
evening D
what a day - feeling a little wiped out. Went to the mud bog event; it was actually a lot of fun. Met some good people, had a couple of beers; kid got to play with other kids. I think I'm a little sunburnt, lol. Started raining at one point everyone ran for shelters, except yours truly. I enjoyed it
Hope everyone had a great day?
Back from my "Hottest Day of the Year" ride. Huge disappointment. This year, we had to pre-register. $10. Since I jumped in the pool immediately after pre-registration, no wristband for me. No wristband = no beer at end of the ride. Total suckage. I left the after-ride party after devouring only one piece of pizza. Pissed as hell. This year was unlike previous years.

I'm madder than hell.

In other news, Sadie is okay. She's a bit slow, but still with us, thankfully. The IV from our vet brought us some time. Her liver enzymes were "off the charts". Hope we have her for a couple more months.
Another thing: Bronchitis. I believe I have had it for over 10 days now. Last week, I started coughing up blood, and that scares the hell out of me. Lung cancer was my first thought. Both my father and also my grandmother on my mom's side died from lung cancer. My father passed away at age 48 in 1986 and grandma at age 70 in 1987. Both were smokers. Therefore, I am very high risk.

My wind is great. I breath fine. I climb three flights of stairs faithfully many times daily at work. Hard climbs. Refuse to take an elevator. I ride the bike even harder going up hills when riding to work just hoping something blows up and I'll go down with it. If any more blood comes up, my ass shall live at a hospital over the coming weeks.
Another thing: Bronchitis. I believe I have had it for over 10 days now. Last week, I started coughing up blood, and that scares the hell out of me. Lung cancer was my first thought. Both my father and also my grandmother on my mom's side died from lung cancer. My father passed away at age 48 in 1986 and grandma at age 70 in 1987. Both were smokers. Therefore, I am very high risk.

My wind is great. I breath fine. I climb three flights of stairs faithfully many times daily at work. Hard climbs. Refuse to take an elevator. I ride the bike even harder going up hills when riding to work just hoping something blows up and I'll go down with it. If any more blood comes up, my ass shall live at a hospital over the coming weeks.
Austin, this is not good. Make an appointment with a lung specialist asap. And let us all know what you are doing and how you are doing. Don't waste time, son. And good luck with all of this. Damn it to Hell.
Back from my "Hottest Day of the Year" ride. Huge disappointment. This year, we had to pre-register. $10. Since I jumped in the pool immediately after pre-registration, no wristband for me. No wristband = no beer at end of the ride. Total suckage. I left the after-ride party after devouring only one piece of pizza. Pissed as hell. This year was unlike previous years.

I'm madder than hell.

In other news, Sadie is okay. She's a bit slow, but still with us, thankfully. The IV from our vet brought us some time. Her liver enzymes were "off the charts". Hope we have her for a couple more months.
Keep us in your loop.
Hey Bev. I just called my cousin in KY. He lives up on Nolin Lake. I just left him a message which says "if I die, please bury me up in KY".

Cousin Randy will make it happen. Eff these stupid Texans. They have no clue. If I go, then by shit, they will know what is right in our world. I am effed up. Don't get upset, be happy. I still gotta figure out stuff with our sorry renters in Middlesboro.
Hey Bev. I just called my cousin in KY. He lives up on Nolin Lake. I just left him a message which says "if I die, please bury me up in KY".

Cousin Randy will make it happen. Eff these stupid Texans. They have no clue. If I go, then by shit, they will know what is right in our world. I am effed up. Don't get upset, be happy. I still gotta figure out stuff with our sorry renters in Middlesboro.
Have you been coughing a lot? Hard coughs?
Hey Bev. I just called my cousin in KY. He lives up on Nolin Lake. I just left him a message which says "if I die, please bury me up in KY".

Cousin Randy will make it happen. Eff these stupid Texans. They have no clue. If I go, then by shit, they will know what is right in our world. I am effed up. Don't get upset, be happy. I still gotta figure out stuff with our sorry renters in Middlesboro.

You know, all you gotta do is say the word and any of us would be there if you need anything.
Just sayin'

If this continues, I'll let y'all know and send you an invite to an unforgettable going away party in Kentucky. I will die in Kentucky. That is non-negotiable. Again, thanks.
Dude, you can die at my house if you'd like. I think Bert's place would be a better choice though. He's got a much better bourbon collection.

Whatever you decide, just let me know. No need to rush though, I'm going to live forever. Gypsy lady told me and I trust her. She was so good it cost $200 for an accurate reading.
I am effed up. But when the end comes, please take me back home. I want to relate to the best folks I ever knew, and those great peeps lived in the Bluegrass. Cousin Randy knows the deal. He is originally from Hazzard area (area), but he understands my silly ass. Hell, we damn near swamped a boat on Nolin Lake together.