to a useful backlash: Charging the Royal Family, aging queen and all, with being "racist" and with being afraid the grandkid was going to come out too dark.

I HOPE that's the kind of ridiculous playing of the race card -- by a woman who was plucked from obscurity as a C-List actress and given a life of overwhelming privilege, only to whine that it was never enough, and drag her P-Whipped husband into an ugly estrangement from his family -- that will help turn off even lefties to the use of that tactic.

That said, it probably won't. There appears to be no bottom to the idea of Woke Entitlement for people like her.
Yet the left and the liberal media love the queen. Go figure.
Morning all.

Am I the only one here that has not/is not getting the vaccine for the China Flu? The Mrs had her first one last week and her only problem was a slightly sore arm.

I've never had a flu shot. Have hardly ever been sick (🤜 on wood) so I never saw a need. Became even more adamant about flu shots when I had a cousin who about 5 years ago got one, and then some time later started feeling poorly. Very weak. Got to the point where he slowly felt weaker and weaker to the point he was having problems walking, muscles, etc. Make a long story short...he was finally diagnosed, at the UK Med Center I believe (who brought in a team of specialists) with Guillain-Barre syndrome. Very rare...and they think in some cases it's a byproduct of getting the flu vaccine. After a number of months, where his body basically totally shut down, he died.

Remember I posted this about 6-8 months ago on the Political thread and one of our esteemed posters basically called me a if he knew my cousin and I didn't.
Nope, I am not taking it either. My wife got the first one but declined to take the second (so far). But work is pressuring her everyday to get it.
Nope, I am not taking it either. My wife got the first one but declined to take the second (so far). But work is pressuring her everyday to get it.
Wow! Sorry to hear. According to our Governor Greg Abbott, COVID vaccines are "always voluntary" in Texas.

I support personal choice and will probably get one this summer.
My dad was a hobo during the Depression. Lots of guys were.
My dad was one of the fortunate ones. He worked in the Pike County coal mines during the depression. Made pretty good money for those times. Until a rock slide killed his buddy and trapped him deep in the mines. They gave him up for dead and even called his mother to the mouth of the mines to wait for the word. He miraculously was able to get out from under a ton of rock and crawl to a point someone could reach him. He cried out to God and credits that for saving his life. He promised God he would take what little money he had, go to college and find a better life.

So, that ended his coal mining days. But grandpa worked in them almost 50 years, was never injured, never had black lung and said a man is not a man if he didn't dig and load coal. He was addicted to coal mining. Grandpa is on the left.

My dad was one of the fortunate ones. He worked in the Pike County coal mines during the depression. Made pretty good money for those times. Until a rock slide killed his buddy and trapped him deep in the mines. They gave him up for dead and even called his mother to the mouth of the mines to wait for the word. He miraculously was able to get out from under a ton of rock and crawl to a point someone could reach him. He cried out to God and credits that for saving his life. He promised God he would take what little money he had, go to college and find a better life.

So, that ended his coal mining days. But grandpa worked in them almost 50 years, was never injured, never had black lung and said a man is not a man if he didn't dig and load coal. He was addicted to coal mining. Grandpa is on the left.

I never dug coal (and per Roy Clark-never picked cotton), but I burned a lot of coal. I guess I was priviliged. Heck, I never saw an indoor toilet till the second grade when they opened the new elementary school. I reckon I was a lot like Jethro Bodine, except I was never a double nought spy.
My dad was one of the fortunate ones. He worked in the Pike County coal mines during the depression. Made pretty good money for those times. Until a rock slide killed his buddy and trapped him deep in the mines. They gave him up for dead and even called his mother to the mouth of the mines to wait for the word. He miraculously was able to get out from under a ton of rock and crawl to a point someone could reach him. He cried out to God and credits that for saving his life. He promised God he would take what little money he had, go to college and find a better life.

So, that ended his coal mining days. But grandpa worked in them almost 50 years, was never injured, never had black lung and said a man is not a man if he didn't dig and load coal. He was addicted to coal mining. Grandpa is on the left.


My maternal grandpa stated he worked in the coal mines and he may have but I am not sure. While I loved him and was with him when he died while I was home on leave visiting him and my Mom he embellished in some tall tales. In talking with people that knew him in his younger days he seemed to be more toward the shiftless variety but I loved him. He never had anything, I think he had about a hundred dollars stashed away here and there when he died. He was in his early 70's.