
Understood. I've had my own demons. No Halo. No Crystal Ball. Lots of hard knocks.

+1. FCC.
Did your fruit trees survive the cold snap? I know you were concerned.
They did Ben. No problem as it never got to freezing. It made the tangerines a little sweet and the Meyers lemon is starting to blossom. I currently have ripe grapefruit, Valencia oranges, Blood oranges, lemons, tangerines and two types of kumquats plus a loquat. So enough fruit to last awhile.
They did Ben. No problem as it never got to freezing. It made the tangerines a little sweet and the Meyers lemon is starting to blossom. I currently have ripe grapefruit, Valencia oranges, Blood oranges, lemons, tangerines and two types of kumquats plus a loquat. So enough fruit to last awhile.

Good to hear it. From the way you describe them, they must be a joy to have.
Good to hear it. From the way you describe them, they must be a joy to have.
My grandfather had 150 acres of citrus in Clearwater that he received from his mother. His g-grandfather had several thousand acres in what is now Pinellas County that he homesteaded in the 1850's. He raised cotton and when the railroad was built they switched to citrus, Today it is nothing but malls, shopping centers, residential homes, condominiums, etc. Not a single orange tree is left.

When I was a small boy running through his groves I dreamed of one day having a grove and some cattle. But time passed, he died, the children divided it up and it became to valuable to farm or ranch. Taxes were out of sight. I love growing citrus and my few trees keeps me on my toes because they are so difficult to maintain. Cold, diseases, bugs and pests are a monster to deal with. Having 100 acres would kill a man without plenty of help. This is our Old Home Place. Very modest but few people had anything in Florida in the 1800's or early 1900's. Grandpa built this old house in 1902 for his bride to be.

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My grandfather had 150 acres of citrus in Clearwater that he received from his mother. His g-grandfather had several thousand acres in what is now Pinellas County that he homesteaded in the 1850's. Today it is nothing but malls, shopping centers, residential homes, condominiums, etc. Not a single orange tree is left.

When I was a small boy running through his groves I dreamed of one day having a grove and some cattle. But time passed, he died, the children divided it up and it became to valuable to farm or ranch. Taxes were out of sight. I love growing citrus and my few trees keeps me on my toes because they are so difficult to maintain. Cold, diseases, bugs and pests are a monster to deal with. Having 100 acres would kill a man without plenty of help. This is our Old Home Place. Very modest but few people had anything in Florida in the 1800's or early 1900's. Grandpa built this old house in 1902 for his bride to be.

That would have been a great place to take a metal detector to!!!!! I love history of places like that!!!
My grandfather had 150 acres of citrus in Clearwater that he received from his mother. His g-grandfather had several thousand acres in what is now Pinellas County that he homesteaded in the 1850's. Today it is nothing but malls, shopping centers, residential homes, condominiums, etc. Not a single orange tree is left.

When I was a small boy running through his groves I dreamed of one day having a grove and some cattle. But time passed, he died, the children divided it up and it became to valuable to farm or ranch. Taxes were out of sight. I love growing citrus and my few trees keeps me on my toes because they are so difficult to maintain. Cold, diseases, bugs and pests are a monster to deal with. Having 100 acres would kill a man without plenty of help. This is our Old Home Place. Very modest but few people had anything in Florida in the 1800's or early 1900's. Grandpa built this old house in 1902 for his bride to be.

What a great picture!
Someone drilled through the International Space Station from the inside, astronaut says...

That's kind of interesting because it's the space station and all, but, if that hole had been drilled by someone from the OUTSIDE, well now you've got yourself a story.

That would have been a great place to take a metal detector to!!!!! I love history of places like that!!!
My mother found hundreds of Indian arrowheads in the sand as well other Indian artifacts out in the sandy groves. This part of Florida was inhabited by the Tocobaga tribe. Long before the Seminoles who are a very young Indian nation. The Timucua tribe greeted Ponce de Leon when he landed in what is now St Augustine in 1513. First Indians to see a white man in Florida,

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This old engine was built in November 1888 at the American Locomotive Works in Schenectady, NY. Construction Number 2729. It was used on the Trans Florida Railroad, Engine #103. Housed in Fellsmere, FL

What kind of mleage did it get? Renewable energy vehicle that was ahead of its time.

Everybody used to have a good-sized front porch with a swing on it. Often a back porch too. It was an extension of the house with room for everyone to sit and chat and wave at cars driving by. Porches, if there even is one, have shrunk.

My wife wants me to build us a porch swing for out front. I've looked at a few designs and should have one done by Spring.
Feeling much better today. Got a few things done outside today. Currently enjoying a few “ cold ones” watchin my german sheps munch on elk antlers. Fyi. Yes they are off the elk. Love love love my sheps! My current feed bill for two shepherds is right at 300.00 a month ( 30 pound bag six times a month @ 50.00 per bag ). not counting snack cookies. Tack on healthcare my dogs live better than me . Dondaddy can we switch pups for awhile?
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Brings back memories. Back in the late 70's I booked JD and the New South to play at the Paramount Arts Center in Ashland. That was when Keith Whitley was his lead singer. When I heard Keith sing, I knew he wouldn't be in Bluegrass very long, since Country and Western was where the money was. Can't remember the exact amount I made off the concert but it was somewhere around $4K which in 1979 was a pretty fair amount for a venue that only holds 1400.
Brings back memories. Back in the late 70's I booked JD and the New South to play at the Paramount Arts Center in Ashland. That was when Keith Whitley was his lead singer. When I heard Keith sing, I knew he wouldn't be in Bluegrass very long, since Country and Western was where the money was. Can't remember the exact amount I made off the concert but it was somewhere around $4K which in 1979 was a pretty fair amount for a venue that only holds 1400.

Great story! Tragic ending for Keith. He would have been huge.