
mornin D
really tired - didn't sleep much, or well
but, stuff to do - life goes on
2 mugs o coffee down, thinking about a third
I should start walking, too.
Also, while I love taking care of the home front - getting a little bored; I need a job or something
'Grats @Wall2Boogie on the weight loss.
@ymmot31 - worn out already reading what YOU'VE done today so far, LOL
Hope everyone is well
Nothing like a fresh coffee to go with a fresh apple fritter...A long time since I enjoyed one of these..
I got some Culver's Custard at a retirement party yesterday.

Side story about Culver's: My family & I went to Culver's for dinner lat Sunday night. As we stepped up to the counter, I noticed someone kneeling down behind the counter. Then I heard my wife ask how long she had been down. That's when I noticed that the guy kneeling was trying to help another employee that was laying on the floor passed out.

My wife being a nurse (nurse practitioner actually) jumped into action. Started getting what vital signs she could without instruments, getting a medical history and talking to the 911 dispatch.

The girl most likely passed out due to exhaustion/dehydration. Paramedics checked her blood sugar which was fine. The got her in the ambulance and gave her some IV fluids. The manager comped our meals.

Saving lives.

Yessir. Posting ish and saving lives. That's what we do in the D.

But I guess, technically, for this one to count on the official D-League books you need to get your wife to post at least once in the D. Either that or tell us that you at least handed your wife the phone to make the 911 call or you helped calm the rest of the staff or you kicked a rat out of the way or something…anything.
  • 30 points per game
  • 62% pass completion rate
  • allow 340 yards per game
  • need 28 QB sacks
  • 43 yards per punt
Freddie Maggard says this is what we need to do to get to a bowl game.

Freddie Maggard is high on crack if he thinks we can accomplish ALL of those things on average for all 12 games. We can possibly accomplish all of them against 3 of the non-conference opponents…probably just against AP and NMState…because Southern Miss will put up more than 340 yards against us. Book that. Doubt very seriously that we can accomplish the 1st 3 things on that list against any of the rest of our opponents much less against ALL of them on the average.

But then again, maybe that's his point. That UK is not going bowling this season.

Soup Nazi says…NO BOWL FOR YOU!

BTW…if we can't get 28 QB sacks in 12 games then we should probably just quit playing the game of football altogether.
Freddie Maggard is high on crack if he thinks we can accomplish ALL of those things on average for all 12 games. We can possibly accomplish all of them against 3 of the non-conference opponents…probably just against AP and NMState…because Southern Miss will put up more than 340 yards against us. Book that. Doubt very seriously that we can accomplish the 1st 3 things on that list against any of the rest of our opponents much less against ALL of them on the average.

But then again, maybe that's his point. That UK is not going bowling this season.

Soup Nazi says…NO BOWL FOR YOU!

BTW…if we can't get 28 QB sacks in 12 games then we should probably just quit playing the game of football altogether.
I think we had less than 20 all season last year.
Yessir. Posting ish and saving lives. That's what we do in the D.

But I guess, technically, for this one to count on the official D-League books you need to get your wife to post at least once in the D. Either that or tell us that you at least handed your wife the phone to make the 911 call or you helped calm the rest of the staff or you kicked a rat out of the way or something…anything.
I told the manager that she is a nurse. I was very authoritative when I did so, so they all believed me & got out of her way. It goes back to my days as an EMT with the fire department. Scene safety is first.
mornin D
really tired - didn't sleep much, or well
but, stuff to do - life goes on
2 mugs o coffee down, thinking about a third
I should start walking, too.
Also, while I love taking care of the home front - getting a little bored; I need a job or something
'Grats @Wall2Boogie on the weight loss.
@ymmot31 - worn out already reading what YOU'VE done today so far, LOL
Hope everyone is well
Walking is great exercise. I think a job would help too. You seem to have a lot of stress in your life and your routine seems out of whack. That is probably contributing to the poor sleep. (all mostly just a guess).
All the brush, weeds, and bushes that I've cut in the last few days have all been taken out back to the burn pile. This is going to be a big one, fire department will definitely show up for this one. I call them up and tell them I'm going to light one off about once a year. They still send a truck around when someone calls. I think they are either bored or they are all pyromaniacs which is why they got in the fire business to start off with.
Walking is great exercise. I think a job would help too. You seem to have a lot of stress in your life and your routine seems out of whack. That is probably contributing to the poor sleep. (all mostly just a guess).
it's a good guess - I'm sure things will settle down, but you're correct in the routine being out of whack.
Grateful that we are all healthy; and things could be much worse :)
Going to try to work this in. Our retreat was in Highlands, NC. The theme was "Communications in a Digital Universe". However, the attendees were only permitted 1 hour of digital time a day (the resort was satellite only, so they can pull the plug like that). We had 90 minutes to 2 hours of lectures a day, the rest of the time, we were encouraged to hike, fish, walk around the town, read, pretty much anything EXCEPT get on the computer/cell phone.

Like I posted earlier, this was geared to upper/mid level management. And the Type A folks were literally melting down after Day 1...they were going thru digital withdrawal! The place we were at was all-inclusive, including the bar. The food was what I call 'pretty food'. Great for foodies, not so much for a 'food as fuel' person like myself. So my big meal of the day was breakfast.

There were 36 folks in our group. And of course, the pecking order was established pretty darn quick. I can give y'all ONE guess who #36 was!

more to come
its funny, because all I drink now is Coke Zero diet Dr Pepper or plain iced tea. Hell, one thing I eat that really sucked when I first started this journey are lean pockets. Now the real ones suck to me. Btw, I forgot who mentioned it but someone said wait till you double the amount of laps you walk a day. I started at 2.5 now I'm going twice daily up to 6 miles. Once you've started its hard to stop, you're obsessed and you know you have to put in the work.

