
Afternoon D
What a week huh?
Hope all had a wonderful Christmas
We got Mom moved into her house last weekend. Now we’re working on getting her unpacked
Actually I should say we’re getting her belongings unpacked...not her. It would be wrong to pack up your Mother.
So I got word yesterday morning ...I got my job. I will be starting next Wednesday. Good way to start the new year. After I got the phone call, I went shopping since I needed scrubs. Nice thing is that I don’t have to wear plain ones. These are all brightly colored with fun characters in them.
If the Kentucky team who played unc*** shows up tomorrow, we should win easily. Of whomever is officiating is a factor as well, unfortunately.
I need to join the “I never worked with the railroad” support group. Heck, I’ve never even been on a train. :flushed:
Glad to see the new guys posting here, y’all seem pretty okay. Also happy to see some older faces who don’t post much here anymore.
Headed to Mom’s here shortly to get some more work done. Also, she has coffee
Y’all be good
Really happy for you. Great way to start 2019!
Good morning my D-League Wildcats and others. Beautiful morning with current temp 70 degrees with a high of 78 in my little corner of the world. 10% chance of rain. Today is game day and I have my game day face on. Go Cats and let's introduce the new UL coach to UK basketball. Victory.

I am driving down to Tampa late this afternoon to pick up my cousins who are flying in for the Bowl game. We are anxious to see them and always have a great time. They are cousins on my daddy's side who have roots in Pike County, KY. But like many from that area, their parents drifted away to find work. All Big Blue crazy UK fans. It is funny about a UK family, you can scatter them all over this globe and they still are Big Blue to the bone.

At the end of the day and when we turn out the lights and head to bed I want this to be the picture in my mind as I go to sleep on.

I feel really good about the game today. I always get a little nervous when we play UL because well, I live in Louisville. Too many enemies around here.

I graduated from UK the year before the so-called "dream game" in 1983 took place. What a miserable day/year that was. Damn, if Minniefield would have just made that lay-up at the end of regulation!
Good morning! Wish it was a noon game.

I'm ready and I think my team is ready. Today starts a new era in our rivalry and the way I see it, Mack never beats Cal as long as he's at UK. They still have some punishment coming their way that will probably affect next years team and the teams of the near future. Have to figure Cal is on the backside of his stay here.

Been going to bed at 0000 and getting up at 0800 for almost a week now. I think I'll stick with that schedule for awhile.

Dad has to have a procedure done Monday morning at 0730. I'll be getting up at 0530 on that day and heading out while it's still dark outside. Just like the good ole days.
Morning, the D. Calm before the storm time. Fiancée is still asleep so I’m just lying in bed contemplating life. Love is a powerful thing. FMG (Future Mrs Ghost) willingly told some of her family to eff off after she fell in love with me. They don’t approve of me (ONE guess 2018!). Their loss. As long as I have Anna in my life, it’s all good. I will have 5 step children and 3 grandchildren in my life officially in April 2019. And they love me as much as she does. It’s totally worth it!
Well I couldn't take the suspense any longer and today is my 7th day off the diet, so I went ahead and weighed this morning. 181, up from 178 last Friday morning. I still have 4 days to go wild but it doesn't look like I'm doing much damage.
I am up 3 as well 206 to 209. I was at 222 last year at this time. Must stay below 210. will hit 200 before March and once below that, will keep it below that. I am on a 10 lbs at a time goal. Hit and maintain then, drop another 10 and maintain.
Well I couldn't take the suspense any longer and today is my 7th day off the diet, so I went ahead and weighed this morning. 181, up from 178 last Friday morning. I still have 4 days to go wild but it doesn't look like I'm doing much damage.
Preach, brother. I’m at 198 as of this morning. Told myself as long as I don’t get past 200, I’m good. Just have to make it past Tuesday!
Morning D-League! Cloudy and cold in the Berg!!!!! Congrats Bkocats on your new job!!! I know what it's like to start a new job only I started my new one when I was 54 years old! The only resume I ever filled out in my life was for that job and I got it! ( Installed carpet for about 35 years first) Was told later that I was going to get the job, they had to just make it look official. Worked in that explosive plant (Dyno Nobel) for 11 years was an unpaid utilityman salary wise! They made me mad one day just told them I am done! Retired! You can do that when you are 64 LOL. Hope we beat the dirty birds today!!!! Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Morning D.
Had a good time last night. My local watering hole recently changed ownership and boy, business has been pickin' up! .....or maybe it's just the Holiday season...
Got home last night and got in the hot tub. (every time I think or type "hot tub" I think of Eddie Murphy on SNL doing the James Brown celebrity hot tub bit.) It did feel pretty good. I think we're going to put it in the garage for the winter says it's not recommended to be used when the temp gets below 40, it could burn up the heater.
I would rather be safe than sorry...

My preferences for today (with cold drinks haphazardly thrown in) are:
  • UK
  • Clemson (I too am a ND hater)
  • Alabama
I am up 3 as well 206 to 209. I was at 222 last year at this time. Must stay below 210. will hit 200 before March and once below that, will keep it below that. I am on a 10 lbs at a time goal. Hit and maintain then, drop another 10 and maintain.

You've probably got more muscle mass than I do. Muscle is more dense than fat and therefore weighs more. We might be the same size, but you weigh heavier.

Preach, brother. I’m at 198 as of this morning. Told myself as long as I don’t get past 200, I’m good. Just have to make it past Tuesday!

Good for you. Having specific goals helps keep you focused. For the first couple of days I had feelings of guilt because of some of the stuff I was eating. I got over it though.
You've probably got more muscle mass than I do. Muscle is more dense than fat and therefore weighs more. We might be the same size, but you weigh heavier.

Good for you. Having specific goals helps keep you focused. For the first couple of days I had feelings of guilt because of some of the stuff I was eating. I got over it though.
Maybe on the muscle, don't know what kind of work out regiment you have. I work out 6 days a week 45 min. to an hour depending on how I feel. Medium intensity mostly. Was supposed to this morning but, deferred to tomorrow which is my normal off day.
Maybe on the muscle, don't know what kind of work out regiment you have. I work out 6 days a week 45 min. to an hour depending on how I feel. Medium intensity mostly. Was supposed to this morning but, deferred to tomorrow which is my normal off day.

Sounds like we have about the same workout routine. I think you may be doing more than me about 6 days a week and maybe 45 minutes to an hour more a day.
ideas about race evolve
Wrong. Ideas change given new evidence and critical deduction. Cultural Ideas about race are tribal relicts of time, constructs of geographic dispersion that no longer exist. As genetics become increasing measurable. Stereotypic discrimination BS will likely increase as the human is essentially unchanged with an extraordinary ability to exploit available resources. Genetic discrimination could easily be another corrupt BS excuse to seize resources from some folks and given to other folks in the eternal romantic quest for Utopia.
A little report on the lunch with the retired Colonel who I mentored in early 90's when he was a lieutenant. We were discussing just people in general that were with us back then and he ask if I remembered now retired Col Gregory Gadson who was our battalion FDO (Fire Direction Officer) back then and was also in the wedding in the Sabre Arch with me. I told him the name sounded familiar but could not place the face. We were all in the 5/18th FA together. Well, turns out I did remember him once he told me that he was in the movie Battle Ship as the double amputee LT Col Mick Canales. I told my wife the first time we watched the movie that that guy looked familiar to me. Now I know why. Small world.