
I am slightly smarter than a rock.

Bert, you know that you and I have talked a plenty over the years, and I want everyone to know that you are selling yourself short. I would say that you are almost TWICE as smart as any rock. (Sherry, when you read that to Bert make sure he knows you're laughing with him and not at him, thanks.)

Just got home from the day. Got a phone call this morning at 0436 from the nursing home. Dad was having trouble breathing so they sent him to the ER. I went down there and it seems that all he has is a cold. He was pretty congested when I was with him Tuesday but it got worse. They admitted him but I doubt they keep him past tomorrow.

They are having the Christmas dinner tonight at the nursing home and he's going to miss it. He told me before I left though that he thought some ribs would help him get over his cold sooner. So, it looks like I'll be sneaking in some contraband baby backs when I go see him tomorrow. We'll make it a Christmas brunch.
Just got home from the day. Got a phone call this morning at 0436 from the nursing home. Dad was having trouble breathing so they sent him to the ER. I went down there and it seems that all he has is a cold. He was pretty congested when I was with him Tuesday but it got worse. They admitted him but I doubt they keep him past tomorrow.

They are having the Christmas dinner tonight at the nursing home and he's going to miss it. He told me before I left though that he thought some ribs would help him get over his cold sooner. So, it looks like I'll be sneaking in some contraband baby backs when I go see him tomorrow. We'll make it a Christmas brunch.
I would do and HAVE done the exact same thing
Just got home from the day. Got a phone call this morning at 0436 from the nursing home. Dad was having trouble breathing so they sent him to the ER. I went down there and it seems that all he has is a cold. He was pretty congested when I was with him Tuesday but it got worse. They admitted him but I doubt they keep him past tomorrow.

They are having the Christmas dinner tonight at the nursing home and he's going to miss it. He told me before I left though that he thought some ribs would help him get over his cold sooner. So, it looks like I'll be sneaking in some contraband baby backs when I go see him tomorrow. We'll make it a Christmas brunch.
When my dad was in the hospital his last few months on earth he asked me to sneak him in some chocolate candy bars. He wrote out a big list and when I came back the next day I had a bag full of them. He wasn't a diabetic so it did not cause any harm to him. He was as happy to get those candy bars as a 5 year old kid.
I would do and HAVE done the exact same thing

The last time he was at Baptist East I took him some White Castles. They had him on food restriction because they thought they were going to perform a procedure. They changed the plans but didn't change the food restriction. They kept telling him they were going to feed him but they never did. He called me and told me the story so I went straight to WC and brought em to him hot.

Turned out, the doctor who put him on food restriction was not there that day and they couldn't get in touch with him. I let them know what I thought about that clustertouch. I asked the nurse in charge if they would just let him lay there and starve if they couldn't reach the doctor for a week?

They need to throw in a Common Sense 101 course in med school.
Just got 4 presents wrapped for my wife. 2 more to wrap and 1 more to buy. Guess I'll pick that up tomorrow.

I am not a very good wrapper of presents. Sometimes if the box is juuust large enough, and juuust the right shape, I can make the ends look fairly decent. For the most part though, they look like a ham handed man with little regard for aesthetics made a halfhearted attempt.

Just got home from the day. Got a phone call this morning at 0436 from the nursing home. Dad was having trouble breathing so they sent him to the ER. I went down there and it seems that all he has is a cold. He was pretty congested when I was with him Tuesday but it got worse. They admitted him but I doubt they keep him past tomorrow.

They are having the Christmas dinner tonight at the nursing home and he's going to miss it. He told me before I left though that he thought some ribs would help him get over his cold sooner. So, it looks like I'll be sneaking in some contraband baby backs when I go see him tomorrow. We'll make it a Christmas brunch.
Baby backs cure more than just colds. Hope he feels better soon!
Just got 4 presents wrapped for my wife. 2 more to wrap and 1 more to buy. Guess I'll pick that up tomorrow.

