
I woke up still pissed. We find out my daughters epipen about to expire and cost has jumped from $100-$600
Really. I started researching and read all the headlines. I'm astounded! Who does that. Kids are going to die as a result

This is something people should come together protest over This effects everyone. Protest for a cause for a change

Sorry for the rant but I'm mad as hell. This is where our Appointed officials need to come together and say this isn't going to happen.
They will tell companies like ATT it's illegal to price gouge and have monopoly but not drug companies
  • Good Morning, D-League. Do we have any lurkers? Come on out.
  • 75º in Johns Creek. Clear. Visibility about 20 miles. VFR.
  • Blood Sugar = 107. Weight = 227.
  • I think I just heard that the guy that murdered those 2 nuns in Mississippi has been caught. How do you bring yourself to stab 2 nuns to death? SMH.
  • @catfaninsc: I for one enjoy your study of the universe that you are so adept at. Your explanations are just excellent. I will be 122 years old in 2065.
  • My haircutter gave me a little bag of Scuppernongs that grow in her backyard. They are good. Smaller that what I buy at the fruit stand.
  • My grands other grandmother is from Soldier, Kentucky. Does anyone on here know where that is? Visited her mother one time. She had a Chow that would eat your azz up.
  • That is all.
I woke up still pissed. We find out my daughters epipen about to expire and cost has jumped from $100-$600
Really. I started researching and read all the headlines. I'm astounded! Who does that. Kids are going to die as a result

This is something people should come together protest over This effects everyone. Protest for a cause for a change

Sorry for the rant but I'm mad as hell. This is where our Appointed officials need to come together and say this isn't going to happen.
They will tell companies like ATT it's illegal to price gouge and have monopoly but not drug companies
I looked it up as I was totally ignorant about it. It seems that the price has jumped from $50 to $600 in a very short time. Call the politicians that represent you. They do pay attention to telephone calls. Raise Hell. My sympathies to all y'all.
Listen to this ......... yesterday when I came in to get ready for work I had some sort of visual impairment episode. I was standing and all of a sudden everything was like double vision like you see when you eyes are crossed. It lasted about a minute or two and then went away. It has been okay since the episode. Has anyone ever experienced anything like that? Lots of experience on here.
Listen to this ......... yesterday when I came in to get ready for work I had some sort of visual impairment episode. I was standing and all of a sudden everything was like double vision like you see when you eyes are crossed. It lasted about a minute or two and then went away. It has been okay since the episode. Has anyone ever experienced anything like that? Lots of experience on here.

Thanks for the shout out earlier Don. Now, on to your question.

1. How long had it been since you had eaten?

2.Did you move quickly? As in getting up or down?

3.Was there a big Temp. difference between outside and inside? And did it happen soon after coming into the office?

4. Was there a big difference in the amount of light between outside and inside?
Brought to mind Don Williams song:

And I'm just a country boy, Money have I none. But I've got silver in the stars, And gold in the morning sun. And gold in the morning sun.
Ha, that's what I thought of when I read his post, I went to get the song, and as I was, I remembered this one. Just a tad more upbeat.
Fda needs toncripple these sob and approve the generic. It would be $25.

Their stock is already plummeting Teach them a lesson.

I'm sorry. But medicine shouldn't be to the highest bidder. It's ridiculous.

I would hate for them to come out with a cure for cancer and only the wealthy able to get it

Where has the Humanity of people gone to? I thought you get into the medical profession to help people.

I'm so mad can't see straight. It's said to see elderly wait in line for meds and have to put things back because medicine cost so much

You want health care reform make it illegal for any public appointed servant to take money from drug or insurance companies. See how far they get
I woke up still pissed. We find out my daughters epipen about to expire and cost has jumped from $100-$600
Really. I started researching and read all the headlines. I'm astounded! Who does that. Kids are going to die as a result

This is something people should come together protest over This effects everyone. Protest for a cause for a change

Sorry for the rant but I'm mad as hell. This is where our Appointed officials need to come together and say this isn't going to happen.
They will tell companies like ATT it's illegal to price gouge and have monopoly but not drug companies
Let's say a mysterious character stops by your next door neighbors house each week and gives him a paper bag with a $1,000 cash in it. You tell the neighbor that you would like for that guy to stop coming by, the neighbor say's he'll talk to him about it. The next week the mysterious character brings a bag with $2,000 cash in it.

This is what you are dealing with by thinking our government is going to step in and do something about drug prices. Marijuana was just recently confirmed by the powers that be to remain as a Schedule 1 drug. Same as heroin. Cocaine is Schedule 2. Alcohol isn't even a "schedule". Pharmaceutical companies would prefer you take a Xanax or Valium when you come in from work, alcohol industry wants you to wash it down with a cold beer. Each pay lot's of money to keep it that way.
Thanks for the shout out earlier Don. Now, on to your question.

