
Christmastime on 4th street in Louisville (60's) was a treat for a young boy from the sticks. We'd take our tobacco housing money and blow it at Rhodes (first bass weejuns) , Dutchman and have a ball cruisin. First movie (Sound of music) and first Mc D big mac/fries. Freedom Hall for UK/Notre Dame games around that time.

That means that you probably shopped at Woolworths as well. Maybe you went to see a doctor at the Heyburn Building. Maybe shopped at Sears downtown as well. I never went to any of the massage parlors in Louisville at the time because Mom wouldn't let me. I did hit some of the shoe shows that used to be there after I turned 18.
Evenin' D. I'm a little worried about the game tomorrow. Usually I'm more of an optimist but I just don't think this team has hit their stride yet. I'd love to beat the Heels. I've hated those cheaters ever since they pulled that 4-corners crap against UK in the 1977 NCAA regional final.
Anybody remember when this style shoes were popular with teenage boys back in the late 50s? It may have been a local fad.

I've mentioned before about growing up poor. Wore the same clothes all week. I never owned undershorts until I got to high school. I was so proud, I made sure the band showed above my pants waist. I was not cool.

I was in a store somewhere in TN that sold factory reject shoes. There were hundreds if not thousands of them not paired up but in huge bins. Dirt cheap. After searching a good hour I found a pair (I was in!!!!) but when I got home I found that they were not an exact match.

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That means that you probably shopped at Woolworths as well. Maybe you went to see a doctor at the Heyburn Building. Maybe shopped at Sears downtown as well. I never went to any of the massage parlors in Louisville at the time because Mom wouldn't let me. I did hit some of the shoe shows that used to be there after I turned 18.

My Dad was Mgr of the Toy Dept at Sears downtown, next to the L&N station. They had a great train display that had wire fencing around it, and I remember going there and playing with the trains from inside the display. I guess that was around 1959 or so and I was just ready to turn 8 years old. Wow, the things we remember. Glad you brought up Sears.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 47°. Expecting a warm 77°F and sunny. I looked at local weather extremes for Christmas day. All-time low for Austin on Dec 25 is 10°F, set in 1983, while the record high is 90°F, recorded back during the 1950s.

I've got chores planned later this morning. At 2:30, we're driving out to my brother in-law's place for a Christmas party. They know the game is on, and should have the TV tuned to CBS. If not, I ain't going.

Check back later. Y'all behave.
Good morning from the Florida Gulf Coast. Currently 51°. With a high of 57°F in mid afternoon. Plenty of sunshine. The rains are gone now but they sure were heavy. I got caught in one yesterday and had to engage four wheel drive in my pick up to get through flooded back roads.

Well today we play the UNCheats. There once was a time that this was the biggest game of the season for me when we played them. For some reason they have pretty much owned us over the decades and our all time record against them is not very good. I hope we can stay in the game and pull out a W. We really need one or our season can get away from us real fast the next month. Trust all are well and have a nice day, let's beat the Tarholes

How about that moon last night. Did you see it in your area of the country. It looked like this down here.
Anybody remember when this style shoes were popular with teenage boys back in the late 50s? It may have been a local fad
Shortly after I got married in 1967 I bought a pair of wing tips and wore them every day to work for about 15 years. Solid leather including the lining. You couldn't wear them out. I had a steel wedge in the heel and did replace the heel and soles a few times. Then I put them away. I get them out every once in a while to polish them up. They still look brand new

I usually wear cowboy boots now or go barefoot. I live in a part of Florida that has a lot of cattle ranches and cowboy boots are very common. I made the mistake of going to a basketball game in Rupp a few years ago with my boots on and got a lot of stares from the yuppies up there. My son warned me you don't wear cowboy boots in Lexington. ??? OK
My Dad was Mgr of the Toy Dept at Sears downtown, next to the L&N station. They had a great train display that had wire fencing around it, and I remember going there and playing with the trains from inside the display. I guess that was around 1959 or so and I was just ready to turn 8 years old. Wow, the things we remember. Glad you brought up Sears.
I worked at the L&N and often walked over to Sears at lunch.
I love going through old cook books my mother had and reading about things from the past. Cotter (land turtles) are delicious and were a poor boy's delicacy but they are illegal to hunt now and the new generations have never ate one. Mama cooked this often for us. You could drive down an old back road and a cotter could be found walking across the road. So you just stop and pick him up and supper is waiting.

This recipe even tells you how to kill the cotter. All you do is wait for him to stick his head out from his shell and wack off his head. Then take a hatchet to his underside and go from there.

