
I think that as long as we protect the ball and don't give them a lot of easy transition baskets we win by 8-10 pts. Other than the one kid, they really don't have consistent scorers and Travis or PJ should have a big game inside. Our bigs should have an advantage.

Yep, they don't have anyone to stop our inside game and their main game plan is to jack 3's. Keep up the perimeter pressure and we win easily.

Our inside game is Fabulous and UK's perimeter players are better than anyone they play. With expected improvement, I'm thinking (hoping)12-15 pts.

I'm thinking 15 sounds about right. Look for a bunch of fouls to be called in this game.
........ must've been really hard to work with if you made 54,000 people quit! :)
They were not working for me.

I started out on the L&N in 1968. We merged with the Monon, C&EI, half the Tennessee Central, Seaboard Air Line, Seaboard Coast Line, Georgia Railroad, Atlanta & West Point, Western Alabama, Western Maryland, C&O, B&O and half of Con Rail (I probably missed a bunch). They got rid of duplicated positions along with massive use of computers.

My whole career was spent hoping not to be on the chopping block. I actually survived, got a few promotions and got to retire with a good income. They still send me three checks a month.
Never worked for a railroad company. Guess that makes me less than cool...haha.

Good morning everyone!

Like the UNC game I have no idea what's gonna happen!

Carry on!
I never planned on working for a railroad either; however, I was a chemistry major and in 1968 the only job in chemistry was for a Ph.D. I had a wife and a child, so the Ph.D. was not coming; even if I had had the IQ.

I went to Louisville and applied at five places. The L&N offered me a job first and I took it.
Had lunch at a Korean buffet with an old black belt I have not seen since 89 yesterday. He came in from San Antonio. This morning, got a text from a recently retired Col. who I mentored from a 2nd Lieutenant to a 1st. Lieutenant back when he was the platoon leader 91-93. He is visiting from West Virginia (Wife has family here) and wants to go to the local Asian buffet. Ahh, the holidays, going to have to do Keto after this one.
He has a desk and a gavel and whenever I go there he has to call the meeting to order with "the honorable Mayor Bert presiding". It doesn't take long and it humors him so we all go along with it.

So sounds like it's much worse than I suspected. If I'm ever by there I'll do the same. Oh, his poor wife. FCC.
Had lunch at a Korean buffet with an old black belt I have not seen since 89 yesterday. He came in from San Antonio. This morning, got a text from a recently retired Col. who I mentored from a 2nd Lieutenant to a 1st. Lieutenant back when he was the platoon leader 91-93. He is visiting from West Virginia (Wife has family here) and wants to go to the local Asian buffet. Ahh, the holidays, going to have to do Keto after this one.

I started to weigh this morning but I decided to put it off until the morning of 2019. I'll assess the damage then and take appropriate action. I'll tell you this though, last thing I ate last night was cake. First thing I ate this morning was cake. So there's that.
Warrior-Cat Never worked in a Nuke plant but worked in a explosive plant making OD detonation cord for military! You probably know what I am talking about! I guess any military person would know!

Not a military man either but I know what det cord is. Me and the boys used to use it when we knocked over trains. A little dab'll do ya!
Warrior-Cat Never worked in a Nuke plant but worked in a explosive plant making OD detonation cord for military! You probably know what I am talking about! I guess any military person would know!
Ahh yes, Det Cord, burns or explodes at 21000 feet per second. Used to blow up all explosive ordinance used for emergency destruction at a special weapons site once they got close to the end of their shelf life. C4, Crater Bombs, M18 Claymores, Shape charges, etc....Det Cord and time fuse with an M60 igniter to set it all up.
Afternoon D
What a week huh?
Hope all had a wonderful Christmas
We got Mom moved into her house last weekend. Now we’re working on getting her unpacked
Actually I should say we’re getting her belongings unpacked...not her. It would be wrong to pack up your Mother.
So I got word yesterday morning ...I got my job. I will be starting next Wednesday. Good way to start the new year. After I got the phone call, I went shopping since I needed scrubs. Nice thing is that I don’t have to wear plain ones. These are all brightly colored with fun characters in them.
If the Kentucky team who played unc*** shows up tomorrow, we should win easily. Of whomever is officiating is a factor as well, unfortunately.
I need to join the “I never worked with the railroad” support group. Heck, I’ve never even been on a train. :flushed:
Glad to see the new guys posting here, y’all seem pretty okay. Also happy to see some older faces who don’t post much here anymore.
Headed to Mom’s here shortly to get some more work done. Also, she has coffee
Y’all be good
I started to weigh this morning but I decided to put it off until the morning of 2019. I'll assess the damage then and take appropriate action. I'll tell you this though, last thing I ate last night was cake. First thing I ate this morning was cake. So there's that.
Hell yes! Cake is like Crack to me. I've been addicted for decades