I am not a very good wrapper of presents. Sometimes if the box is juuust large enough, and juuust the right shape, I can make the ends look fairly decent. For the most part though, they look like a ham handed man with little regard for aesthetics made a halfhearted attempt.

That is why God made big ribbons!:grimace:
Just got home from the day. Got a phone call this morning at 0436 from the nursing home. Dad was having trouble breathing so they sent him to the ER. I went down there and it seems that all he has is a cold. He was pretty congested when I was with him Tuesday but it got worse. They admitted him but I doubt they keep him past tomorrow.

Ymmot, you are the good son.

You also are a good personal friend.

Most folks don't know your "ymmot31" title.

You should tell everyone. Just a suggestion. Don't hold it against me.
Morning. I think most of us here know how work at nothing all day, as the song by BTO goes. So enjoy everyone.

Eville, thanks for your attempt to get me and the kids a vehicle. Who knew starchief would intercept for personal gain. Just like a preacher. Well, after a guilt trip, if there was one, let's hope he gave the money to charity. It is the season, hopefully.

Damp here in the City. Had to mow leaves again. Oak tree across the road was late giving up the chlorophyll and put its leaves right smack in my fairly leafless yard. The nerve! Anyway, got it done.

I want to wish all my friends here and others a very Merry Christmas. I want y'all to know that I cherish your friendships. I think this D league is a special place. Perhaps even unusual. The collective knowledge here of most all things is off the chart. Rich. For that, I am very grateful. Ok, enough of that. Have a good 'un. FCC.

As a preacher you will be glad to know that I paid a tithe (Net, not gross) on their value.
Hell yes!!!

Merry Christmas, D! Hope you all have a holly jolly Christmas and eat a lot of food that's bad for you, then vow to clean up your diet for 2019. Blessings to all!

Merry Christmas, Mash. May you find three gallons of Bluebell in your freezer Christmas morning, flavors that you like but which no one else in the family likes.
Bert, you know that you and I have talked a plenty over the years, and I want everyone to know that you are selling yourself short. I would say that you are almost TWICE as smart as any rock. (Sherry, when you read that to Bert make sure he knows you're laughing with him and not at him, thanks.)

I think Bert is smarter than a bag of rocks - and certainly not what his political opponents said about him.
The last time he was at Baptist East I took him some White Castles. They had him on food restriction because they thought they were going to perform a procedure. They changed the plans but didn't change the food restriction. They kept telling him they were going to feed him but they never did. He called me and told me the story so I went straight to WC and brought em to him hot.

Turned out, the doctor who put him on food restriction was not there that day and they couldn't get in touch with him. I let them know what I thought about that clustertouch. I asked the nurse in charge if they would just let him lay there and starve if they couldn't reach the doctor for a week?

They need to throw in a Common Sense 101 course in med school.

That is when we sons have to step in, when common sense is lost.
The D-League thread does not show up on the Paddock when I log in. I have to go to the messages to get in. It's been that way for a while now. Anybody else have that problem?

It has been that way. I tried to find it when I first began posting over here and I knew I had seen it a few years ago, but it was nowhere to be found.
Just got 4 presents wrapped for my wife. 2 more to wrap and 1 more to buy. Guess I'll pick that up tomorrow.

I am not a very good wrapper of presents. Sometimes if the box is juuust large enough, and juuust the right shape, I can make the ends look fairly decent. For the most part though, they look like a ham handed man with little regard for aesthetics made a halfhearted attempt.


I tend to buy smaller things that can be given in gift bags.
Ymmot, you are the good son.

You also are a good personal friend.

Most folks don't know your "ymmot31" title.

You should tell everyone. Just a suggestion. Don't hold it against me.

I won't. It is my father's name spelled backward and he was born in 1931. He started this account for us and when set it up he transposed his password with his screen name. I left it like that because I got a kick out of it.

Tell your daddy Best Wishes from me.

I will Don, thanks.