If you are lucky enough to see one crawling across the road, grab him before the law sees you and try it out. You will enjoy him. Good eatin' there folks. Real good.

Mornin' D
Coffee procured & secured.
Got most of the stuff done I wanted to get done....nothing left to do but enjoy the next four days with family & friends.
A W sure would make the rest of this week a little nicer. Hopefully Camp Cal doesn't slow'em down too much. They usually don't win the next game after CC...but this team is definitely different. Roles & playing time are getting more defined...let's hope they embrace the chase, so to speak. Trying to stay posimistic! (positive & optimistic)

That means that you probably shopped at Woolworths as well. Maybe you went to see a doctor at the Heyburn Building. Maybe shopped at Sears downtown as well. I never went to any of the massage parlors in Louisville at the time because Mom wouldn't let me. I did hit some of the shoe shows that used to be there after I turned 18.

Woolworth's for sure...Sears was only through catologue, ha. Parlors came later for me...also 2nd Street!
Got mine here. Expensive shoes. Nite crawlers were free and sold for 1½¢. Didn't take long. Had steel wedges in the heel instead of taps. Could really skate on polished floors. Ever get a pair of the Brown Kentucky correctionals. (Pebble grained Bass oxfords with a moc toe)

Ha, We called the correctionals "night watchmans". I inherited my brothers' Mocs and I swear they had wooden soles!
I worked at the L&N and often walked over to Sears at lunch.

Can't remember exactly how large it was, since I was a kid, but it seemed like they had a huge candy counter right where you walked into the back entrance. Gosh, that has been almost 60 years ago. Sometimes your memories get distorted when you are a child. Everything seems bigger.
I love going through old cook books my mother had and reading about things from the past. Cotter (land turtles) are delicious and were a poor boy's delicacy but they are illegal to hunt now and the new generations have never ate one. Mama cooked this often for us. You could drive down an old back road and a cotter could be found walking across the road. So you just stop and pick him up and supper is waiting.

This recipe even tells you how to kill the cotter. All you do is wait for him to stick his head out from his shell and wack off his head. Then take a hatchet to his underside and go from there.

If you are lucky enough to see one crawling across the road, grab him before the law sees you and try it out. You will enjoy him. Good eatin' there folks. Real good.


I found a Justin Wilson cookbook in an antique store up in Ohio Amish country this past Oct. I made some Jambalya from his recipe and it was really good. The Cookin Cajun knew his stuff. Etoufee is my next project.
Shortly after I got married in 1967 I bought a pair of wing tips and wore them every day to work for about 15 years. Solid leather including the lining. You couldn't wear them out. I had a steel wedge in the heel and did replace the heel and soles a few times. Then I put them away. I get them out every once in a while to polish them up. They still look brand new

I usually wear cowboy boots now or go barefoot. I live in a part of Florida that has a lot of cattle ranches and cowboy boots are very common. I made the mistake of going to a basketball game in Rupp a few years ago with my boots on and got a lot of stares from the yuppies up there. My son warned me you don't wear cowboy boots in Lexington. ??? OK
I got at least 15 pair of shoes, and only wear flip flops 90% of the time. I was thinking the other day, I went to a funeral in 2017 and that was the only time i have had on long pants in at least 4 years. I only wear shorts. I have work shorts, fishing shorts and nice shorts, lol. And I only come back to Ky when its warm out, so I wear shorts then. OH! I forgot! GOOD MORNING everyone! And GO CATS! Beat the Cheaters!
Game day! I'm nervous and I honestly don't know how this game will go.

I just saw a video of a woman berating a service dog owner cause she wouldn't let her child pet it. The owner said multiple times the dog was in training and couldn't be petted. The mother said there needed to be a sign on the dog that said as much. That's where we are in society we aren't even allowed to say no to anyone without them getting angry and threatening to call a lawyer. Sad times.
I got at least 15 pair of shoes, and only wear flip flops 90% of the time. I was thinking the other day, I went to a funeral in 2017 and that was the only time i have had on long pants in at least 4 years. I only wear shorts. I have work shorts, fishing shorts and nice shorts, lol. And I only come back to Ky when its warm out, so I wear shorts then. OH! I forgot! GOOD MORNING everyone! And GO CATS! Beat the Cheaters!
I have the same lifestyle. I have on shorts now like most other days. I do wear dress slacks to church but very few of the younger people do. Sometimes I go Kentucky for Thanksgiving but I still wear a pair of cargo shorts, even if it is 25 degrees. But the thing I love most of all is walking barefoot on a sugar sand beach.