
They pull up to Corvettes and do that crap. They aren't worth wasting the gas. Corvette owners call them Ricers.
That term originated for the Japanese motorcycles I believe, but yes, they are now ricers as well. These trucks only rev to about 2700 rpm when they are in neutral. If I could have taken it to 6000 I would have blown his little car over like this...

That term originated for the Japanese motorcycles I believe, but yes, they are now ricers as well. These trucks only rev to about 2700 rpm when they are in neutral. If I could have taken it to 6000 I would have blown his little car over like this...

Yeah, rice burners was the term for motor cycles.
Concerning rainfall amounts I found this interesting.

According to the World Meteorological Organization, a record 1,825 mm (71.8 in) of rain fell in 24 hours at Foc-Foc (elevation: 2,990 m; 9,810 ft) on the French island territory of Réunion in the Indian Ocean on 7–8 January 1966. The event occurred during the passage of tropical cyclone Denise.
Concerning rainfall amounts I found this interesting.

According to the World Meteorological Organization, a record 1,825 mm (71.8 in) of rain fell in 24 hours at Foc-Foc (elevation: 2,990 m; 9,810 ft) on the French island territory of Réunion in the Indian Ocean on 7–8 January 1966. The event occurred during the passage of tropical cyclone Denise.
In my pipeliner days the Texans and Okies would have called that, “a genuine turd floater” 82...
Good morning from ATX. Currently 48°F and clear. Today's high topping out at 78°F. Nice.

And then there were Eight. First game starts at 7:15 pm EST tonight: Oregon State vs Houston followed by Hogs vs Bears.

Monday, Monday.....

Wishing happiness and health for all our fellow D-League members.

Well D League we should have a very pleasant day down here weather wise. Our current temperature is a mild 70° and our high this afternoon will be 80° The wind is off of the gulf at 6 mph and humidity 93%. Our chance of rain is 18%. We are still in the dry season and it should stay like this for 6 or 8 more weeks.

I have been diddling around on ebay, selling odds and ends as I try to down size my life. One thing I had no idea would sell are old license tags. I had some as old as 70 years and I once bought a 56 Chevy from an old man who had 20 years of tags in his trunk. Back then you got a new plate, different color, every year. Well these things have a huge market and I have been selling them like hot cakes. Last night I sold this one for $40.00 and I have sold them for as much as $75.00. Each. This one was on my 56 Chevy. Who would have thunk it?

Good morning D, we are now down to 30 degrees, but it's going to be a beautiful day.

Very emotional day at church yesterday, the two ladies talked about the cancer they have. One of the ladies ask that we specifically pray that they get a triple positive on their results, not sure what is involved with that, but I am asking the D, to pray for these two ladies PLEASE!!!!! Just pray for great results for them!!!!

We also ordained one of my best friends nd now they will be leaving our church for the church that has called him to theirs, We will miss them. Then on the 11th we are going to ordain another very close friend of mine and he will also be leaving for another church. I know they are doing what GOD has called them to do, but I will miss them!!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D, thanks for your friendship, even if it is cyber!!!!
Good morning D, we are now down to 30 degrees, but it's going to be a beautiful day.

Very emotional day at church yesterday, the two ladies talked about the cancer they have. One of the ladies ask that we specifically pray that they get a triple positive on their results, not sure what is involved with that, but I am asking the D, to pray for these two ladies PLEASE!!!!! Just pray for great results for them!!!!

We also ordained one of my best friends nd now they will be leaving our church for the church that has called him to theirs, We will miss them. Then on the 11th we are going to ordain another very close friend of mine and he will also be leaving for another church. I know they are doing what GOD has called them to do, but I will miss them!!!!!

I hope the D, has a great day and Prayers for the D, thanks for your friendship, even if it is cyber!!!!
Thank you for requesting prayer for your friends and sisters in Christ. May God bless them and touch them. Also prayers for the newly ordained. May God bless their ministry.
Good Morning all,

May your day be fruitful and multiple for you. May God allow you to bask in his glory and may God give you a blessing today that will allow you to give him praise! God is worthy of our praise!

NOTE: The below IS verbiage from an official government document.

