
Look…I'll still watch every game. And I will still cheer on the Cats like I always have. But i absolutely refuse to get excited about this upcoming (or any other future) UK football season. Absolutely done with that ish.

Rise! Stoops Troops!
Eff that noise. I got a new one…Nope!

I do look forward to the college football season in general starting. And the NFL as well. Because I love watching football. Just not gonna get excited about what will be at best a 4 or 5 win season for the gridiron Cats (probably closer to 3 wins).

Sorry but 40+ years of gridiron mediocrity/misery/SEC cellar dwelling/dumpster fires has me soured on excitement.

When is BBM?
Yeah. I hope I'm wrong, but I think we're going to be awful. Same 'ol stuff. Decent running backs. Untried QB, weak defense, weak OL. We'll see. I still look forward to watching the Cats on Saturdays.
Look…I'll still watch every game. And I will still cheer on the Cats like I always have. But i absolutely refuse to get excited about this upcoming (or any other future) UK football season. Absolutely done with that ish.

Rise! Stoops Troops!
Eff that noise. I got a new one…Nope!

I do look forward to the college football season in general starting. And the NFL as well. Because I love watching football. Just not gonna get excited about what will be at best a 4 or 5 win season for the gridiron Cats (probably closer to 3 wins).

Sorry but 40+ years of gridiron mediocrity/misery/SEC cellar dwelling/dumpster fires has me soured on excitement.

When is BBM?

I'm with you on this post. I like to watch college football generally but I honestly can't remember when I last watched a UK game. I'll just check the score later. After the cupcake games are played, the results of the SEC games seldom change - only the margins.

If we ever get to the point where I can think, honestly, that UK just might win this game with a tough competitor I could get on board. As it is, we know with a 98% certainty how each game will play out.
Look…I'll still watch every game. And I will still cheer on the Cats like I always have. But i absolutely refuse to get excited about this upcoming (or any other future) UK football season. Absolutely done with that ish.

Rise! Stoops Troops!
Eff that noise. I got a new one…Nope!

I do look forward to the college football season in general starting. And the NFL as well. Because I love watching football. Just not gonna get excited about what will be at best a 4 or 5 win season for the gridiron Cats (probably closer to 3 wins).

Sorry but 40+ years of gridiron mediocrity/misery/SEC cellar dwelling/dumpster fires has me soured on excitement.

When is BBM?
256 days, 6 hours, 55 minutes
Yeah. I hope I'm wrong, but I think we're going to be awful. Same 'ol stuff. Decent running backs. Untried QB, weak defense, weak OL. We'll see. I still look forward to watching the Cats on Saturdays.

If you call someone a masochist, you either mean that they take pleasure in pain, or — perhaps more commonly — that they just seem to
I'm with you on this post. I like to watch college football generally but I honestly can't remember when I last watched a UK game. I'll just check the score later. After the cupcake games are played, the results of the SEC games seldom change - only the margins.

If we ever get to the point where I can think, honestly, that UK just might win this game with a tough competitor I could get on board. As it is, we know with a 98% certainty how each game will play out.

Well then…you aren't exactly "with me" on my previous post. At least not completely. I said I will watch every UK football game…like I always do. I'm just not looking forward to it. Because I have seen the future…and it is full of gridiron dumpster fires and SEC cellar dwelling.

I concur with the rest of you post though.
Well then…you aren't exactly "with me" on my previous post. At least not completely. I said I will watch every UK football game…like I always do. I'm just not looking forward to it. Because I have seen the future…and it is full of gridiron dumpster fires and SEC cellar dwelling.

I concur with the rest of you post though.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow
You're always a daaaay awaaay." [laughing]

I like watching UK football, but unlike UK basketball, I think they are going to lose every game they play and I go into it accepting that. When they win every now and then it's a special surprise. I watch every game til the end. Sometimes it's hard to watch.

I think this years team will be better than last years team, but what does that mean? They would have to be MUCH better for it to make any difference. I doubt they will be much better.
I ate: turkey, strawberries, and a cheese stick.

Trying to eat more productively. Been adding protein shakes and healthier snacks to help control my big boy appetite. My weight and energy levels are more stable. I'm not quite eating twigs and maggots, but I'm cleaning it up for the summer, ATX. I always think of you and your disciplined eating. Something to strive for.
Finally returned from my 'retreat'. Was strange being off the grid for a week, but now I'm back. Of course the first thing I hear was Coach Pat's passing. I have a lot of memories about her. She came down to my high school to see us play Giles County High. She was recruiting their center...long, tall drink of water named Sheila Frost. And she got her girl. And Sheila won a championship with Coach Pat. Pat took a gander or two at my Cousin Jen...but a 5'11" post player just wasn't going to cut it at UT. Jen went on to MTSU and had a fine college career tho.
So, I just go out the front door a few minutes ago and nearly step on a raccoon. Pretty good sized one too. He was getting himself a drink out of the cats water and had probably helped himself to some cat food as well.

I know a couple of them come up there at night along with a possum, but I had never seen one there during the middle of the day. I need to set up a trail cam on the front porch and see just how many animals we're actually feeding.
So, I just go out the front door a few minutes ago and nearly step on a raccoon. Pretty good sized one too. He was getting himself a drink out of the cats water and had probably helped himself to some cat food as well.

