
I noticed the cougars of the North Kaibab Plateau seemed to be targeting the mule deer bucks with large racks. The kill bite wounds were at the base of the skull. I wondered if the racks made them more vulnerable to attack. Still don't know. A significance to shedding?

The large rack bucks are the oldest and have fought many times. They've lost a step and are now prey. Or...the cats aren't very good with spacial concepts and see the antlers as being just a bigger deer. Bigger deer, more meat. Or...a combination of the two. Or...a different reason altogether. Pretty sure I'm right about that.

Right now, I could get high on ymmot's meatloaf.

It was good and I got full. Wife liked it too. It will be good tomorrow to make a sandwich with. I picked the wrong day to stop eating bread.
The large rack bucks are the oldest and have fought many times. They've lost a step and are now prey. Or...the cats aren't very good with spacial concepts and see the antlers as being just a bigger deer. Bigger deer, more meat. Or...a combination of the two. Or...a different reason altogether. Pretty sure I'm right about that.
More complicated than I thought. Just thinking out loud. I'll shut up.
I've seen very little of the Sopranos. Haven't watched Breaking Bad either.
I’m not especially drawn to crime dramas, but on the basic level of storytelling and of effectively revealing insights into human psychology, both shows are well crafted and exceptionally well written. What makes the Sopranos worth a re-watch to me is that it was consistently funny.
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Good morning! I've been up for a couple of hours now. Only got 4 hours but that should be plenty to get me through what I've got planned for the day.

Spent the last 2 hours studying about ketosis and sugar substitutes. Of course that means I had to check on a bunch of hyperlinks as well.

Just made some coffee. Opened a brand new bag of Kona. We've been on an Antiguan kick for awhile now but this tastes great.
Good morning D-League it's cold in the Berg this morning 17! Got a busy day today, it's my daughters birthday 38 WOW! I asked her what she wanted me to fix for her b-dinner, southwest chicken or chili, so I am fixing chili!!! Also got to help my son measure his house so he can get some flooring! I hope everyone has a good day and stay safe! Looks like the snow is going north of us, OEC looks like ya'll might be getting the snow!
Sometimes I do it Spag & cheese. I also use a bucket of fresh chilis. Mostly Jalapenos. I sperment continuously.

That's what makes chili fun. You can riff on it however you like. I grew up with my mothers chili and she put spaghetti in it. You can easily double or triple the mileage you get from your batch if you add pasta. Pasta is a lot cheaper than good chili. Beans too for that matter.

I make my own chili powder using Alton Brown's recipe as a starting point. It is not like store bought at all and there is no need for extra cumin or cayenne pepper.
Good morning from Mermaid City. Currently 44°F and clear, headed to a high of. 67°F. We still have not turned on the heat this season.

Lot's to do today and after a few more cups of coffee I will dig in and get started..
I am glad to see our football coaching staff staying put because continuity is a good thing. Maybe the offense will open up next year as our QB improves and wide receivers are used more. Looking forward to seeing what develops.I

I trust every one has a wonderful Friday!

Nice article in The Tennessean today about Adolph Rupp and his Grandson Chip.
Thank you for sharing this. It brings back some great memories.

When I was a student the Memorial Coliseum fans would always pause when Adolph Rupp walked out of the locker room to the bench before the game. The UK band sit at mid court and would look toward Rupp and say "Hello Uncle Adolph".. He would smile and wave and we knew everything was going to be OK. That is a tradition mentioned in the article that was just another little thing that made our Wildcats special.
Happy Friday D. We survived the first full work week of the year, if we get through today.

Cats at Vandy Saturday - a historically tough place to play. But I'm going to be an optimist and predict the frontcourt and backcourt both show up at the same game.

Hope it is a good day for you all.
The only reason that it is in prime time is the odds of Kentucky losing is high. When UK is the shoo in it will be on at noon.

Honest to god that is how the time is chosen.
Happy Friday D. We survived the first full work week of the year, if we get through today.

Cats at Vandy Saturday - a historically tough place to play. But I'm going to be an optimist and predict the frontcourt and backcourt both show up at the same game.

Hope it is a good day for you all.
Vandy plays at Kentucky Saturday.
Wow. My bad. That's a completely different proposition. Honestly, if the Cats have to play them twice I think I'd rather go down there now. But that could be argued either way I suppose.
No problem. Glad the game is at Rupp. Hopefully when the Cats do go to Vandy they are playing more consistent and will be firing on all cylinders.