
Ageism (also spelled "agism") is stereotyping and discriminating against individuals or groups on the basis of their age. This may be casual or systematic.[1][2] The term was coined in 1969 by Robert Neil Butler to describe discrimination against seniors, and patterned on sexism and racism.[3] Butler defined "ageism" as a combination of three connected elements. Among them were prejudicial attitudes towards older people, old age, and the aging process; discriminatory practices against older people; and institutional practices and policies that perpetuate stereotypes about elderly people.[4]

While the term has also been used to describe prejudice and discrimination against adolescents and children, including ignoring their ideas because they are too young, or assuming that they should behave in certain ways because of their age,[5] the term is predominantly used in relation to the treatment of older people. Moreover, it has been pointed out that stigmatization does only occur outside of the cohesively imagined group of the elderly but likewise takes place within the stigmatized group itself.[6]

I love myself, an old man.
I love my wife, an old woman.
I love my kids, middle aged folks.
I love my grandkids, young folks.

I do not suffer from Ageism or agism. I love all people.

Anyone who uses tools and words to divide, so be shamed, shamed...............
Being of sound mind and body I willfully and by my own accord play in the Old Men Basketball League at the gym. Does that mean I am stereotyping myself?

If I file a law suit for age discrimination would I be both the plaintiff and one of the defendants?
  1. It just means you can't run the floor anymore. Nothing more, nothing less.
  2. Could be,
Cookie Monster time: Co-worker brought in carrot cake baked by Mandola's located across the street from us.

I got some Culver's Custard at a retirement party yesterday.

Side story about Culver's: My family & I went to Culver's for dinner lat Sunday night. As we stepped up to the counter, I noticed someone kneeling down behind the counter. Then I heard my wife ask how long she had been down. That's when I noticed that the guy kneeling was trying to help another employee that was laying on the floor passed out.

My wife being a nurse (nurse practitioner actually) jumped into action. Started getting what vital signs she could without instruments, getting a medical history and talking to the 911 dispatch.

The girl most likely passed out due to exhaustion/dehydration. Paramedics checked her blood sugar which was fine. The got her in the ambulance and gave her some IV fluids. The manager comped our meals.

Saving lives.
My niece lives in the country outside of Paducah.

Smash And Grab thieves broke in her husband's work van. They broke out the drivers side and rear windows. There was nothing of value in there. They don't have anything. It happened at 0300 today. I'm sure they don't have comprehensive on that old van. It will cost them $400-500 probably. Pisses me off badly. This same thing has been done to me in Atlanta about 10 times.

If you were on the jury trying the husband for ball batting that SOB to near death, how would you find? Guilty of Aggravated Assault or Not Guilty via Justified Aggravated Assault.
Not guilty
Good evening, D-leaguers. Almost caught up at work now. Having a gin and grapefruit juice drink. Too late for tonight, but if tomorrow is a normal day, I'll post my escapades at the retreat last week. No women involved (darn it), but a lot of alcohol was consumed! The retreat was geared for mid/upper level management. I'm not in management anymore, and when I was, I was lower level. Since the original attendee from the hospital couldn't go (and she is single), and the retreat was already paid for...they had to find a single person to go. That single person was me.
  • Home again. Safe. Happy that the workday is finally over.
  • Business is just awful. I hope it does not get awfuller.
  • Wednesday and I am sitting on 20% of par. That is terrible.
  • Heard from #5 & #4 tonight. They called to tell me that they miss me and that they would see me Sunday. Sweet children. Grandpappy happy.
  • Likes applied (12 seconds.)
  • Still 77º in Johns Creek. Nice night.
  • That is all.
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evening D-folk
been a pretty pleasant day - busy as usual. Got some housework done, did a little shopping and dealt with some locals thinking our little backyard pool is public domain. That's bad enough, but there is also some damage to the pool, the chlorine dispenser and some of the pool toys; plus a lot of water was drained out. It's an only an above-ground, inflatable thing, only 4 ft or so, and about 18 ft across, but it's OURS. I'm sure we'll get it taken care of soon enough though.
Dinner: french fried onion chicken tenders, mashed potatoes, broccoli and tomatoes (I love sliced maters, will eat them all day), plus some dinner yeast rolls. Tasty eatin' if I do say so myself

