
At the Citrus Bowl they asked all who had served in the Armed Forces to stand and be recognized. One thing about the State of Florida is they honor the veterans. It is a Veteran Friendly State.

After college graduation I joined the Army and served from 1966-1968. I was very fortunate. I attended the Armor School at Ft Knox and have an Armor MOS. As we were preparing for out next station I was ordered to report to our Captain. The Brigade Commander was there as were 5 men in my company. The Commander said with the increase in troops (Vietnam was heating up) the Army needed instructors and trainers bad, especially Drill Sgt. The program was to select 50 men and send them to Drill Sgt School. 25 would be chosen and 25 would be washed out. We knew that going in. Part of the deal was our military obligation would be reduced to 2 years and once you graduated from DI school you could take your choice of any Basic Training Center you wanted to go to. You would stay there until discharge. After discharge you would be assigned to inactive reserves with no monthly meeting, etc.

I had met my future wife while attending UK and we were engaged when I went into the Army. So after I graduated from DI school I chose Fort Knox (United States Army Training Center Armor) USATCA and was assigned as a Drill Instructor for the remainder of my service. A few months later I was married and moved my new bride to her new Army home. She fit in well and shined my boots every night and kept my fatigues pressed so I could look sharp in front of trainee.
Smart wife. I went to a marriage retreat after my first year as a Drill Instructor because they made it mandatory. Drill Sergeant divorce rate was # 2 in the country behind Air Traffic Controller. At the retreat a lot of wives were complaining that they did not see their husbands enough because when got they home it was late and then they would be getting their uniforms ready for the next day. I ask if any of them ever thought about shining his boots and doing his uniform to help out and they just looked at me as if I were crazy. Almost all said no so, I said " then I do not see what you are all bitching about". Needless to say, it went south from there. Then they split the wives and Drill Sergeants up to do other things and most of us went to the bar. A few of them came over to me and said "Man, you are one brave dude, those women looked like they wanted to kill you."
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Ahh yes, Det Cord, burns or explodes at 21000 feet per second. Used to blow up all explosive ordinance used for emergency destruction at a special weapons site once they got close to the end of their shelf life. C4, Crater Bombs, M18 Claymores, Shape charges, etc....Det Cord and time fuse with an M60 igniter to set it all up.
I meant to tell you I worked the process that made the cord shoot that fast!Really a neat process it's was the key to making it work. They used to cover the windows when we had visitors so they couldn't see how we did it!
If Bevo wanted to hurt somebody he's well equipped to do so. Don't be misled by self-deluding snowflake anthropomorphic paranoia. Enjoy life!

Uga too! These are well socialized aminals.
The dumbest thing you can do in a war is let the politicians and news media get involved. Just give your generals the green light and let them do the rest. Be in it to win it.

Never since WW2 has the US fought conflicts without having one hand tied behind its back. Obama would not allow ISIS oil storage tanks (a main source of their funding) to be bombed because of the air pollution it would cause.
At the Citrus Bowl they asked all who had served in the Armed Forces to stand and be recognized. One thing about the State of Florida is they honor the veterans. It is a Veteran Friendly State.

After college graduation I joined the Army and served from 1966-1968. I was very fortunate. I attended the Armor School at Ft Knox and have an Armor MOS. As we were preparing for out next station I was ordered to report to our Captain. The Brigade Commander was there as were 5 men in my company. The Commander said with the increase in troops (Vietnam was heating up) the Army needed instructors and trainers bad, especially Drill Sgt. The program was to select 50 men and send them to Drill Sgt School. 25 would be chosen and 25 would be washed out. We knew that going in. Part of the deal was our military obligation would be reduced to 2 years and once you graduated from DI school you could take your choice of any Basic Training Center you wanted to go to. You would stay there until discharge. After discharge you would be assigned to inactive reserves with no monthly meeting, etc.

