I cranked up the Kate Smith vid and had to turn it up to about 75 for it to sound acceptable. Kinda weird, even for youtube videos. Then a Scorpian's tune came on and I knew immediately that something was wrong. I checked the back of the left channel speaker and just as I suspected, it was unplugged. I put the wire back in and tightened the nut but there was still no sound. Turns out the little cat bastards had pulled both wires out of the back of the receiver. I told her that I was not happy about this. I made the point that we give them free reign over a substantial home, feed them the most expensive food we can find, and in essence give them a life equal to our own. I will not tolerate them messing with my sound!
I would like for our cats to spend a week or so in a house down the street that has inferior sound and maybe they would appreciate what they have a little better. Aaaargghhh!