
Hey D! It's been a busy, busy last 24 hours. My wife's stepfather has been in the hospital for the past 2 weeks and is being moved to rehab at Frazier. I had to watch the game from my mother-in-law's last night because,,, well she's a... Never mind. For all you out there that have or have had a likable mother-in-law then I'm envious. What she has put my wife through her entire life should be a crime.

This is one of the few places I can bitch about this without any repercussions.

Went through that with my ex wife who is my ex wife because she started taking on too many traits of her mother. Example: she graduated college with a 3.96 GPA. Her mother mentioned too many times to know that if she hadn't got a B she could have had a 4.0. She brought it up all the time. Simply because she couldn't brag to the women at church that her daughter was perfect.
Hey D! It's been a busy, busy last 24 hours. My wife's stepfather has been in the hospital for the past 2 weeks and is being moved to rehab at Frazier. I had to watch the game from my mother-in-law's last night because,,, well she's a... Never mind. For all you out there that have or have had a likable mother-in-law then I'm envious. What she has put my wife through her entire life should be a crime.

This is one of the few places I can bitch about this without any repercussions.

What's your MIL's phone number?
Good morning D. Finally turning a bit colder in the east after a warmish January. Enjoyed watching Auburn fall last night, and thought Kansas might lose at home until the referees rushed to their rescue.

Off to work. At least the subway is not crowded as long as the shutdown continues. I hope everyone has a good day.
Good morning from cold Florida. Currently 46°F and clear. High forecast for 58°F.

Baby it is cold outside and I can't handle the cold. But today I am going to so something about it. I have an appointment with the eye doctor this morning to get it fixed. Cold weather, air conditioning and ceiling fans make my eyes water, especially my left eye. It looks like I am crying. So the eye doc will seal up my tear glands. I guess that is what he is going to do.

Other than that today I will try to stay warm. This weather is crazy.

Good morning D-League! It is cold here!!!! 18! Not going to get much warmer! Will not be able to find any milk or bread around here in the Berg today someone mentioned the S word! Snow! They still don't know how much because this model says this and this model says that They just don't know!!!! When they do that I think about a few years ago when they told us we were going to get about an inch ended up around 16 inches! Later they said on the weather well we missed this one!!!!! Have a goodun today!!!!
Hey D.
Thirsty Thursday.
Good vibes & positivity sent your way.
Glad to see some of the teams right above UK lose. Auburn lost, Georgia beat Vandy pretty handily. I'm sure someone from Vandy will be on fire when Saturday rolls around.
Just heard this...What's the difference between a hippo & a zippo?
One is a little heavy and the other one is ..... a ...... little .....

You're welcome...
Good morning D-League! It is cold here!!!! 18! Not going to get much warmer! Will not be able to find any milk or bread around here in the Berg today someone mentioned the S word! Snow! They still don't know how much because this model says this and this model says that They just don't know!!!! When they do that I think about a few years ago when they told us we were going to get about an inch ended up around 16 inches! Later they said on the weather well we missed this one!!!!! Have a goodun today!!!!
I forgot what 18 degree temperature feels like. The coldest I have ever been in my life was at Fort Knox, KY. It was about -5 one day and we were out on the tank range. A soldier friend in our unit, who was from the deep south took off his gloves and placed a bare hand on the tank. When he tried to remove his hand it was stuck. So he jerked real hard and tore the skin off and bled like a stuck hog. He had no idea this would happen (I guess he did not watch Christmas Story.) He screamed and yelled out what in the blank am I doing here I told him you're in the Army boy.
I forgot what 18 degree temperature feels like. The coldest I have ever been in my life was at Fort Knox, KY. It was about -5 one day and we were out on the tank range. A soldier friend in our unit, who was from the deep south took off his gloves and placed a bare hand on the tank. When he tried to remove his hand it was stuck. So he jerked real hard and tore the skin off and bled like a stuck hog. He had no idea this would happen (I guess he did not watch Christmas Story.) He screamed and yelled out what in the blank am I doing here I told him you're in the Army boy.
SC Fort Knox is where I first heard thunder snow!!!! Spent a lot of time on the tank range at Knox!!!! Also there was the first time I ever saw a comet 1970! Stayed up all night watching it! I think that was when I got hooked on sky watching! It's a different world looking thru a telescope rather than looking with the naked eye!!!! Are you sure you are not 5'4 and meaner than a snake!!!!!!LOL

In a few years, we may be able to have several of these references. I saw where we were recruiting a shooting forward who is a soph at Huntington Prep. He made another unofficial this weekend. His first was BBM. His name is JT Thor. I hope he brings the thunder and lightning with him.
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I forgot what 18 degree temperature feels like. The coldest I have ever been in my life was at Fort Knox, KY. It was about -5 one day and we were out on the tank range. A soldier friend in our unit, who was from the deep south took off his gloves and placed a bare hand on the tank. When he tried to remove his hand it was stuck. So he jerked real hard and tore the skin off and bled like a stuck hog. He had no idea this would happen (I guess he did not watch Christmas Story.) He screamed and yelled out what in the blank am I doing here I told him you're in the Army boy.

At Fort Leonard Wood, when we first got into reception station, I had a couple of buddies who were just finishing AIT visit me. They were heavy equipment operators and they were given the morning off because the equipment was frozen to the ground.
Morning D, A brisk 52 this morning, only getting up to 65, and believe me, once you get used to our NORMAL weather, this is freezing! Had to break out a UK hoodie.

Went to the family doctor this morning, he gave me good news, I'm still alive. Blood pressure was good, but I gained a few pounds, need the Gorilla glue lipstick.

Seems I eat less now then i ever have. Guess it's the Hot wings, Pizza and beer. Hope Y'all have a good day, will check in later
Hey D.
Thirsty Thursday.
Good vibes & positivity sent your way.
Glad to see some of the teams right above UK lose. Auburn lost, Georgia beat Vandy pretty handily. I'm sure someone from Vandy will be on fire when Saturday rolls around.
Just heard this...What's the difference between a hippo & a zippo?
One is a little heavy and the other one is ..... a ...... little .....

You're welcome...

The Zippo lighter almost had the name of Zipper. Some dude had already invented the zipper though and that's what he called it. Zippo guy contacts him and asks him to change the name and let him use Zipper. After zipper guy refused, he decided to call it Zippo.

And now you know, the rest, of the story.
Anyone else listening to the Jones show this morning? A bill has been signed for medical marijuana in Ky and if OK'd could be implemented as early as this April. Next time I go see Bert I might take a bottle of bourbon and a nice indica.

In other news, Ky is one of two states where it is legal to have sex with animals. Has been voted on at least 5 times in the past. Hopefully it's one of those deals where someone puts something totally unrelated and stupid in the bill as a rider.