I had met my future wife while attending UK and we were engaged when I went into the Army. So after I graduated from DI school I chose Fort Knox (United States Army Training Center Armor) USATCA and was assigned as a Drill Instructor for the remainder of my service. A few months later I was married and moved my new bride to her new Army home. She fit in well and shined my boots every night and kept my fatigues pressed so I could look sharp in front of trainee.
LOL you may have been my DI when I was at Knox!Ran our butts off up and down Agony and Misery!!!!!
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Smart wife. I went to a marriage retreat after my first year as a Drill Instructor because they made it mandatory. Drill Sergeant divorce rate was # 2 in the country behind Air Traffic Controller. At the retreat a lot of wives were complaining that they did not see their husbands enough because when got home it was late and then they would be getting their uniforms ready for the next day. I ask if any of them ever thought about shining his boots and doing his uniform to help out and they just looked at me as if I were crazy. Almost all said no so, I said " then I do see what you are all bitching about". Needless to say, it went south from there. Then they split the wives and Drill Sergeants up to do other things and most of us went to the bar. A few of them came over to me and said "Man, you are one brave dude, those women looked like they wanted to kill you."
I was a very lucky man. I would say 90% of the married DI's in our unit had been divorced. A couple had found wives in Germany and once they had them over here, the wives went their separate way.

I was not making the Army my career and that is one reason being a DI appealed to me, with the package they offered. When I graduated from UK in 1965 I received a letter from Selective Service telling me my "school exemption" was over. In other words forget about getting a job. Nobody would hire you back them until your military obligation was completed. Once you had that DD214 you could get a job by walking off of the street.

My wife was very supportive when I was in the service. She bonded well with our young army wives and we all had small apartments in Radcliffe, KY. My wife can spit shine boots with anybody. :smiley::smiley:
I was a very lucky man. I would say 90% of the married DI's in our unit had been divorced. A couple had found wives in Germany and once they had them over here, the wives went their separate way.

I was not making the Army my career and that is one reason being a DI appealed to me, with the package they offered. When I graduated from UK in 1965 I received a letter from Selective Service telling me my "school exemption" was over. In other words forget about getting a job. Nobody would hire you back them until your military obligation was completed. Once you had that DD214 you could get a job by walking off of the street.

My wife was very supportive when I was in the service. She bonded well with our young army wives and we all had small apartments in Radcliffe, KY. My wife can spit shine boots with anybody. :smiley::smiley:
Mine did not go the distance, she found someone else (four of them in fact) married one and now divorced from him for 13 plus years.
LOL you may have been my DI when I was at Knox!Ran our butts off up and down Heartache and Misery!!!!!
I can tell you some stories about Agony and Misery. I almost got into big trouble marching troops up that hill one time. As you know we were not allowed to strike a trainee and one very hot July day we were marching up and a fat boy kept dropping back and made my formation look like an accordion. I kept yelling and screaming but he kept falling further behind. I was so frustrated I decided to go behind him and give him a little boost. I put my hand on his helmet liner to steady him but all it did was push him forward, he lost his balance and went head first into the the rifle barrel of the soldier in front on him. He lay on the ground screaming with blood coming from a slight cut on his forehead.

We had an ambulance go with us on all marches and our Company Commander was in the ambulance and witnessed it all. He called me over and said it sure was hot. He put the trainee in the ambulance and told the medic to give him a couple of salt tablets and water. Then he told me to move out. Not another word. I spent the next month waiting on a letter of inquiry from the trainees Congressman. Thank God it never happened.
At the Citrus Bowl they asked all who had served in the Armed Forces to stand and be recognized. One thing about the State of Florida is they honor the veterans. It is a Veteran Friendly State.

After college graduation I joined the Army and served from 1966-1968. I was very fortunate. I attended the Armor School at Ft Knox and have an Armor MOS. As we were preparing for out next station I was ordered to report to our Captain. The Brigade Commander was there as were 5 men in my company. The Commander said with the increase in troops (Vietnam was heating up) the Army needed instructors and trainers bad, especially Drill Sgt. The program was to select 50 men and send them to Drill Sgt School. 25 would be chosen and 25 would be washed out. We knew that going in. Part of the deal was our military obligation would be reduced to 2 years and once you graduated from DI school you could take your choice of any Basic Training Center you wanted to go to. You would stay there until discharge. After discharge you would be assigned to inactive reserves with no monthly meeting, etc.

