
Some one must be funding them then. I stopped there for the night heading through the glades many years back when the Reds did Spring training in Plant City. I went in the hotel's shower and though I had ran into a helicopter. Big skeeter!
I got buzzed by a damn skeeter in Orlando on Dec 23, 2014.

True story.
You come in with your tank empty and be thirsty. We will cook for you. We will talk just before you leave on your trip and make a smooth plan. That would please me.
Donfather, I'll tell ya the truth. You got some fine ladies who work for you. I was privileged to meet everyone that fine day.
My 98 year old Navy vet from WW2 friend is in a rehab facility, nothing serious just some physical therapy to keep him limber. I visited him to today and he is hooked up with three other vets from his era. He is the oldest of the four of then by year and looks to be in better shape then them. Pretty sure he is my hero.
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My 98 year old Navy vet from 1 ww2 friend is in a rehab facility, nothing serious just some physical therapy to keep him limber. I visited him to today and he is hooked up with three other vets from his era. He is the oldest of the four of then by year and looks to be in better shape them. Pretty sure he is my hero.

everyone who has served is my hero. Can never thank them enough
That is a scary thought. Damn.
Donfather, if we think too much on that crazy shit, it will grow on ya. Ya gotta bed down and always wish for the good things. Too much of that crazy stuff makes ya ill. Ya gotta let it ride. That crazy stuff happened when we were all coming up. It's part of the ride.
Science Break:

Tonight, if you have clear sky, you will be able to see a rare sight. Venus and Jupiter will appear to nearly touch in the night sky. This event will not happen again until 2065.

Make sure you have a clear view of the western horizon about 30 minutes after sunset. They will be about 5 degrees (low in the sky) above the horizon. If the sky is hazy, you might want to scan the horizon with binoculars to help you pick them out or to see that they are actually two objects. Remember, your clenched fist, held at arm's length, takes up about 10 degrees on the sky.

About eight to 10 times per decade, Venus and Jupiter enter a conjunction in the night sky, but Saturday's conjunction is something special. The two planets won't appear this close again until 2065. This planetary close encounter is an illusion, of course; the orbital paths of these two planets are separated by about 416 million miles.
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Skeeters, too. We get 'em too here in TX, but not like FL. That GD place is nuts, except Dec-Mar.

Yeap. Our swimming pool was screened in so we could swim. Deed and sun block were the tools of the day. The sand fleas (can't see ums) just drove me crazy early in the morning and late in the afternoon; the times I wanted to do lawn work when it was under 90 degrees.

Plus being on a spring fed lake made the gaters and snakes worse, but it had ospreys, anhingas, kingfishers and bald eagles which were nice along with some nice fishing. My son caught a 26 lb. blue cat once and over the course of 8 years several 5 pound bass out of there. The lake was a Confederate camp during the Civil War to keep the Yanks from outflanking the port of Jacksonville. The National Park Service was always asking me to let them search the yard for metallic relics. They found some coat buttons and a few coins which I though was cool. Now they will always be preserved.

Folks don’t think that I hated Florida because I didn’t and the lake and friends were wonderful, but of all the places that I have lived I like it the least and that was because of the weather and damned things that bite or stick you.
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I mean it. Great, great folks. I was so blessed back this past April to meet such awesome folks. Hell, I'm just an old country boy.

Brought to mind Don Williams song:

And I'm just a country boy, Money have I none. But I've got silver in the stars, And gold in the morning sun. And gold in the morning sun.