Wall2, please refresh my memory as to why you are losing weight. Down 48? FCC
I told the manager that she is a nurse. I was very authoritative when I did so, so they all believed me & got out of her way. It goes back to my days as an EMT with the fire department. Scene safety is first.

I didnt even have to go to the judges or check with the legal department...that most certainly counts.

Chalk up another life saved by the D!
The house is cleaner than it was before she left, not much though, I cleaned the dishes I dirtied and the clothes I wore while she was gone, but still...

All the yard work is done, tools are put away. I did quite a bit today and now I'm hot, tired, and sweaty. Have to leave in one hour to go to airport. Proper planning.
Going to try to work this in. Our retreat was in Highlands, NC. The theme was "Communications in a Digital Universe". However, the attendees were only permitted 1 hour of digital time a day (the resort was satellite only, so they can pull the plug like that). We had 90 minutes to 2 hours of lectures a day, the rest of the time, we were encouraged to hike, fish, walk around the town, read, pretty much anything EXCEPT get on the computer/cell phone.

Like I posted earlier, this was geared to upper/mid level management. And the Type A folks were literally melting down after Day 1...they were going thru digital withdrawal! The place we were at was all-inclusive, including the bar. The food was what I call 'pretty food'. Great for foodies, not so much for a 'food as fuel' person like myself. So my big meal of the day was breakfast.

There were 36 folks in our group. And of course, the pecking order was established pretty darn quick. I can give y'all ONE guess who #36 was!

more to come
Sounds like a boondoggle.
Wall2, please refresh my memory as to why you are losing weight. Down 48? FCC
Dude I was a big boy. It's not for anyone but me. It's a goal I set and I will accomplish. It's for the rest of my life as I am 34 years old and still have some time left here. I am past the half way point now and I see the finish line. On the weekends I'll cheat a little but I'm strict when it comes to sticking with it during the week
Morning it is down to 60 Degrees F. That is the lowest is quite a while.

Jedwar has not given a report on the Green River. He may have hooked the big one and may be dragged down to Henderson by now.
Green river good. Just floated it today with a buddy. He lost all the fingers on one hand a couple years ago and can't fish anymore. So I didn't either. This time.
Yessir. Posting ish and saving lives. That's what we do in the D.

But I guess, technically, for this one to count on the official D-League books you need to get your wife to post at least once in the D. Either that or tell us that you at least handed your wife the phone to make the 911 call or you helped calm the rest of the staff or you kicked a rat out of the way or something…anything.

Yes, Kaiser, we still save lives here but the ish posters took their ball and went home. You can still get a daily bowel movement report over there. You won't even get a whiff of a stinker in this place now. We're about more serious stuff in here mostly - like trains, lunch and dinner menus, the weather, and comparing assorted aches and pains.
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Sounds like a boondoggle.

Of course it was! 1st meeting was everybody's horror stories about actually getting to the retreat. You could tell most of the folks saw that Asheville was the closest airport and flew in to there. It's actually easier to come in thru Charlotte. I drove and put that 500 dollars travel allowance in my pocket!

Once I found out the bar was included in the package, that became my second home. Most of the other attendees made a mini getaway out of it so they brought their spouses along (and yes, they had the digital limit too). Not much single action, but hey, I didn't have to spend my own coin to go there! One guy brought along his boyfriend/spouse (I didn't ask which) and they were the only folks who matched me drink for drink at the bar.

After Day 2, me and Cruz (the barkeep) were boys, especially after I tipped him a Grant on Day 1 (what did I care, it was the hospital's money). And Cruz gave me the means to get around the 1 hour digital limit. So the moral to this little tale so far is to take care of the hired help. Because they will take care of you!

part 3 is the Big Bad Wolf (me) and the 3 Little Pigs (the housekeepers)
Delivered tailgate bench to Lagrange...Got some long azz trains going through the center of town..
They loved the bench...Several calls from people wanting one..
Kingfish on the river was the dinner stop....pretty good!
Hwy construction everywhere you turn...traffic is crazy
Rain is on it's way...yay for the garden..I'm ready for a good steady rain day (no downpours)
Bases loaded with one out and the cubs still lost...
Going to try to work this in. Our retreat was in Highlands, NC. The theme was "Communications in a Digital Universe". However, the attendees were only permitted 1 hour of digital time a day (the resort was satellite only, so they can pull the plug like that). We had 90 minutes to 2 hours of lectures a day, the rest of the time, we were encouraged to hike, fish, walk around the town, read, pretty much anything EXCEPT get on the computer/cell phone.

Like I posted earlier, this was geared to upper/mid level management. And the Type A folks were literally melting down after Day 1...they were going thru digital withdrawal! The place we were at was all-inclusive, including the bar. The food was what I call 'pretty food'. Great for foodies, not so much for a 'food as fuel' person like myself. So my big meal of the day was breakfast.

There were 36 folks in our group. And of course, the pecking order was established pretty darn quick. I can give y'all ONE guess who #36 was!

more to come

Ghost, I've spent most of my life in that #36 spot. You get used to it.
Delivered tailgate bench to Lagrange...Got some long azz trains going through the center of town..
They loved the bench...Several calls from people wanting one..
Kingfish on the river was the dinner stop....pretty good!
Hwy construction everywhere you turn...traffic is crazy
Rain is on it's way...yay for the garden..I'm ready for a good steady rain day (no downpours)
Bases loaded with one out and the cubs still lost...

trains are driving us nuts
glad the bench went over well - it did look good
love the Kingfish on the river

rain is coming? great