I had met my future wife while attending UK and we were engaged when I went into the Army. So after I graduated from DI school I chose Fort Knox (United States Army Training Center Armor) USATCA and was assigned as a Drill Instructor for the remainder of my service. A few months later I was married and moved my new bride to her new Army home. She fit in well and shined my boots every night and kept my fatigues pressed so I could look sharp in front of trainee.
SC your not about 5'3 and meaner than heck back then were you?LOL
SC your not about 5'3 and meaner than heck back then were you?LOL
LOL those short ones were the meanest. I was a nice guy, 6'2" and 200 lbs. Here I am with a couple of my fellow DI's lifting my VW. We would carry it around like a peddle car. In civilian life the man on the left was a NASCAR mechanic and the man in the middle was a motorcycle racer. (He was about 5'6" Both had no fear.


LOL those short ones were the meanest. I was a nice guy, 6'2" and 200 lbs. Here I am with a couple of my fellow DI's lifting my VW. We would carry it around like a peddle car. In civilian life the man on the left was a NASCAR mechanic and the man in the middle was a motorcycle racer. (He was about 5'6" Both had no fear.



In basic training, we had a great SDI. He was Korean and won a silver star in the Korean war. He never messed with us. He told us that as long as we did what was expected, he wouldn't play games with us. We were the best company in the brigade. Best test scores, best pt scores, and best rifle scores. We would have done anything for him. Then had a butt for MOS training. Just the opposite.
In basic training, we had a great SDI. He was Korean and won a silver star in the Korean war. He never messed with us. He told us that as long as we did what was expected, he wouldn't play games with us. We were the best company in the brigade. Best test scores, best pt scores, and best rifle scores. We would have done anything for him. Then had a butt for MOS training. Just the opposite.
The very best platoons I had the honor of training were West Point Cadets and the Alabama National Guard. All you had to do was give the command and stand out of the way. The West Point Cadets speak for their self but the Alabama guard was also special. Especially on the rifle range. We had one in particular who was so good the Range Commander asked him to shoot out of the foxhole. He stood up and hit the targets with ease. He turned out to be the personal body guard for the governor. His only comment was, "I am the body guard for our governor, I can shoot a weapon"
The very best platoons I had the honor of training were West Point Cadets and the Alabama National Guard. All you had to do was give the command and stand out of the way. The West Point Cadets speak for their self but the Alabama guard was also special. Especially on the rifle range. We had one in particular who was so good the Range Commander asked him to shoot out of the foxhole. He stood up and hit the targets with ease. He turned out to be the personal body guard for the governor. His only comment was, "I am the body guard for our governor, I can shoot a weapon"

We were a mixed company. This was 1972 and about 30% were NG and AR, while the other 70% were RA. After training they were sent to their assignments as permanent party and we were released to our units, back home. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
I had met my future wife while attending UK and we were engaged when I went into the Army. So after I graduated from DI school I chose Fort Knox (United States Army Training Center Armor) USATCA and was assigned as a Drill Instructor for the remainder of my service. A few months later I was married and moved my new bride to her new Army home. She fit in well and shined my boots every night and kept my fatigues pressed so I could look sharp in front of trainee.

Worm! :joy:
Had to take break got a message from the boss of the house told me she was coming home for lunch and told me that she wanted a peanut butter and jelly on toast! I really told her!!! Yes dear!!!! And I fixed it!!! What a great LADY! After I divorced I raised 3 kiddos for twelve years before a friends of hers fixed us up on a date and 21 years later she still puts up with me!!!! I think what makes it so special is the kids fell in love with her too!!! Didn't have a pot to piss in before her and now we are comfortable and I am retired!!! GOD IS GREAT!!! Also all three kids went to college and we have 6 real grandkids and 3+1 adopted grandkids with one on the way in April!
Great day in the D! Took me quite awhile to catch up. Great stories fellas, thanks for sharing. I was with a military man today. Watched tv with him for a couple of hours and fed him lunch. I was surprised he ate so much.

Premium service at Berts.

The one on the right, the one wearing a white lace thong, she's Austrian and not Czech.
Just got off the phone with my wife while she was on her way home. Her phone is paired up with her car so all she has to do is putter along and talk. Sometimes she wants to call and vent to me about her day. I listen, but it's probably going on speaker and I'm going to continue doing whatever I was or wasn't doing. Today though was one of those special days when we just talked about stuff. Not as a husband and wife, not as a man and a woman, just as people. I like that.