
Just got up which is not normal for me. Stayed up later than I usually do waiting for the snow that was supposed to come down a 10:00 last night. Like to be out in it sometimes when it comes down. Well, it came early this morning and is still coming down. Will be in it shortly as soon as my daughter gets up. Another snowman must be built. Cant let a snow come and go without one. Don't get much snow here and when we do, we take advantage of it. That is three snows so far this year, normal is about maybe 2 and only a light blanketing. Today's so far is the most I have seen here accumulation wise since I was a Drill Instructor in 88.
Hey W-C we were chatting the other day about where I worked, you know what 1-E and M-50 is don't you? M-50 was put in a box with 3 containers in each box
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39.2°F and overcast. Sun would be nice but I don't think it is in the cards.

I have a six month check up with my cardiologist. He is one of my favored people on earth. When I got to the hospital in 2017 after crushing my femur he was there waiting to make sure I did not have heart problems. In fact he would not allow them to operate on my leg until the next day to make sure the heart was okay.

I have my son's family this weekend. Good time ahead.
Hey Cordmaker, we here in the D honor Warrior for his service and will always do so. At this time, being as I think we havn't, the D would like to bestow that honor on you as well. Thank-you sir. FCC.
FCC I don't think I ever mentioned my service here for a reason. My service was the National Guard armored division. I was in the Vietnam era 1969-1975, my draft number was #3 in that era, I just have reservation talking about it! I was at Fort Knox and Fort Hood a lot. I have GREAT RESPECT for those that did serve in the military. I saw a tee shirt in Branson that said Once a military man or woman(lady) always military!
FCC I don't think I ever mentioned my service here for a reason. My service was the National Guard armored division. I was in the Vietnam era 1969-1975, my draft number was #3 in that era, I just have reservation talking about it! I was at Fort Knox and Fort Hood a lot. I have GREAT RESPECT for those that did serve in the military. I saw a tee shirt in Branson that said Once a military man or woman(lady) always military!
Service is service. Known a lot of Guard and Reservist who spent some time overseas.
Service is service. Known a lot of Guard and Reservist who spent some time overseas.

Me too. I was at Ft Leonard Wood and then attached to the Ky Nat Guard for 7 years. Combat Engineer with a 12B30 mos, which was combat demolition specialist.. At church, when they recognize the veterans, I never stand, except to applaud. Activated for several state emergencies but never was federally activated.
FCC I don't think I ever mentioned my service here for a reason. My service was the National Guard armored division. I was in the Vietnam era 1969-1975, my draft number was #3 in that era, I just have reservation talking about it! I was at Fort Knox and Fort Hood a lot. I have GREAT RESPECT for those that did serve in the military. I saw a tee shirt in Branson that said Once a military man or woman(lady) always military!

I spent some time at Knox and Campbell.
Me too. I was at Ft Leonard Wood and then attached to the Ky Nat Guard for 7 years. Combat Engineer with a 12B30 mos, which was combat demolition specialist.. At church, when they recognize the veterans, I never stand, except to applaud. Activated for several state emergencies but never was federally activated.
<- - - - - - US Army (Retired SFC), 1981-2001.
Me too. I was at Ft Leonard Wood and then attached to the Ky Nat Guard for 7 years. Combat Engineer with a 12B30 mos, which was combat demolition specialist.. At church, when they recognize the veterans, I never stand, except to applaud. Activated for several state emergencies but never was federally activated.
We have several servicemen and women in our church also,I did not stand either till I got busted by two service people at church one Sunday. It is just something I deal with! GOD does everything for a reason! Like I said I have GREAT respect for those who are serving and the UPMOST respect for those who had to go overseas to serve!!!! I wish there was never ever another war but that will never happen till GOD comes back and gathers HIS children and takes us all home with HIM!!!!
I spent some time at Knox and Campbell.
Forgot about Campbell. Funny story from there, they were taking us to Fort Hood on a C-123 first time ever flying and somewhere around Houston the plane started vibrating real bad, guy comes walking down the isle telling us they had an engine messing up BUT we think we will make it!!!! Had all us green horns all about to start puking and all he did was just laugh at us!!!
Service is service. Known a lot of Guard and Reservist who spent some time overseas.
My son is a 20 year Guard guy who is an Iraqi vet. That was the most uncomfortable 15 months of my life.


I never served. I turned 18 in June 1964. I got a college deferment. Two years later I got married. They took away the college deferment, but they gave a marriage deferment. I had a kid in 1967. They took away the marriage deferment but gave a deferment for people iwth a child.

None of that was planned, it just worked out that way.