9 weeks, three days until football
258 days, 19 hours and 35 minutes till BBM
Good evening, D-leaguers. Almost caught up at work now. Having a gin and grapefruit juice drink. Too late for tonight, but if tomorrow is a normal day, I'll post my escapades at the retreat last week. No women involved (darn it), but a lot of alcohol was consumed! The retreat was geared for mid/upper level management. I'm not in management anymore, and when I was, I was lower level. Since the original attendee from the hospital couldn't go (and she is single), and the retreat was already paid for...they had to find a single person to go. That single person was me.
looking forward to it - you tell some good stories

For a Vol fan
evening D-folk
been a pretty pleasant day - busy as usual. Got some housework done, did a little shopping and dealt with some locals thinking our little backyard pool is public domain. That's bad enough, but there is also some damage to the pool, the chlorine dispenser and some of the pool toys; plus a lot of water was drained out. It's an only an above-ground, inflatable thing, only 4 ft or so, and about 18 ft across, but it's OURS. I'm sure we'll get it taken care of soon enough though.
Dinner: french fried onion chicken tenders, mashed potatoes, broccoli and tomatoes (I love sliced maters, will eat them all day), plus some dinner yeast rolls. Tasty eatin' if I do say so myself

9 weeks, three days until football
258 days, 19 hours and 35 minutes till BBM
Is no fence required for your pool? If one of these trespassers drowned, will your HOs cover your liability?
evening D-folk
been a pretty pleasant day - busy as usual. Got some housework done, did a little shopping and dealt with some locals thinking our little backyard pool is public domain. That's bad enough, but there is also some damage to the pool, the chlorine dispenser and some of the pool toys; plus a lot of water was drained out. It's an only an above-ground, inflatable thing, only 4 ft or so, and about 18 ft across, but it's OURS. I'm sure we'll get it taken care of soon enough though.
Dinner: french fried onion chicken tenders, mashed potatoes, broccoli and tomatoes (I love sliced maters, will eat them all day), plus some dinner yeast rolls. Tasty eatin' if I do say so myself

9 weeks, three days until football
258 days, 19 hours and 35 minutes till BBM
You might want to check your addition for BBM. I could be wrong.
its funny, because all I drink now is Coke Zero diet Dr Pepper or plain iced tea. Hell, one thing I eat that really sucked when I first started this journey are lean pockets. Now the real ones suck to me. Btw, I forgot who mentioned it but someone said wait till you double the amount of laps you walk a day. I started at 2.5 now I'm going twice daily up to 6 miles. Once you've started its hard to stop, you're obsessed and you know you have to put in the work.
son #2 has been staying with us the last few days following a surgery he had,,,doin great..
been walking about 3 miles in the morning and do the same in the evening..amazing how good it makes you feel
feels almost like fall weather...June just flew by
Heading to Lagrange later today..
Going to Chicago to cubs game next first time to Chicago..
Funny how attitudes change when the hiding place is found...
Had that last post qued up for a couple of hours, Forgot to hit post reply. Now the kitchen is clean with all dishes washed and put away, living room is clean, dusted, vacuumed, waxed hardwood. Winter clothes taken to shed. Precision weed eating around one bush. I've done more before breakfast than I usually do all day. Oh yeah, a load of clothes are finishing up in the washer.
I finally got around to making some coffee. I poured the beans into the grinder and a few of them got loose and went bouncing on the counter. As I picked them up, for some reason I said "one, two, three beans". Then I thought to myself, "all those years of bitching about the bean counters, and now you're one too". The circle of life.