
I am Bert Higginbotham. I am the most truthful guy on the D-League. I am the best looking guy on the D-League. I am the strongest guy on the D-League. I am the youngest guy on the D-League. I am the most intelligent guy on the D-League. I am the most respected guy on the D-League. I am the most humble guy on the D-League. I am the most modest guy on the D-League.

If any of those other guys say that the above is not true, tell them they don't know shit from apple butter. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Went to all from 1968-75.

Welcome to the best thread.

We did, too, except for 1969 and we went to Deland to visit my grandparents who were snow birding there. My Dad and I had to drive to Daytona Beach and put a coat hanger on the antenna of the car to pick up WHAS and listen to the game. Those were the days.
I am Bert Higginbotham. I am the most truthful guy on the D-League. I am the best looking guy on the D-League. I am the strongest guy on the D-League. I am the youngest guy on the D-League. I am the most intelligent guy on the D-League. I am the most respected guy on the D-League. I am the most humble guy on the D-League. I am the most modest guy on the D-League.

If any of those other guys say that the above is not true, tell them they don't know shit from apple butter. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
So, that's why my toast tasted weird this morning.
I think Bert is smarter than a bag of rocks - and certainly not what his political opponents said about him.

A small bag though, right?

That is when we sons have to step in, when common sense is lost.

The same nurse was in there this morning, she said "I remember you". I thought to myself that she probably did. She's the person they said was in charge when I had the problem last time and asked for the person in charge. That RN on her name tag told me she was in charge of a few people on that floor. I escalated my complaint to the people who are charge of the hospital. He told me today that they are treating him like a king. I just smiled.

Well, you've met my cousin. His exact words when we met up in Lou a few years ago was, "I just talk shit about UK to aggravate you". We go back over 40 years on this. When UK won the title back in '96, I called him and his dad from here in Texas, after calling my ex to tell her those rednecks won, was to find out their thoughts. Cats are CATS. Anyway, I'll shut up.

You talking about the dude I met?

Too big to be an elf so, if you have pointy ears, that would make you either Romulan (liberal) or Vulcan (conservative).

I'm not going to give away my allegiance, but, live long and prosper!

Denny Crum was the reason this "rivalry" got as heated as it is. When he came in from California he started bad mouthed everything UK, including our recruits coming in. That was his plan from the start.

That and paying players. He learned that trick from his mentor.

That's my recollection as well. My Papa started taking me to lots of ul games in the early 50s when I was still a peep. First in the Armory then Freedom Hall as I grew into a cockerel. The intense UK association came with Billy Ray Lickert, Cotton Nash & Notre Dame.

I am making a proclamation: Henceforth, from now, whenever we write UK in the D league we shall use the blue text. Not sissy blue either. Font is optional.

Bert, you and I remember the same scenario. Even in the 90's I remember them giving tickets away, at Kroger, to try to get some fans in the stands. Crum went after the kids from the ghettos, like Camden, NJ and brainwashed them into thinking that Joe B and UK in general, were racists and their fans believed it too. You didn't hear any of that nonsense till he arrived. At the height of the Denny era, UL players would rather let their man get past them and make a spectacular block, than to play good defense. I just had a real problem with the whole thing. I can't believe that Joe B went on to become friends with Denny. I guess that is the epitome of a Christian attitude.

I thought you had to buy a loaf of bread to get the free tickets. Same with football.

I wasn't "friends" with Denny. But we used to frequent the same gas station/beer depot back in the day and became acquaintances. We had good natured banter back and forth about UK and ul.

Hey ... that's the same feller who dropped off a truck and 3 cars at my place without explanation a few days ago.

I watched that longer than I should have.
Dad called me early and told me not to bring ribs because he was full from breakfast. He said hospital food wasn't too bad when you're not on a diabetic diet. I bet so.

I hung out with him for almost 5 hours this morning and into the afternoon. Got to talk with the doctor, which is always nice. They're going to keep him for two more days, which just so happens to be how long his insurance pays for observation. What a coincidence, huh? He said he was fine staying there for 2 more days because it was nicer than the nursing home.

He's got a cold along with his COPD and it's hard for old dude to breathe. I asked and they said they had him on some steroids. He needs those everyday and I'm going to insist he gets them. He told me that the nursing home doesn't give him his breathing treatments everyday. I'll fix that after Christmas when I no longer feel like being nice.
Hey Bert! Next time you're at Target, check out their bourbon selection. I didn't even know they sold it. Last time I was in a Target was 2010 and they didn't have it then or I would have known. Great selection of the good stuff and cheaper than any I've seen. I guess people just don't know about it.
No. I am a fine looking old geezer.

You are a middle aged geezer! :sunglasses:

If you were an old geezer, then there is no way you could drink bourbon with me for over 14 hours. NO. WAY. But you did. Unless of course, I was the one drinking bourbon, and a little scotch, for 14 hours and you just tolerated me. Either way, not a geezer.

Thanks again, buddy.
A small bag though, right?

The same nurse was in there this morning, she said "I remember you". I thought to myself that she probably did. She's the person they said was in charge when I had the problem last time and asked for the person in charge. That RN on her name tag told me she was in charge of a few people on that floor. I escalated my complaint to the people who are charge of the hospital. He told me today that they are treating him like a king. I just smiled.

You talking about the dude I met?

I'm not going to give away my allegiance, but, live long and prosper!

That and paying players. He learned that trick from his mentor.

I am making a proclamation: Henceforth, from now, whenever we write UK in the D league we shall use the blue text. Not sissy blue either. Font is optional.

I thought you had to buy a loaf of bread to get the free tickets. Same with football.

I wasn't "friends" with Denny. But we used to frequent the same gas station/beer depot back in the day and became acquaintances. We had good natured banter back and forth about UK and ul.

I watched that longer than I should have.

Yes, you had to make some kind of token purchase, but it wasn't much.
Dad called me early and told me not to bring ribs because he was full from breakfast. He said hospital food wasn't too bad when you're not on a diabetic diet. I bet so.

I hung out with him for almost 5 hours this morning and into the afternoon. Got to talk with the doctor, which is always nice. They're going to keep him for two more days, which just so happens to be how long his insurance pays for observation. What a coincidence, huh? He said he was fine staying there for 2 more days because it was nicer than the nursing home.

He's got a cold along with his COPD and it's hard for old dude to breathe. I asked and they said they had him on some steroids. He needs those everyday and I'm going to insist he gets them. He told me that the nursing home doesn't give him his breathing treatments everyday. I'll fix that after Christmas when I no longer feel like being nice.

Good for you. I'm all for being nice, until they force you to not be nice.
Christmastime on 4th street in Louisville (60's) was a treat for a young boy from the sticks. We'd take our tobacco housing money and blow it at Rhodes (first bass weejuns) , Dutchman and have a ball cruisin. First movie (Sound of music) and first Mc D big mac/fries. Freedom Hall for UK/Notre Dame games around that time.