Vietnam War was a mess. My best friend Darryl Buckingham joined the Army after our soph year in college for patriotic reasons. When he came back from Vietnam he landed in Seattle and they had a row of fvcking hippies spitting on them. Then we had the Jane Fonda crap. Two kids I graduated high school with lost their lives in Vietnam. One of my friends a year younger than me (Ellis Denison) was killed the first week he was in Vietnam. My cousin D. Hawkins was in the Kentucky guard and was overrun in Vietnam - he never got over the trauma. A bunch of his buddies were killed. My generation and the U.S. paid a very high price for Vietnam. I will never forgive the Johnson/Nixon administrations for the micromanagement of the war. You can’t Robert McNamara a war.
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My draft number was in the twenties as I remember in 1970 or maybe 1971. Anyway, the word around here was you was going straight to Vietnam. Had a physical in Louisville. They told me I flunked because of flat feet and marriage with infant. The thing was, I was ready to go and die for my country if called upon. That part was disappointing. Came back home and as teenagers we tried to raise a child. Uh, laundry calls. FCC.l
My son is a 20 year Guard guy who is an Iraqi vet. That was the most uncomfortable 15 months of my life.


I never served. I turned 18 in June 1964. I got a college deferment. Two years later I got married. They took away the college deferment, but they gave a marriage deferment. I had a kid in 1967. They took away the marriage deferment but gave a deferment for people iwth a child.

None of that was planned, it just worked out that way.

Vietnam War was a mess. My best friend Darryl Buckingham joined the Army after our soph year in college for patriotic reasons. When he came back from Vietnam he landed in Seattle and they had a row of fvcking hippies spitting on them. Then we had the Jane Fonda crap. Two kids I graduated high school with lost their lives in Vietnam. One of my friends a year younger than me (Ellis Denison) was killed the first week he was in Vietnam. My cousin D. Hawkins was in the Kentucky guard and was overrun in Vietnam - he never got over the trauma. A bunch of his buddies were killed. My generation and the U.S. paid a very high price for Vietnam. I will never forgive the Johnson/Nixon administrations for the micromanagement of the war. You can’t Robert McNamara a war.
I feel everything you said. I will not repeat the stories on this forum. Bert, you were a Mayor and you serve everyday just as a true American citizen. I never served in the military either. I was 1-A, then busted up playing basketball, limped for 40 years. Probably a good thing. Wasn't fit to follow orders. Accordingly, not fit to order others. Oh I can kill. With specific intent. Done that plenty. I lead & teach every day. My existence is about service. My only regrets arise when it becomes self serving.
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My son is a 20 year Guard guy who is an Iraqi vet. That was the most uncomfortable 15 months of my life.


I never served. I turned 18 in June 1964. I got a college deferment. Two years later I got married. They took away the college deferment, but they gave a marriage deferment. I had a kid in 1967. They took away the marriage deferment but gave a deferment for people iwth a child.

None of that was planned, it just worked out that way.

Vietnam War was a mess. My best friend Darryl Buckingham joined the Army after our soph year in college for patriotic reasons. When he came back from Vietnam he landed in Seattle and they had a row of fvcking hippies spitting on them. Then we had the Jane Fonda crap. Two kids I graduated high school with lost their lives in Vietnam. One of my friends a year younger than me (Ellis Denison) was killed the first week he was in Vietnam. My cousin D. Hawkins was in the Kentucky guard and was overrun in Vietnam - he never got over the trauma. A bunch of his buddies were killed. My generation and the U.S. paid a very high price for Vietnam. I will never forgive the Johnson/Nixon administrations for the micromanagement of the war. You can’t Robert McNamara a war.
The dumbest thing you can do in a war is let the politicians and news media get involved. Just give your generals the green light and let them do the rest. Be in it to win it.
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At the Citrus Bowl they asked all who had served in the Armed Forces to stand and be recognized. One thing about the State of Florida is they honor the veterans. It is a Veteran Friendly State.

After college graduation I joined the Army and served from 1966-1968. I was very fortunate. I attended the Armor School at Ft Knox and have an Armor MOS. As we were preparing for out next station I was ordered to report to our Captain. The Brigade Commander was there as were 5 men in my company. The Commander said with the increase in troops (Vietnam was heating up) the Army needed instructors and trainers bad, especially Drill Sgt. The program was to select 50 men and send them to Drill Sgt School. 25 would be chosen and 25 would be washed out. We knew that going in. Part of the deal was our military obligation would be reduced to 2 years and once you graduated from DI school you could take your choice of any Basic Training Center you wanted to go to. You would stay there until discharge. After discharge you would be assigned to inactive reserves with no monthly meeting, etc.

I had met my future wife while attending UK and we were engaged when I went into the Army. So after I graduated from DI school I chose Fort Knox (United States Army Training Center Armor) USATCA and was assigned as a Drill Instructor for the remainder of my service. A few months later I was married and moved my new bride to her new Army home. She fit in well and shined my boots every night and kept my fatigues pressed so I could look sharp in front of trainee.