I know a couple of them come up there at night along with a possum, but I had never seen one there during the middle of the day. I need to set up a trail cam on the front porch and see just how many animals we're actually feeding.
Be REAL careful with a 'coon in the daytime. They're either searching for new territory OR they're rabid. Either way, I'd stay clear.
Guess I'll start checking who is out there before I walk out the house. Don't need some ankle biting raccoon up in my business. My wife chases the coons and possums off in the backyard with a broom. I keep telling her that one of them is going to turn on her someday. I messed with wild animals when I was younger, which is why I don't mess with wild animals when I'm older.
Happy to see some the old guys posting. Wish the D was the same minus the over nastiness, ( guilty here),drama, and animosity but on the other hand the d is still a fun place to hang out without the worry of being chastized for what you post. Postin pics later of my recent bench I built for my buddies birthday. Delivery to Lagrange Thursday!
Happy to see some the old guys posting. Wish the D was the same minus the over nastiness, ( guilty here),drama, and animosity but on the other hand the d is still a fun place to hang out without the worry of being chastized for what you post. Postin pics later of my recent bench I built for my buddies birthday. Delivery to Lagrange Thursday!
who's your buddy? And I'm presuming LaGrange KY? If so, I might know him, LOL
So, I just go out the front door a few minutes ago and nearly step on a raccoon. Pretty good sized one too. He was getting himself a drink out of the cats water and had probably helped himself to some cat food as well.

I know a couple of them come up there at night along with a possum, but I had never seen one there during the middle of the day. I need to set up a trail cam on the front porch and see just how many animals we're actually feeding.

I'll save you the trouble.

Varmit report: Still on mole number 37. Sporadic activity in two places, but ground is dry and hard. Bagged 2 mice on sticky traps in the downstairs bathroom. Killed about 6 or so brown reculses (sp). Saw 2 skunks this morning at the garden. About 15 ft. away. Could have shot both of them if I had my Remington 1100. Prolly better that I didn't...,.smell and all. That's your Future City varmit report for 6/28/16, over. FCC.
Long hot showers are one of life's simple pleasures. Rising steam and the occasional blart. A blart, you say? What is a blart? It's when you stand with your back to the shower head and the water rolls down your buttocks. Your internal release valve opens and allows the methane to exit. The interaction of the water, gas, and physical dimensions of the buttocks results in a blart.

It's not a blat. That's when get get older and can't maintain the ambachure necessary to produce a blart.
Varmit report: Still on mole number 37. Sporadic activity in two places, but ground is dry and hard. Bagged 2 mice on sticky traps in the downstairs bathroom. Killed about 6 or so brown reculses (sp). Saw 2 skunks this morning at the garden. About 15 ft. away. Could have shot both of them if I had my Remington 1100. Prolly better that I didn't...,.smell and all. That's your Future City varmit report for 6/28/16, over. FCC.
Don't care for spiders, especially the brown recluses. They were in your house?
Russell's vipers are the nasties in Pakistan.....
Man that sounds amazing, BKO.

So Richmond is home to tons of killer mustard gas and about 15min east of the mustard gas stockpile is a big ol landfill in Estill Co. Someone discovered 2,000 tons of radioactive sludge had been dumped in this landfill "that lies in the watershed of the Kentucky River pool from which Richmond Utilities draws it water".

Y'all pray for my county and neighboring county. Is the mustard gas don't get us, the toxic sludge will.
If you had any idea how many spiders that are around you at all times and any place you happen to be it would probably drive you crazy.
"They're coming to take me away...ho,ho, hehe, ha ha"
"To the funny farm where life is beautiful and all those nice young men in their clean white shirts and the're coming to take me away,hahahahahahahah"
Women are fascinating creatures. Since today was my first day back to work after the retreat (gotta tell THAT story later), I had to catch up on everything I missed. So...I went to a meeting with two of my lady coworkers at a different building than our own. It was only a couple of blocks, so we walked. My cell phone was ringing the entire time, so after block #1 I was pretty much behind Mary and Shirley. Mary is white, Shirley is black. Both are in their 40's and they're both married but think they are cougars still.

The thing about Charleston is that the sea breeze kicks in off the harbor around 4 pm if it's a hot, humid day. Today was just that. And Mary and Shirley were both wearing dresses. A good gust of wind hit at just the right moment and blew both of their dresses up. You would think that they would immediately brush their dresses down. You'd think wrong. Their first response was to IMMEDIATELY look back at me! Me being me, I acted like the soul of innocence. They didn't buy it. At all. I tried not to laugh, but serendipity showed me that Mary was wearing black undies and Shirley was wearing white undies!

It was KILLING me not to tease them about it...but I had to pretend to be a gentleman!
Raccoon story. Steve Meillinger and I used to shoot the **** sometimes, and this one time he started talking about his pet raccoon. They had raised this varmint from a baby, and it was like any other pet, but it grew up and was not a baby any more and became a nuisance more or less. He tried to give it to me, but we had a dog so I declined the offer of a pet raccoon. My dad used to hunt those things. The idea is if the raccoon can whip 15 dogs, they will let it go.