1. How long had it been since you had eaten?

2.Did you move quickly? As in getting up or down?

3.Was there a big Temp. difference between outside and inside? And did it happen soon after coming into the office?

4. Was there a big difference in the amount of light between outside and inside?
  1. 45 minutes
  2. no
  3. yes
  4. yes
Donald Trump is going to win this election in a landslide.
I hope you're right. Not because I'm a big Trump fan, but just for the hope of something different than what we have now. I know he won't be able to change a lot of things, they are just too entrenched in our government. Even if he did change things a huge amount, it would be temporary. The people that follow him would put it right back where it is.

The Clintons need to be stopped.
Fda needs toncripple these sob and approve the generic. It would be $25.

Their stock is already plummeting Teach them a lesson.

I'm sorry. But medicine shouldn't be to the highest bidder. It's ridiculous.

I would hate for them to come out with a cure for cancer and only the wealthy able to get it

Where has the Humanity of people gone to? I thought you get into the medical profession to help people.

I'm so mad can't see straight. It's said to see elderly wait in line for meds and have to put things back because medicine cost so much

You want health care reform make it illegal for any public appointed servant to take money from drug or insurance companies. See how far they get

1 Manufacturer
2 Wholesaler -markup
3 Aggregator - markup
4 Distributer - markup
5 Pharmacy -markup
6 You

In your case the retail cost Epi pen has gone from $70 to $600 since about 2009. While at the same time executive pay at this company has increased 634% over the same time period. Epi has been around a long time.
Cost to manufacture the product has probably increased 2-3% per year. There are many drugs where the same thing has happened. Call your Senators office and your House of Rep. office. Also email them.
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I could take off right now. Should I stay or should I go?

Your office open 24/7?
They ARE UK related though - two are from Lexington and are big UK fans

I am related to one of these guys. Same last name.
  1. 45 minutes
  2. no
  3. yes
  4. yes

Next time Mav pops in here, ask him. He's a decent guy. Never post over there though. There are a few of those guys (I learned recently) that despise everyone in the D.
Listen to this ......... yesterday when I came in to get ready for work I had some sort of visual impairment episode. I was standing and all of a sudden everything was like double vision like you see when you eyes are crossed. It lasted about a minute or two and then went away. It has been okay since the episode. Has anyone ever experienced anything like that? Lots of experience on here.
Check for pin strokes
My wife had them in 2013
Shows up in a CT scan
Next time Mav pops in here, ask him. He's a decent guy. Never post over there though. There are a few of those guys (I learned recently) that despise everyone in the D.
Now that really does surprise me. Why on earth would anyone despise an old fellow wildcat just because he is old and likes trains. That seems ludicrous to me. I have never attacked anyone that posts on these boards. I have fully supported this message board faithfully with the subscription costs for about 13 years. I still subscribe to the paper version. UK gets some of that. I have instilled UK fanhood into both of my children and my five grandchildren. How could anyone in their right mind hate me?
The D-League was created about 5 years ago for folks that needed it as an alternative to the Gyero thread. I so wanted to be a part of that, but there were many younger guys that did not want me and so our thread, The D-league, was born.
The only time that you will see me fight is when some Internet bully attacks me first. I probably should not fight back, but that is my nature.
I am not college educated and that is totally my own fault. I just was not strong enough and mature enough to know how important an education was. And so here I sit, still working 6 days a week to support my wife and children and grandchildren. That is what I have to do. So, if you hate me for all that, then go ahead and hate. I have some things to say about that stuff, but there is no need to get into that right at this moment. Those of you out there that have met me know that I am the same in person as I am on this board.
All y'all take care.
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Now that really does surprise me. Why on earth would anyone despise an old fellow wildcat just because he is old and likes trains. That seems ludicrous to me. I have never attacked anyone that posts on these boards. I have fully supported this message board faithfully with the subscription costs for about 13 years. I still subscribe to the paper version. UK gets some of that. I have instilled UK fanhood into both of my children and my five grandchildren. How could anyone in their right mind hate me?
The D-League was created about 5 years ago for folks that needed it as an alternative to the Gyero thread. I so wanted to be a part of that, but there were many younger guys that did not want me and so our thread, The D-league was born.
The only time that you will see me fight is when some Internet bully attacks me first. I probably should not fight back, but that is my nature.
I am not college educated and that is totally my own fault. I just was not strong enough and mature enough to know how important an education was. And so here I sit, still working 6 days a week to support my wife and children and grandchildren. That is what I have to do. So, if you hate me for all that, then do ahead and hate. I have some things to say about that stuff, but there is no need to get into that stuff right at this moment. Those of you out there that have met me know that I am the same in person as I am on this board.
All y'all take care.

Well said SIR.

(*and you just described a very successful life that many could only wish for)