
and zippo ... is a little lighter! GET IT!


...ok I'm done.
SC Fort Knox is where I first heard thunder snow!!!! Spent a lot of time on the tank range at Knox!!!! Also there was the first time I ever saw a comet 1970! Stayed up all night watching it! I think that was when I got hooked on sky watching! It's a different world looking thru a telescope rather than looking with the naked eye!!!! Are you sure you are not 5'4 and meaner than a snake!!!!!!LOL
LOL, I have been called meaner than a snake by many trainees. I was 5'4" when I was about 13 and that may have been as mean as I have been in my life.
sex with animals
evolutionary dead end . . . out

Any doctor who is capable of writing a prescription for Oxycontin or Morphine, you know, the safe drugs, will be able to write a script for the evil weed.
Enforce necessary societal restrictions to assist responsibility that protect youth and public then who cares.
evolutionary dead end . . . out

Enforce necessary societal restrictions to assist responsibility that protect youth and public then who cares.

Just like we have now for alcohol. We also need legitimate data that doesn't lead someone to believe that a single joint can affect ones performance or behavior for up to 30 days.

Anybody tune into internet channels like this and become mesmerized?

I go down the rabbit hole all the time. Funny thing about those videos is that you're watching the universe unfold right in front of you one moment, and the next you're watching dudes purposefully drive $50,000 trucks into a mudhole to see if they get stuck or not.
If one of these eaglets falls out of the nest at this age. Is some human designated to put it back in the nest, or do they let nature take it's course? They look like they are sharing body heat at the moment. I'm being a pessimist I guess.
With the publicity this nest is receiving the rescue would be immediate.
Anyone else listening to the Jones show this morning? A bill has been signed for medical marijuana in Ky and if OK'd could be implemented as early as this April. Next time I go see Bert I might take a bottle of bourbon and a nice indica.

In other news, Ky is one of two states where it is legal to have sex with animals. Has been voted on at least 5 times in the past. Hopefully it's one of those deals where someone puts something totally unrelated and stupid in the bill as a rider.

It shows the quality and moral fiber of our legislators.
I was there 1970 for basic and AIT Armor
I was back home in Florida in 1970 but I imagine things were pretty much like they were in 1968 ( was discharged in May) All in all I had a very good experience in the Army and I am still getting Christmas cards from some of my fellow DI's. We were a tight knit group.
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Our #3 grandson had running drug screens waiting on him when he returned from Christmas leave. The Army does not allow the soldiers to smoke weed or use other drugs. If one tests positive for drugs then they are on their way out of the Army.
In my two years as a Drill Instructor we had maybe 5 or 6 cases of drug issues. All involved trainees from up North. Fort Knox drew recruits from Ohio, Indiana Michigan, Kentucky and some parts of Tennessee. The Kentucky and Tennessee recruits were the best to deal with as most could shoot a rifle and were respectful. They did not question an order. Detroit, Gary, Indiana and Cleveland recruits were the pits. Some stories I could tell about making these boys into soldiers could make a movie.

Back in those days we had a draft and several times we received recruits from Detroit who were told by a judge they were going to jail or the Army. Take their pick. Some were gang leaders and were tough to deal with but the Army has a way of breaking you if you come in looking for trouble.
Hey hey, I've been up for 7 hours but it seems a lot longer than that. Knocked out another 11 hours of sleep last night to catch up for the 4 I had Tuesday night.

Got a bacon wrapped meatloaf bomb ready to go into the oven at 1800. I'm thinking it will be tasty.

I wonder which Vandy player will go off for 24 against us Saturday?

It was cold when I went out but the Sun was shining and the wind was calm. I like it like that.

Our government routinely throws around billions like they're pennies. THiS particular 5.7 billion is sacred though. Why? Most of us know.
Hey hey, I've been up for 7 hours but it seems a lot longer than that. Knocked out another 11 hours of sleep last night to catch up for the 4 I had Tuesday night.

Got a bacon wrapped meatloaf bomb ready to go into the oven at 1800. I'm thinking it will be tasty.

I wonder which Vandy player will go off for 24 against us Saturday?

It was cold when I went out but the Sun was shining and the wind was calm. I like it like that.

Our government routinely throws around billions like they're pennies. THiS particular 5.7 billion is sacred though. Why? Most of us know.

Yep, the shutdown will cost more than the wall.

I never knew that an Eagle roosted like many fowl do. And I wonder where her mate is. An I also wonder where the other eaglet is. I hope it is under her.
Mama is feeding them a nice mess of fish. One flew over my house and dove into the lake and picked out a nice large mouth bass. The eagle dropped it and flew off. If a few minutes the buzzards showed up and they feasted on bass for a few days.
Florida panther with deer. Supper time

I noticed the cougars of the North Kaibab Plateau seemed to be targeting the mule deer bucks with large racks. The kill bite wounds were at the base of the skull. I wondered if the racks made them more vulnerable to attack. Still don't know. A significance to shedding?