I received something via email; (I will past some parts below)

FEMA Advisory March 24, 2021 1 FEMA to Help Pay Funeral Costs for COVID-19-related Deaths In early April, FEMA will begin providing financial assistance for funeral expenses incurred after Jan. 20, 2020 for deaths related to coronavirus (COVID-19) to help ease some of the financial stress and burden caused by the pandemic. The policy was finalized today, and FEMA is now moving rapidly to implement this funeral assistance program nationwide. To be eligible for COVID-19 funeral assistance, the policy states:  The applicant must be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or qualified alien who incurred funeral expenses after Jan. 20, 2020 for a death attributed to COVID-19.  If multiple individuals contributed toward funeral expenses, they should apply under a single application as applicant and co-applicant. FEMA will also consider documentation from other individuals not listed as the applicant and co-applicant who may have incurred funeral expenses as part of the registration for the deceased individual.  An applicant may apply for multiple deceased individuals.  The COVID-19-related death must have occurred in the United States, including the U.S. territories and the District of Columbia.  This assistance is limited to a maximum financial amount of $9,000 per funeral and a maximum of $35,500 per application.  Funeral assistance is intended to assist with expenses for funeral services and interment or cremation. In the coming weeks, a dedicated 800 number will be established to help individuals who apply. In the meantime, potential applicants are encouraged to start gathering the following documentation:  An official death certificate that attributes the death to COVID-19 and shows that the death occurred in the U. S. The death certificate must indicate the death “may have been caused by” or “was likely the result of” COVID-19 or COVID-19 like symptoms. Similar phrases that indicate a high likelihood of COVID-19 are considered sufficient attribution.  Funeral expense documents (receipts, funeral home contract, etc.) that include the applicant’s name, the deceased individual’s name, the amount of funeral expenses, and the dates the funeral expenses were incurred.

Is this some form of reparations? Sorry if considered morbid or untimely but this is ridiculous of FEMA WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS..... This is a WHOLE lot of money!!!
Good Morning all,

May your day be fruitful and multiple for you. May God allow you to bask in his glory and may God give you a blessing today that will allow you to give him praise! God is worthy of our praise!

NOTE: The below IS verbiage from an official government document.

I received something via email; (I will past some parts below)

FEMA Advisory March 24, 2021 1 FEMA to Help Pay Funeral Costs for COVID-19-related Deaths In early April, FEMA will begin providing financial assistance for funeral expenses incurred after Jan. 20, 2020 for deaths related to coronavirus (COVID-19) to help ease some of the financial stress and burden caused by the pandemic. The policy was finalized today, and FEMA is now moving rapidly to implement this funeral assistance program nationwide. To be eligible for COVID-19 funeral assistance, the policy states:  The applicant must be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or qualified alien who incurred funeral expenses after Jan. 20, 2020 for a death attributed to COVID-19.  If multiple individuals contributed toward funeral expenses, they should apply under a single application as applicant and co-applicant. FEMA will also consider documentation from other individuals not listed as the applicant and co-applicant who may have incurred funeral expenses as part of the registration for the deceased individual.  An applicant may apply for multiple deceased individuals.  The COVID-19-related death must have occurred in the United States, including the U.S. territories and the District of Columbia.  This assistance is limited to a maximum financial amount of $9,000 per funeral and a maximum of $35,500 per application.  Funeral assistance is intended to assist with expenses for funeral services and interment or cremation. In the coming weeks, a dedicated 800 number will be established to help individuals who apply. In the meantime, potential applicants are encouraged to start gathering the following documentation:  An official death certificate that attributes the death to COVID-19 and shows that the death occurred in the U. S. The death certificate must indicate the death “may have been caused by” or “was likely the result of” COVID-19 or COVID-19 like symptoms. Similar phrases that indicate a high likelihood of COVID-19 are considered sufficient attribution.  Funeral expense documents (receipts, funeral home contract, etc.) that include the applicant’s name, the deceased individual’s name, the amount of funeral expenses, and the dates the funeral expenses were incurred.

Is this some form of reparations? Sorry if considered morbid or untimely but this is ridiculous of FEMA WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS..... This is a WHOLE lot of money!!!

Wow. Much more than I'd receive from VA burial benefits.
Good morning D-League.

Prayers sent for the ladies in Cord's church.

