
I love this version and the movie is excellent too.

So glad you're enjoying that amp. It's nice to know that it has a good home.

Love it. Also play the turntable each time I do dishes.

Yeah...I'm not sure what's going on? I specifically told the driver to take a left turn at Albuquerque!

I'll get back with you...

Anytime is a good time for a Bugs Bunny quote.

Oh man. I am on my way to 200 lbs again. Thanks Austin! :cry:

I was at 177 this morning.
I made some chili earlier. No beans. I didn't measure the chili powder and I should have. It's very hot.

I hear it's supposed to rain on our parade tomorrow. I don't think that will stop him from wanting to get out though.

Heard a talking head say yesterday that he thought our chances of beating PSU were about 40 to 45 percent. Sounds about like a pick em to me. A win would be huge going forward.
Good morning from ATX. Currently 53°F. Looking at 63°F later today.

User testing for went well yesterday. I should have earned $325 just for the 1.5 hour session. So far this month, I'm at $570 in beermoney. I'll break it down in a future post.

Heading to the pub after work today. Have not partied with former co-workers in a while.

I'll check back later. Y'all behave.
Good morning all, A little rain here in SWFL this morning. Supposed to have some bad weather later today.

Saw Roy Williams at the City of Palms classic last night. I assume he was watching Cole Anthony, man what a player that guy is.

Number 1. kid is coming in tomorrow. Then when he leaves , sister in law is coming in. Then when she leaves kid number 5 arrives.

Hope everyone has a great day today, stay safe and I hope everyone ailing starts feeling better. Will check in later
Good morning from the wet Gulf Coast. Currently 62°F. Headed to a high of 67°F , 100% chance of very heavy rain and the marshes are flooding. The radio man has the local sheriff on and he is telling people to forget about Christmas shopping and stay in their houses. Sandbags are being distributed to those who live on the coast. Winds may gust to 60 mph. The weather will be rough for a few days. It is on days like these that I am thankful I have a 4 wheel off road pick up.

My cousin who lives in Ohio (UK fanatic like the rest of us) has two great kids and they want to come down for the Citrus Bowl and stay a few days. I am going to squeeze in an air boat ride out of Ozello, FL because they have never had the thrill of going 60 mph over marsh land into the Gulf. If I were a few years younger I would own an air boat.

Trust all have a wonderful day and Christmas time is coming.
Good morning Deeps.
More or less wasted a day yesterday. I did get a few things accomplished though.
It doesn't take long to burn a day unless you got plans. Or at least for me it doesn't.
Getting ready to head out and do some Christmas to get in the right frame of mind.
Just don't have a lot to say today.
Morning. I think most of us here know how work at nothing all day, as the song by BTO goes. So enjoy everyone.

Eville, thanks for your attempt to get me and the kids a vehicle. Who knew starchief would intercept for personal gain. Just like a preacher. Well, after a guilt trip, if there was one, let's hope he gave the money to charity. It is the season, hopefully.

Damp here in the City. Had to mow leaves again. Oak tree across the road was late giving up the chlorophyll and put its leaves right smack in my fairly leafless yard. The nerve! Anyway, got it done.

I want to wish all my friends here and others a very Merry Christmas. I want y'all to know that I cherish your friendships. I think this D league is a special place. Perhaps even unusual. The collective knowledge here of most all things is off the chart. Rich. For that, I am very grateful. Ok, enough of that. Have a good 'un. FCC.
FCC you are right about the D-League, I feel great. The best board I'm a member of .I'm intimidated by the knowledge our group . I'll chime in but not as much as in the past. We have gained a couple of new members who fit perfectly along with the other brains on the board. Thanks for letting me give my opinion. Just look out for Bert. Thank you and a Merry Christmas to all.
FCC you are right about the D-League, I feel great. The best board I'm a member of .I'm intimidated by the knowledge our group . I'll chime in but not as much as in the past. We have gained a couple of new members who fit perfectly along with the other brains on the board. Thanks for letting me give my opinion. Just look out for Bert. Thank you and a Merry Christmas to all.
I am slightly smarter than a rock.