
It's just been to dang hot to even ride the motorcycle...

"Your life is what you make of it. Nothing more nothing less". A constipated talking bird in a car dealer ship in Charleston, WVa., in 1973 could say that very well. Being bird brained, may just may be the way to go in this world we live in.

Donfather, I hate all politicians. I think this nations two party system is broken beyond repair. Either one of these candidates aren't equipped to fix it, in my mind. The best thing I have head about it was a guy who wrote that voting for Trump is like playing Russian Roulette and voting for Clinton would be like putting the gun to your head and pulling the trigger,
Well, our little meet-up went great. I rode mu bike. Drank just one beer.

Wife and I are watching "Man of the House" with Tommy Lee Jones. Parts of the flick were filmed at Sun Rise Mini-Mart just down the street from where my mother in-law lives and where my wife grew up. Cool.

ATC made it home in one piece with his bike.:cool2: LETS PARTY!
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  • Home again home again.
  • QB's 1st cousin's husband died today in Louisville. We were not close, but he was a good guy. 54. Cancer. Did not cuss. but would cuss himself when he played golf (under his breath.)
  • Glad to be home.

Darkness has fallen. Hope you have your body guard with you. There could be danger lying in wait behind every plant and bush.

Sorry to hear about QB's cousin for the both of you.
Darkness has fallen. Hope you have your body guard with you. There could be danger lying in wait behind every plant and bush.

Sorry to hear about QB's cousin for the both of you.
Sugar is always by my side. She is one of those dogs that would wait by the front door of the school until her master came out. She's 13 now. Her sentry senses are nearly gone.
Good morning D
Getting ready to head out to my parents' house for another day of packing and moving stuff - won't be back until tonight

In the meantime - here is another another (and hopefully better) trivia question for you:

What was Lily Munster's maiden name?

Have a great day guys!
Has anyone answered this
I'm gonna guess Borgia or Dracula
I woke up still pissed. We find out my daughters epipen about to expire and cost has jumped from $100-$600
Really. I started researching and read all the headlines. I'm astounded! Who does that. Kids are going to die as a result

This is something people should come together protest over This effects everyone. Protest for a cause for a change

Sorry for the rant but I'm mad as hell. This is where our Appointed officials need to come together and say this isn't going to happen.
They will tell companies like ATT it's illegal to price gouge and have monopoly but not drug companies
I'm so sorry to hear that for you. Grateful that mine have no allergies that need an epipen.
Ridiculous that these people can get away with this chit.
Let's get off that and get on this.

This time next Saturday we will be all nervous waiting for the 7:30 kickoff. Pulling the butt. Finishing the meat. Cooking the wings. I hope our Cats are competitive. We're tired of being the joke.

more nervous than I should be for our first game - too much hope maybe? To me, an awful lot is riding on the first showing this season by our Cats.