Beautiful, cool spring morning here after a dismal rainy Sunday. It feels a bit like a taunt from Mother Nature, as I'm stuck in my home office looking out the window.

DIsappointed but not surprised by Alabama's demise last night. Every year some team rides the 3-point shot into the tournament, and Kentucky fans swoon over the idea that the Cats might adopt that system. And every year, in a one-and-done tournament, a cold shooting night kills them. Hell, that wasn't even Kentucky's game in 2010, but WVA forced the Cats into it, the players took the bait instead of driving the ball in to the teeth of the zone, and, well, you know.

What pays off in a six-game tournament is defense, rebounding and free throw shooting for the most part. The oldest formula in the game. Yes, you have to be able to score, but I noted this weekend most of the games ended up in the 60s, not the 90s.

Anyway, hope everyone has a good Monday.
The above dates and posts I posted about a job interview. During my second interview, I blanked during a question I was asked. (I wondered why as I knew the answer well. It was a somewhat critical question. I never panic and this was not an occasion for pressure.) I did well otherwise. Hit a homer IMO except for when I blanked-out.

In any event:
(I found this out Thursday last week. My regular day off was this past Friday.)
I may have the chance to move to Florida. My job may allow this very soon. (I will actually be allowed to work from anywhere, even overseas.) Not finalized yet but further along than any of us knew until today.

God's ways are not our ways. I knew that already and could never imagine God's plan as he can make things happen that are unimaginable to my earthly mind.

I doubt we'd do anything until later this year but it was and is a desire my wife and I both have. (Moving to a better area for housing and to be nearer the ocean.)

My darling and I talked about it. I'd move to South Carolina where one of our homes is at and find another or build. The low- lying land is the drawback in my mind along with the minimal amenities of Asian style markets but they are there. (They don't call it the low country for nothing.)

I also have North Carolina in mind too just due to better changing seasons weather-wise but no family in the area.

Michigan is not an option now though many relatives there but weather....the snow....Nope. I will invite them to visit US...

Texas may not be a choice but considered the Galveston area but never lived there. No desire for San Antonio again though we still own a home there and am considering another one. No ocean...

Florida is a real possibility as my son lives there and one daughter likes it and one daughter may. Not sure of the best area in Florida.

Thought about Tampa, Destin, Panama City, and possibly Pensacola, or Jacksonville. I will have to do research and am in no rush but I'd need an area with a decent area for Asian type markets as my wife and I enjoy eating that way. (A decent Korean population.)

I know a couple of you know Florida and other areas. I don't converse with many but you all are a haven I enjoy and cherish.

I am blessed beyond measure. I didn't get that job I had a second interview a couple weeks ago BUT, I will state again, No MAN can take away from me what God has in store for me. This actually just transpired today. (I started writing this Thursday.)

My desire in applying for another job was location. It was never about the money. I like the job I do but I feel if I don't try to get a better job I am not doing due diligence as a provider and exceling.(I can do that in other ways too.)

My plan was to retire as soon as possible but if this works I can work longer where we decide to retire. I have this in mind as a last move but who knows.... To God be the glory, his ways are not our ways. Trust in the Lord and lean not to your own understanding. I know this and continually this is confirmed in my life. Amazing to me how this happens but not surprising!

I cannot tell you how many times God has provided for me EXACTLY on time and NEVER late. Thanks for reading in any event. I know this was a book but I condensed my feelings.

Who knows what tomorrow holds. I am thankful! I had to declare my blessings and give God the praise. Thank you for allowing me to indulge.
Last edited:
The above dates and posts I posted about a job interview. During my second interview, I blanked during a question I was asked. (I wondered why as I knew the answer well. It was a somewhat critical question. I never panic and this was not an occasion for pressure.) I did well otherwise. Hit a homer IMO except for when I blanked-out.

In any event:
(I found this out Thursday last week. My regular day off was this past Friday.)
I may have the chance to move to Florida. My job may allow this very soon. (I will actually be allowed to work from anywhere, even overseas.) Not finalized yet but further along than any of us knew until today.

God's ways are not our ways. I knew that already and could never imagine God's plan as he can make things happen that are unimaginable to my earthly mind.

