
Morning. It's 32 and rain/snow headed our way.

Sounds like Bert already has his game eyes on, looking for some contact. When in hs practicing bb and our coach told us to play some d, the first thing we would do is go to the man we were guarding and shove him or put a hard forearm in his chest to get started. Made us get going. Didn't call fouls. It made everybody hustle. Kinda fun. Hope the Cats have some fun Saturday. FCC.
Hey please remember little bit in your thoughts and prayers. Bad earache. Certainly not life threatening, but been very uncomfortable. Yesterday doc put a tiny tube in her ear as it was determined the canal was so swollen the drops of 3 days were not reaching the back of her canal. Somewhat better today. Told her wish it was me. She's my last, 12 years old. I have a Jacob-Joseph relation with her. Although popular thought around here is I spoil them all. FCC.
Damn property tax on our house skyrocketed again. I'll try to bargain AGAIN but I'm running out of arguments.
Probably you can go to a web site in your county that has a web site with the property evaluation. Check out you'r neighbors property value. Do your homework; then go and make your case.

I did it. I was a mayor and won; however, it cost me my job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn property tax on our house skyrocketed again. I'll try to bargain AGAIN but I'm running out of arguments.
I lived in Forsyth County, Georgia and once you reached the age of 65 you did not have to pay anymore school taxes. That was about 95% of the property tax. My taxes dropped to $238.00 a year. My house was over 3,750 square feet so that was not too bad. The land was over an acre.

Maybe you can talk your county into eliminating the school taxes once your children are out of school. Death and taxes are certain for sure. My grandpa once told me, son you don't own anything, the government is just letting you borrow it. Quit paying property taxes and see who owns your house and quit paying for your auto tags and you sit in the driveway.
In a few years, we may be able to have several of these references. I saw where we were recruiting a shooting forward who is a soph at Huntington Prep. He made another unofficial this weekend. His first was BBM. His name is JT Thor. I hope he brings the thunder and lightning with him.

UK go get Thor. I've ben seeing a lot tops stories about this you man, he is very good!
Thank you for sharing this. It brings back some great memories.

When I was a student the Memorial Coliseum fans would always pause when Adolph Rupp walked out of the locker room to the bench before the game. The UK band sit at mid court and would look toward Rupp and say "Hello Uncle Adolph".. He would smile and wave and we knew everything was going to be OK. That is a tradition mentioned in the article that was just another little thing that made our Wildcats special.

And after he was gone, they said "Hello Cawood"
Hey please remember little bit in your thoughts and prayers. Bad earache. Certainly not life threatening, but been very uncomfortable. Yesterday doc put a tiny tube in her ear as it was determined the canal was so swollen the drops of 3 days were not reaching the back of her canal. Somewhat better today. Told her wish it was me. She's my last, 12 years old. I have a Jacob-Joseph relation with her. Although popular thought around here is I spoil them all. FCC.

Hey please remember little bit in your thoughts and prayers. Bad earache. Certainly not life threatening, but been very uncomfortable. Yesterday doc put a tiny tube in her ear as it was determined the canal was so swollen the drops of 3 days were not reaching the back of her canal. Somewhat better today. Told her wish it was me. She's my last, 12 years old. I have a Jacob-Joseph relation with her. Although popular thought around here is I spoil them all. FCC.
Hoping your little girl's ailment starts healing soon.
The chickens did not have a problem with roads until the humans started building them. Humans are always screwing around with chickens.

Never perceived you as a chickenarian Bert. Hmmm...I've always been on the side of beef. Knew quite a few of them personally and never had a problem that couldn't be resolved by the butcher. Chickens just never seemed to have their heads on right in my mind.

Thanks, the Grizzly will love this.

I usually double up on the arbol and it is very potent. I think it's key to roast the peppers and cumin first. Done it both ways. Enjoy.

What's the difference in a butte and a plateau and a mesa?

This is a game changer. Look at the live camera 2. Adult guarding nest, suburban environ.

Eagles will become a pest everywhere.
:boom: :americanflag: :boom: :americanflag: :boom:[banana]

Not for Americans. They taste like chicken cooked in baby seal oil. I don't know myself but Bert told me.
Bob Valvano asked for prayer for Mike Pratt. Apparently has some serious health issues. I spoke to him at Tuesday's game and he didn't act like anything was wrong. I would say it is serious or Valvano wouldn't be asking for prayer, publicly. :pray: Glad he got to see his old friend Issel at the game. Big Dan was the Y in the 2nd half.
Bob Valvano asked for prayer for Mike Pratt. Apparently has some serious health issues. I spoke to him at Tuesday's game and he didn't act like anything was wrong. I would say it is serious or Valvano wouldn't be asking for prayer, publicly. :pray: Glad he got to see his old friend Issel at the game. Big Dan was the Y in the 2nd half.

Pratt and Issel are back in my earliest memories.
What's the difference in a butte and a plateau and a mesa?

Butte - where a harder geologic cap has protected the substrate from the weathering effects of climate over time. An example might be a volcanic or limestone cap.

Mesa - spanish word for table. This physiographic feature where the harder geologic cap again has prevent erosion of the substrate. Below the harder Limestone has protected the substrate of sandstone being eroded.

Plateau - is plate tectonic geologic uplift. An classic example would be the Colorado Plateau of the Southern Rocky Mtns drained by the Colorado River through the grand canyon.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 54°F and clear. We should reach 63°F.

Game tonight at Rupp, y'all! Wooooo Hoooo! Go Cats!

Survived the dreaded colonoscopy today. No polyps so that was good. What was really good was a late lunch/ early dinner. Surprising how good food tastes when you haven't eaten in two days.
Colon cancer came after me in 2012. It was the sickest I've ever been. My appendix burst because I threw up with such intensity. LOL, I posted in old D-League threads from the hospital back then. Definitely recommend regular screening.

We'll check back later. Y'all behave.