
I nominate this one for top five all time.[thumb2]
Bret, I have recently met and have been doing some research with a retired Air Force Three Star F-100 jockey. West point Class of 63, he switched to the Air Force around 67. I never got into flying but my oldest son started at 14 and is still working as a jockey for Chevron for the rigs in the gulf. In his early fifties now.

The three star is full of war stories which include 490 hours of combat flying. He trained at Rucker as a chopper pilot and did the armed helicopter bit in Nam in the same areas I was at on more then one occasion, We found that out during our reason visit. It was like a reunion of sorts, I would mention an area and an event and here came his memory of the same place and time.

Oh yeah, morning D!
been to Sun several times..Graceland as well. My favorite is hangin out on Beale Street listening to some awesome music. Always hit Beale up when we go to Tunica.

Headin to Lagrange in a bit..pulling wire for a/c going into my buddies garage..

Changing garbage service. 4th time rumpke did not pickup my yard waste and nobodies garbage was picked up yesterday, hopefully they will pick it up today...had enough. I pay my bill on time and I expect my service to be on time as well..
" get on my lawn, waste"
I used to fly with Gene Snyder out of Cardinal Aviation. He already had his license and I was working on mine. Gene was a fantastic person. I voted for him and now I ride on his road. [winking]
He really was a great guy. My in-laws were very active in the Republican party; as I said, the father in law worked for him for 15 years. I think he was a trouble shooter or something like that for him? I got to meet Gene several times. I kept trying to call him Mr. Snyder and he kept correcting me, LOL. He was just Gene. Tell you another thing - the man would offer a drink, and mix it himself - but you had to be prepared, he never skimped on the alcohol, :)
I'll see if I can find some old pics to post here.
mornin D
wish I had as good stories to tell as you guys do.
I have one pretty cool one though: Back in 1992, Air Force One made a stop at the little airfield behind Standiford field. My mother in law, being so active with the Republican Women's group, got us an invitation to be there. I had my daughter, who was 2 and a half at the time, with me. Somehow we managed to get to the front of the crowd where Mrs. Bush was walking down the line shaking hands. She got to us, and my daughter held her arms out to her. Mrs. Bush stopped and took her from me for a quick cuddle. Said she was the prettiest little redhead she'd ever seen. Of course, that was one of the very few times in my life I could barely speak - she asked me Katie's age, and some other stuff having to do with toddlers; just like any grandma. Just an incredibly nice, sweet and down to earth person. I've adored her since that day.
My mother-in-law was furious because she got caught in the back of the crowd - and she had a camera.
Arrow Exterminators. They spray once per month. The cost is about $65 p/m. It is not dangerous unless you are a mosquito, then it kills you. QB's idea. I haven't had a mosquito or noseeum bite since we started using this service. The first treatment is in May and the last one is in October. Hope this helps.

Thanks, donfather.
Got a batch going.

55, got a new huskavarna 6hp. motor on my tiller. The BS 5hp was made in 1981. It was give out I reckon. Havn't picked it up yet. Been without. Grass every where in my garden. We were doing sooo good on the weeds. But with tiller in the shop about about a foot of rain it has rather been mowed instead of tilled.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

Hey chief5 when do I sign up for medicare? 64 and a half? FCC
  • Took #3 and #4 to J.R.'s for breakfast.
  • Didn't even know #3 was in for the weekend. He surprised me this AM. He loves to do that.
  • Stopped at Advance to get a light bulb for the fog light. $26. Heart attack. #3 put it in for me. Got some grease on his arm. QB raised sand. Liquid soap. It came right off. My hero.
  • They gone.
  • Have a good Friday.
Turned down golf for late this afternoon that will run until dark. Didn't know about it until an hour ago and me and my wife had sort of made plans to cook brats and watch big brother and a movie. That was my grown up decision of the day. I'm free to do whatever I please now. Wife will find out on facebook from dude's wife and I'll be racking up the brownie points. Can't wait for breakfast tomorrow.[winking] Sometimes gifts just fall from the sky, plus, it will be too hot to play. Win Win.:cool2:
Sad to hear Austin, pets are family. So sorry. Always puts a hard knot in my stomach whenever I hear of someone losing a pet.

Spent the last 12 days on the 30A beach with the family. Special time for us all to get together as my oldest will head back to college in a few days. Weather created some big waves resulting in excellent bodysurfing. As a former swimmer, I can still ride them pretty well and had a blast. As a 55 year old overweight and out-of-shape father of 3....I'm incredibly sore in places I forgot I even had. Need to start gobbling down some Advil. And lose weight, get in shape, etc. etc. etc....

Sorry to hear about your pet Austin, tough thing to go through. Bev your story reminded me of a story a Delta Operator told me once. He had did a walk through security assessment of the White House and in a stairwell had walked into some of Laura's bras hanging up to dry.
She had cooked some beans and invited him to eat with them and the President asked him how the walk through inspection went? Laura spoke up "You didn't go in that certain stairwell, did you?" My friend answered no that he hadn't gotten to that one yet but had to do it later along with some other areas.
I paid as little as 18-19 cents in Brookport whenever they had those gas wars.

I remember that Don. Gas wars - great times. Remember pulling up to the pump and not thinking a thing about saying "Give me a dollar's worth of reg'ler." $5 for a fill-up.

I used to live in Oregon and you can't pump your own gas there. I think it is the only state that does that. No sales tax there either. High property taxes though to make up for it.

Bought a house there in '81. Interest rates were 12%! I took over the payments on the home @10% and thought I had hit the jackpot. Big recession in timber country back them. I left the state in '85 and it took me two years to sell the house at a big loss. Win some, lose some.

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Got a batch going.

55, got a new huskavarna 6hp. motor on my tiller. The BS 5hp was made in 1981. It was give out I reckon. Havn't picked it up yet. Been without. Grass every where in my garden. We were doing sooo good on the weeds. But with tiller in the shop about about a foot of rain it has rather been mowed instead of tilled.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

Hey chief5 when do I sign up for medicare? 64 and a half? FCC

3 months before your 65th birthday. Sign up for the drug program at the same time even if you don't need it now. I didn't because my drugs, at that time, cost me less than the benefit cost. I signed up late and ended up having to pay $10-15 a month more for the benefit till I die. By the time you hit your 70s you will be on up to 6 or more prescriptions for certain (whether you actually need them or not). Prescription drugs do amazing things in recent years (and some of them cost a fortune)..
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