Global Climate Changes

The California drought is basically over too. Just more climate disruption that must be remedied via taxation and screaming teenage drop outs

If the climate had not been made political to “take advantage of a crisis,” so to speak, we would be able to reasonably discuss the negatives AND positives of a warming world. But, fear mongering sells more papers, makes people more money, and drives votes.

If people are objective, defeating global warming as an ideal is absolutely one of the easiest arguments ever.

I knew years ago it was questionable soon as i saw they removed outlier temps in forming their conclusion. Then i immediately knew it was bs soon as i saw how many outliers they removed. If theyre tracking something like temps, there are no such things as outliers. Then when you have to designate so many outliers, that in and of itself means it isnt an outlier at all.

If that wasnt enough, the neverending name change should say it all. Of course as with most things nowadays, people form their opinion first then look for facts to back it.
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After COVID, is there any news that is 100% trustworthy? Weird times.
There has never been a time when news reporting has been 100% trustworthy. It just seems worse today because anyone who has an agenda can mount a campaign on social media to advance his world view. Conspiracy theorists have come out of the woodwork and muddy up the waters of impartial journalism.

I choose to ignore the “journalists” and their myriad agendas and look to science for answers. It’s easy to do now because scientists’ works are so accessible. Also, AI is now available to translate the jargon of scientific publications into plain English.

I make my own decisions rather than depending upon journalists to craft them for me. It takes a bit of work but the alternative is not acceptable to me.
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There has never been a time when news reporting has been 100% trustworthy. It just seems worse today because anyone who has an agenda can mount a campaign on social media to advance his world view. Conspiracy theorists have come out of the woodwork and muddy up the waters of impartial journalism.

I choose to ignore the “journalists” and their myriad agendas and look to science for answers. It’s easy to do now because scientists’ works are so accessible. Also, AI is now available to translate the jargon of scientific publications into plain English.

I make my own decisions rather than depending upon journalists to craft them for me. It takes a bit of work but the alternative is not acceptable to me.
Trust the science, ey?
There has never been a time when news reporting has been 100% trustworthy. It just seems worse today because anyone who has an agenda can mount a campaign on social media to advance his world view. Conspiracy theorists have come out of the woodwork and muddy up the waters of impartial journalism.

I choose to ignore the “journalists” and their myriad agendas and look to science for answers. It’s easy to do now because scientists’ works are so accessible. Also, AI is now available to translate the jargon of scientific publications into plain English.

I make my own decisions rather than depending upon journalists to craft them for me. It takes a bit of work but the alternative is not acceptable to me.
I got a full time job, man.
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BTW, Antarctica just recorded the coldest winter on record, surpassing 2004 previous record.

Not saying that the climate isn't changing, just doubt seriously that we have enough information over a long enough period to have a clue what is causing it besides natural fluctuations.

I have no doubt that there is so form of climate change. Whether it's cyclical or man made, no idea. I suspect some of both but we definitely don't have enough unbiased information to make an accurate assessment.
Gorgeous days in Kentucky yesterday and today (not sure about Neptune). The record high for yesterday’s date was 104 in 1913. Record low for yesterday was 57 in 1976. We hit a high of 82 yesterday. Got 80 so far today. Looking at a high of 84. Beautiful for July.

Does it mean anything more than that?