It has been that way. I tried to find it when I first began posting over here and I knew I had seen it a few years ago, but it was nowhere to be found.

I think it's by design. They don't want people just stumbling onto the Paddock.
I won't. It is my father's name spelled backward and he was born in 1931. He started this account for us and when set it up he transposed his password with his screen name. I left it like that because I got a kick out of it.

I will Don, thanks.

I think it's by design. They don't want people just stumbling onto the Paddock.

My Dad was born in 29 and I lost him a year ago March. He loved the Cats and hated the Cards more than anyone I knew. He and I were in 101 together for 30 years.
I want to wish all my friends here and others a very Merry Christmas. I want y'all to know that I cherish your friendships. I think this D league is a special place. Perhaps even unusual. The collective knowledge here of most all things is off the chart.
The best board I'm a member of. I'm intimidated by the knowledge our group . I'll chime in but not as much as in the past. We have gained a couple of new members who fit perfectly along with the other brains on the board.
Watching this group develop, enlightening. You can feel it. It's brilliant, genuine, sincere, spiritual, tribal, humorous & family all at the same time. Thank you everyone, Merry Christmas and of course
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I got my shit talking about UL from my father at a very early age. He had some cousins who were UL fans. I asked him about one day if they fought over UK vs UL when they were growing. He laughed and said no and that UL was no different than Bellarmine when he was a kid. Bud had a son go to UL because it was close and that's when he and a couple of others starting pulling for UL. Stupid reason, but whatever.
I got my shit talking about UL from my father at a very early age. He had some cousins who were UL fans. I asked him about one day if they fought over UK vs UL when they were growing. He laughed and said no and that UL was no different than Bellarmine when he was a kid. Bud had a son go to UL because it was close and that's when he and a couple of others starting pulling for UL. Stupid reason, but whatever.

I was born and raised in Louisville, and I used to pull for them, not like UK, but they were on TV there, back in the days when few games were broadcast. At the time, Peck Hickman was coaching and they were in the Missouri Valley Conference. The whole mindset of their fan base changed when Denny Crum was hired and he started talking that nonsense about how UK was afraid to play them and UK was racist, etc. Well the legislature finally made us play them and all I can say is, be careful what you wish for, since we have dominated the series. Since Denny showed up, I have had no use for them or their fans.
I got my shit talking about UL from my father at a very early age. He had some cousins who were UL fans. I asked him about one day if they fought over UK vs UL when they were growing. He laughed and said no and that UL was no different than Bellarmine when he was a kid. Bud had a son go to UL because it was close and that's when he and a couple of others starting pulling for UL. Stupid reason, but whatever.
Well, you've met my cousin. His exact words when we met up in Lou a few years ago was, "I just talk shit about UK to aggravate you". We go back over 40 years on this. When UK won the title back in '96, I called him and his dad from here in Texas, after calling my ex to tell her those rednecks won, was to find out their thoughts. Cats are CATS. Anyway, I'll shut up.
I was born and raised in Louisville, and I used to pull for them, not like UK, but they were on TV there, back in the days when few games were broadcast. At the time, Peck Hickman was coaching and they were in the Missouri Valley Conference. The whole mindset of their fan base changed when Denny Crum was hired and he started talking that nonsense about how UK was afraid to play them and UK was racist, etc. Well the legislature finally made us play them and all I can say is, be careful what you wish for, since we have dominated the series. Since Denny showed up, I have had no use for them or their fans.
I'm a born and raised Louisville guy too. I used to go to the games when I was a young pup but thankfully I chose the right team. I really think that the rivalry was worse when we didn't play each other every year.
My Dad was born in 29 and I lost him a year ago March. He loved the Cats and hated the Cards more than anyone I knew. He and I were in 101 together for 30 years.
I really think the generation before me hated UL much more than my generation and most in mine hate them with a passion. My daddy was born in 1916 and wouldn't acknowledge UL existed. I hate to think what would have happened if one his children had dated a UL fan or brought one home to meet us. I can say it never happened.