
No doubt that Duke paid for his services.
I really don't know but smells like a rat.
My first Playboy magazine that I had (I stole it so the merchant - my next door neighbor - would not know I was looking at nude women) was the one with Marilyn. Oh my gosh.

I did pay Fred for the magazine after I started college and was brave enough to face him.

Too bad that you had to pay for a magazine that was worn out in two weeks.
My first Playboy magazine that I had (I stole it so the merchant - my next door neighbor - would not know I was looking at nude women) was the one with Marilyn. Oh my gosh.

I did pay Fred for the magazine after I started college and was brave enough to face him.

Playboy #1
Playboy #1 featuring Marilyn Monroe on the cover and in the famous Playboy centerfold until recently was selling around $2,000 each. Then came the CGC grading system and high-grade Playboy examples have rocketed to tens of thousands of dollars. Here is an example that we at Nate D. Sanders Auctions ( have sold:

  • Good morning D-League
  • Drinking a second cup of coffee and might just drink the whole pot.
  • It is 56° F with a high of 72° F this afternoon.
  • Cloud cover is 1% with a steady breeze of 4.7 mph, gusting to 15
  • A nice day for a walk on the beach.
  • The Cats play Vandy tonight. I expect a good game and we should handle them fairly easy. But Vandy has been a tough opponent over the years.
  • A couple of weeks ago my wife put a mattress cover on our bed and since then I have woke up with every bone in my body aching. I mean pain buddy. So today that thing comes off and I will see if that is the cause. I have always like a firm mattress.. My wife is not convinced the mattress is causing my problems but I want to find out.
  • Everything else in life is treating me good. Trust all D-Leaguers feel well and I am thankful the colonoscopy turned out OK for Ben. I had one 10 months ago and they found a polyp, Doc said it was a large one. Now I will have to go back every 3 years . The test may be inconvenient but it is a lifesaver. My son's sister in law died of colon cancer last year and she was in her 40's. When they found out what was wrong with her it was too late, Stage 4. I am at the age where you being to lose may friends and family. For some reason cancer seems to be taking most of them. Lost my best friend to pancreatic cancer he lived a month after diagnosed. Three other friends to colon. My first cousin had colon cancer that spread to his liver. He was 60 and lived 3 months after diagnosed. Stage 4 when he first saw the doctor. Get those tests folks.
  • Go Cats let's win a basketball game today.


I love explosives. We used to do a lot of power plants and we used binarys. Of course, moving earth like in the video they use a rock drill and powder. Even though we worked in power plants, we still had to get licensed through the div of mines, in KY. Test had a lot of questions about how much powder to move so many yards of earth. I was ok since I had a lot of that from my MOS. I've forgotten most of that stuff, but I think I still have a handbook, someplace. I suppose my kids will find it when I'm gone.
Good morning D-League! We had a light snow last night didn't amount to much. Glad everything good on your test Ben!!! My dad passed away in 95 our family has our tests regularly. I am due one before long dread it but we know it's for the best!! I hope everyone has a great day and go cats!!!

Thanks. Yes, have it done. Prep and fasting are the worst parts, as you know. Since I have had 4 over the years, and never had a polyp, I am planning on having another in 5 years, at 72, and if I still have no polyps, that will be my last one. From there on, I will just do a fecal occult test.
35.8°F here. It may drop a little more as sun rise begins.

Ben good to know the old colon looks good. Sad to hear that Pratt may be ill.

Rooster glad to see the KCS locomotive engines. I used to work a lot with the KCS as my connection. Good folks. A guy by the name of Jeff Torbett was one of my main contacts. I don't know where he ended up in the 19 years since I retired.

Bert, not sure it looks good, just healthy. :smiley:
Louisville looking badass right now. Pitino is a run of the mill coach since everyone else adapted to the 3 point shot. He lost over half his games that were 3 points or less. Lost over half his game that went to overtime.

Hate to say it but Louisville is going to thrive under Mack. Hope the NCAA hammers them and slows it down a little.
What sucks is that he's a likable guy. I doubt I'll like him when the Cards beat the Cats, and it'll eventually happen, but still...
What sucks is that he's a likable guy. I doubt I'll like him when the Cards beat the Cats, and it'll eventually happen, but still...

Yeah, I don't have anything against him other than he's the coach there. I'm sure the reasons will deepen as time goes by. The location of his vocation causes frustration in my station within the big blue nation. Rational? Probably not.