I doubt we'd do anything until later this year but it was and is a desire my wife and I both have. (Moving to a better area for housing and to be nearer the ocean.)

My darling and I talked about it. I'd move to South Carolina where one of our homes is at and find another or build. The low- lying land is the drawback in my mind along with the minimal amenities of Asian style markets but they are there. (They don't call it the low country for nothing.)

I also have North Carolina in mind too just due to better changing seasons weather-wise but no family in the area.

Michigan is not an option now though many relatives there but weather....the snow....Nope. I will invite them to visit US...

Texas may not be a choice but considered the Galveston area but never lived there. No desire for San Antonio again though we still own a home there and am considering another one. No ocean...

Florida is a real possibility as my son lives there and one daughter likes it and one daughter may. Not sure of the best area in Florida.

Thought about Tampa, Destin, Panama City, and possibly Pensacola, or Jacksonville. I will have to do research and am in no rush but I'd need an area with a decent area for Asian type markets as my wife and I enjoy eating that way. (A decent Korean population.)

I know a couple of you know Florida and other areas. I don't converse with many but you all are a haven I enjoy and cherish.

I am blessed beyond measure. I didn't get that job I had a second interview a couple weeks ago BUT, I will state again, No MAN can take away from me what God has in store for me. This actually just transpired today. (I started writing this Thursday.)

My desire in applying for another job was location. It was never about the money. I like the job I do but I feel if I don't try to get a better job I am not doing due diligence as a provider and exceling.(I can do that in other ways too.)

My plan was to retire as soon as possible but if this works I can work longer where we decide to retire. I have this in mind as a last move but who knows.... To God be the glory, his ways are not our ways. Trust in the Lord and lean not to your own understanding. I know this and continually this is confirmed in my life. Amazing to me how this happens but not surprising!

I cannot tell you how many times God has provided for me EXACTLY on time and NEVER late. Thanks for reading in any event. I know this was a book but I condensed my feelings.

Who knows what tomorrow holds. I am thankful! I had to declare my blessings and give God the praise. Thank you for allowing me to indulge.
What is the saying, I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know WHO holds tomorrow!!!!
BBUK, if warm weather and beach is number one in your move then Florida is a good choice, except Florida has no high ground except in the West. I have never seen better sand beaches than in Florida. The Texas beaches that I have been to, do not how a light for Florida's. (Note my favored beaches are in Cap Cod but they sure as heck are not sandy and it sure is not warm.)

I assume you are going to be able to work remote via a computer. So maybe you need to check for a spot with warm weather, beach and high speed internet. It is shocking at how hard that is to get in some areas. In rural Kentucky I have four carriers on my street and one offers 1 gig download. You go to some large cities and you can't get near that.

Good luck in your decision. There are a lot of good destinations in America. I have lived in Kentucky, North Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Texas and Maryland. I loved all of them.
BBUK, if warm weather and beach is number one in your move then Florida is a good choice, except Florida has no high ground except in the West. I have never seen better sand beaches than in Florida. The Texas beaches that I have been to, do not how a light for Florida's. (Note my favored beaches are in Cap Cod but they sure as heck are not sandy and it sure is not warm.)

I assume you are going to be able to work remote via a computer. So maybe you need to check for a spot with warm weather, beach and high speed internet. It is shocking at how hard that is to get in some areas. In rural Kentucky I have four carriers on my street and one offers 1 gig download. You go to some large cities and you can't get near that.

Good luck in your decision. There are a lot of good destinations in America. I have lived in Kentucky, North Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Texas and Maryland. I loved all of them.
Bert I have lived in a lot of good places too, Kentucky, Fort Knox, Paducah, Dawson Springs and Muhlenberg Co., world traveler here!!!!
Good morning D-League. It's a frosty 34° here in Eastern Kentucky, with a high of 59° expected today.

Everyone stay safe out there today. That is all for now.
They are forecasting a high of 37 for us on Thursday, but back up to 70 three days later. Then they are showing no less than 70 for daytime highs for the following couple of weeks. Hope this is the last of the cold weather.
BBUK, if warm weather and beach is number one in your move then Florida is a good choice, except Florida has no high ground except in the West. I have never seen better sand beaches than in Florida. The Texas beaches that I have been to, do not how a light for Florida's. (Note my favored beaches are in Cap Cod but they sure as heck are not sandy and it sure is not warm.)

