
Just got off the phone with my wife while she was on her way home. Her phone is paired up with her car so all she has to do is putter along and talk. Sometimes she wants to call and vent to me about her day. I listen, but it's probably going on speaker and I'm going to continue doing whatever I was or wasn't doing. Today though was one of those special days when we just talked about stuff. Not as a husband and wife, not as a man and a woman, just as people. I like that.

Sometimes I find myself hearing my wife, but not exactly listening. I guess it is because we have been married 44 years and I generally know what she is going to say, before she says it. However, one of my New Year resolutions is to be a better listener, especially when she is speaking.
Sometimes I find myself hearing my wife, but not exactly listening. I guess it is because we have been married 44 years and I generally know what she is going to say, before she says it. However, one of my New Year resolutions is to be a better listener, especially when she is speaking.

I consider myself to be a pretty good listener, but I have my limits and can only listen to so much. Even the Hoover dam would break if you were to put enough water behind it.
Sometimes I find myself hearing my wife, but not exactly listening. I guess it is because we have been married 44 years and I generally know what she is going to say, before she says it. However, one of my New Year resolutions is to be a better listener, especially when she is speaking.

Ben101er I feel the same. I'm hearing impaired and I can't hear my wife when I'm relaxing. Just right behind you and your wife we are at 43 years.
At the Citrus Bowl they asked all who had served in the Armed Forces to stand and be recognized. One thing about the State of Florida is they honor the veterans. It is a Veteran Friendly State.

After college graduation I joined the Army and served from 1966-1968. I was very fortunate. I attended the Armor School at Ft Knox and have an Armor MOS. As we were preparing for out next station I was ordered to report to our Captain. The Brigade Commander was there as were 5 men in my company. The Commander said with the increase in troops (Vietnam was heating up) the Army needed instructors and trainers bad, especially Drill Sgt. The program was to select 50 men and send them to Drill Sgt School. 25 would be chosen and 25 would be washed out. We knew that going in. Part of the deal was our military obligation would be reduced to 2 years and once you graduated from DI school you could take your choice of any Basic Training Center you wanted to go to. You would stay there until discharge. After discharge you would be assigned to inactive reserves with no monthly meeting, etc.

I had met my future wife while attending UK and we were engaged when I went into the Army. So after I graduated from DI school I chose Fort Knox (United States Army Training Center Armor) USATCA and was assigned as a Drill Instructor for the remainder of my service. A few months later I was married and moved my new bride to her new Army home. She fit in well and shined my boots every night and kept my fatigues pressed so I could look sharp in front of trainee.

Shame they moved armor out of Knox. I remember as a kid, we lived in Shively, on the Knox side of Louisville, and it would be a beautiful summer day, but you would hear what sounded like thunder in the distance. Then you would realize that the armor was practicing. Really hurt business in that area when they moved all the personnel out.
Happy Friday D-League.

Taking advantage of the positives of the government shutdown here in DC - empty subway cars that usually are packed and light rush hour traffic.

I became a father for the first time 35 years ago this weekend. My daughter is now a PhD teaching behind enemy lines in Lawrence, Kansas at KU. Proud of her.

The Christmas holiday seems like it was months ago. Dont know about you all, but even after a short week I really need a weekend.
Morning again from the Berg D-Leaguers. It was a great day here yesterday! Someone told me I would like it here and I do! Thanks for excepting in the D-League. Some good stories on here yesterday. Raining here in WKY so I guess I'll do the same thing today as I did yesterday Nothing!!! Well except what I am told to do before she goes to work!!!!
Morning again from the Berg D-Leaguers. It was a great day here yesterday! Someone told me I would like it here and I do! Thanks for excepting in the D-League. Some good stories on here yesterday. Raining here in WKY so I guess I'll do the same thing today as I did yesterday Nothing!!! Well except what I am told to do before she goes to work!!!!

Hey cordmaker, where you located in WKY? FCC.
Good morning D-League-about 47* and bone chilling rain in the city. My dear wife and I are on our third day of her retirement. Of all things it has disturbed my female Labrador. It will take her a while.TGIF Ready to roll the Tide in Tuscaloosa tomorrow!

Congrats on your retirement. I retired a year ago, December. It takes a while to get out of old routines, but once you do, you adjust. Staying busy is the key.
Congrats on your retirement. I retired a year ago, December. It takes a while to get out of old routines, but once you do, you adjust. Staying busy is the key.
Thanks Ben I try to never rub it in on anyone that's still working because I remember people telling me Boy I am glad I don't have to work anymore!!! Most of the time I just tell them I hope you get to retire because your going to like it!
Thanks Ben I try to never rub it in on anyone that's still working because I remember people telling me Boy I am glad I don't have to work anymore!!! Most of the time I just tell them I hope you get to retire because your going to like it!
I retired early, at 53, February 1, 2000 and for a while I felt guilty. I spent the first three months getting our house in Jacksonville ready for sale and working in a couple round of golf a week (we lived in Hidden Hill Country Club - so it was handy).

I moved to Smiths Grove in May 2000 and immediately started changing the house to be the way we wanted it. By 2005 I was getting bored so I ran for City Commission. I was a City Commissioner for six years and then ran for Mayor and was mayor for four years. By the time I finished my Mayors job I was way, way behind my chores. So I am still catching up.

Being retired and controlling your own time is wonderful. Thanks to the Railroad for making it possible.