I assume you are going to be able to work remote via a computer. So maybe you need to check for a spot with warm weather, beach and high speed internet. It is shocking at how hard that is to get in some areas. In rural Kentucky I have four carriers on my street and one offers 1 gig download. You go to some large cities and you can't get near that.

Good luck in your decision. There are a lot of good destinations in America. I have lived in Kentucky, North Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Texas and Maryland. I loved all of them.

Thank you Sir. We are in no rush. We will take time and then the Lord will tell me anyway. It does take due diligence. I cannot tell you the difference it makes in how I already approach things. I am thankful!
The above dates and posts I posted about a job interview. During my second interview, I blanked during a question I was asked. (I wondered why as I knew the answer well. It was a somewhat critical question. I never panic and this was not an occasion for pressure.) I did well otherwise. Hit a homer IMO except for when I blanked-out.

In any event:
(I found this out Thursday last week. My regular day off was this past Friday.)
I may have the chance to move to Florida. My job may allow this very soon. (I will actually be allowed to work from anywhere, even overseas.) Not finalized yet but further along than any of us knew until today.

God's ways are not our ways. I knew that already and could never imagine God's plan as he can make things happen that are unimaginable to my earthly mind.

I doubt we'd do anything until later this year but it was and is a desire my wife and I both have. (Moving to a better area for housing and to be nearer the ocean.)

My darling and I talked about it. I'd move to South Carolina where one of our homes is at and find another or build. The low- lying land is the drawback in my mind along with the minimal amenities of Asian style markets but they are there. (They don't call it the low country for nothing.)

I also have North Carolina in mind too just due to better changing seasons weather-wise but no family in the area.

Michigan is not an option now though many relatives there but weather....the snow....Nope. I will invite them to visit US...

Texas may not be a choice but considered the Galveston area but never lived there. No desire for San Antonio again though we still own a home there and am considering another one. No ocean...

Florida is a real possibility as my son lives there and one daughter likes it and one daughter may. Not sure of the best area in Florida.

Thought about Tampa, Destin, Panama City, and possibly Pensacola, or Jacksonville. I will have to do research and am in no rush but I'd need an area with a decent area for Asian type markets as my wife and I enjoy eating that way. (A decent Korean population.)

I know a couple of you know Florida and other areas. I don't converse with many but you all are a haven I enjoy and cherish.

I am blessed beyond measure. I didn't get that job I had a second interview a couple weeks ago BUT, I will state again, No MAN can take away from me what God has in store for me. This actually just transpired today. (I started writing this Thursday.)

My desire in applying for another job was location. It was never about the money. I like the job I do but I feel if I don't try to get a better job I am not doing due diligence as a provider and exceling.(I can do that in other ways too.)

My plan was to retire as soon as possible but if this works I can work longer where we decide to retire. I have this in mind as a last move but who knows.... To God be the glory, his ways are not our ways. Trust in the Lord and lean not to your own understanding. I know this and continually this is confirmed in my life. Amazing to me how this happens but not surprising!

I cannot tell you how many times God has provided for me EXACTLY on time and NEVER late. Thanks for reading in any event. I know this was a book but I condensed my feelings.

Who knows what tomorrow holds. I am thankful! I had to declare my blessings and give God the praise. Thank you for allowing me to indulge.
Best of luck to you, whatever you decide.
We're not missing him either. We have Bertfan31, who's a lot better poster.
Maybe not, but Bob Gibson/Tim McCarver battery would not be too far behind.

I have 3
  1. Papaw's Gov Louie, B Nunn
  2. Dad's Gov. John Y. Brown Jr.
  3. Mine Gov. Paul E. Patton

Praying for a speedy recovery and excellent, excellent, excellent results from the lab.

Isaiah 53:5

“But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”

Put me on ignore. Easy. You and your pals have said much worse to me. I was compared to cancer. Seriously. That’s sad. I get you all are devistated and hurt over lord trump getting smoked but it not my fault. Grow up and get on board or don’t and live out your like in hate and sadness. I made it 4 years. You all can make it 8. I’ll leave you alone. You seem like a decent person. D-league carry on. I’ll stay out.