
Man that sounds amazing, BKO.

So Richmond is home to tons of killer mustard gas and about 15min east of the mustard gas stockpile is a big ol landfill in Estill Co. Someone discovered 2,000 tons of radioactive sludge had been dumped in this landfill "that lies in the watershed of the Kentucky River pool from which Richmond Utilities draws it water".

Y'all pray for my county and neighboring county. Is the mustard gas don't get us, the toxic sludge will.
I've heard about sludge like this. It's mostly a new problem related to fracking. TENORM, technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material. I think mostly radium and uranium plus all the progeny in the decay chain. There are very few regulations written for this stuff. In my professional opinion, it should be spread in the landfill and burried.

OTOH, maybe you could start a business selling the sludge to Iran.
Women are fascinating creatures. Since today was my first day back to work after the retreat (gotta tell THAT story later), I had to catch up on everything I missed. So...I went to a meeting with two of my lady coworkers at a different building than our own. It was only a couple of blocks, so we walked. My cell phone was ringing the entire time, so after block #1 I was pretty much behind Mary and Shirley. Mary is white, Shirley is black. Both are in their 40's and they're both married but think they are cougars still.

The thing about Charleston is that the sea breeze kicks in off the harbor around 4 pm if it's a hot, humid day. Today was just that. And Mary and Shirley were both wearing dresses. A good gust of wind hit at just the right moment and blew both of their dresses up. You would think that they would immediately brush their dresses down. You'd think wrong. Their first response was to IMMEDIATELY look back at me! Me being me, I acted like the soul of innocence. They didn't buy it. At all. I tried not to laugh, but serendipity showed me that Mary was wearing black undies and Shirley was wearing white undies!

It was KILLING me not to tease them about it...but I had to pretend to be a gentleman!
You have the best luck that I have ever heard of with the accidental viewings of women's under garments.
latest project loaded for Lagrange


66 mild degrees


Coffee about to commence

2 pay yards to mow and trim today

Going on river tomorrow, so need to get things together

Weather much milder today and for the next several days looks like

We haven't had rain in a week, wasn't too much then. Before that, last rain was about 3 weeks ago. Things are getting very dry.
66 mild degrees


Coffee about to commence

2 pay yards to mow and trim today

Going on river tomorrow, so need to get things together

Weather much milder today and for the next several days looks like

We haven't had rain in a week, wasn't too much then. Before that, last rain was about 3 weeks ago. Things are getting very dry.

Same here. The humidity yesterday this time was 99%. Today it is 81% and the sun will drop it dramatically. Yesterday afternoon our humidity got down to 51%.

The Green River? The Barren River?
Not too long before Dad died I got a call from him. He was on his ladder cleaning the gourds and getting them ready for the mosquito eating Martins. The mast broke, and Dad's old azz wound up hanging upside down over the chainlink fence. Cut the **** out of his leg. The neighbors helped him get untangled and off of the fence. It must have been an ordeal. Bless his heart.
Morning D
2 mugs of coffee drunk
my youngest is asking my favorite song - he's thinking it'd be something recent (it's not). Funny -I'm kind of a rock type chick, even though I do love everything from swing to Motown to 80s Hair bands. Favorite band is Styx. But my favorite all time song is this:
My niece lives in the country outside of Paducah.

Smash And Grab thieves broke in her husband's work van. They broke out the drivers side and rear windows. There was nothing of value in there. They don't have anything. It happened at 0300 today. I'm sure they don't have comprehensive on that old van. It will cost them $400-500 probably. Pisses me off badly. This same thing has been done to me in Atlanta about 10 times.

If you were on the jury trying the husband for ball batting that SOB to near death, how would you find? Guilty of Aggravated Assault or Not Guilty via Justified Aggravated Assault.
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Reactions: ymmot31
Depends on how bad you beat him. Id say 2 broken arms would suffice. One broken leg. Not beat till near death, tho. Break his knee and then waterboard him.

In the real would, you would be punished more severely than him and spend way more money trying to defend yourself. Meanwhile, he would continue to be a leach, catch an release, repeat.
Depends on how bad you beat him. Id say 2 broken arms would suffice. One broken leg. Not beat till near death, tho. Break his knee and then waterboard him.

In the real would, you would be punished more severely than him and spend way more money trying to defend yourself. Meanwhile, he would continue to be a leach, catch an release, repeat.
I have no sympathy at all for thieves.
Ageism (also spelled "agism") is stereotyping and discriminating against individuals or groups on the basis of their age. This may be casual or systematic.[1][2] The term was coined in 1969 by Robert Neil Butler to describe discrimination against seniors, and patterned on sexism and racism.[3] Butler defined "ageism" as a combination of three connected elements. Among them were prejudicial attitudes towards older people, old age, and the aging process; discriminatory practices against older people; and institutional practices and policies that perpetuate stereotypes about elderly people.[4]

While the term has also been used to describe prejudice and discrimination against adolescents and children, including ignoring their ideas because they are too young, or assuming that they should behave in certain ways because of their age,[5] the term is predominantly used in relation to the treatment of older people. Moreover, it has been pointed out that stigmatization does only occur outside of the cohesively imagined group of the elderly but likewise takes place within the stigmatized group itself.[6]
  • Good Morning, y'all.ikes
  • 72º in Johns Creek. Not a cloud. Perfect. VFR.
  • Blood Sugar = 66. Weight = 228.
  • Likes applied. That took about one minute.
  • Lawn service has our zoysia looking good.
  • Money means nothing unless you don't have any.
  • Dark Magic going.
  • I think I need some vacation. Can't do it right now.
  • That's it.

That is good for a guy who never got instrument rated.
Morning D
2 mugs of coffee drunk
my youngest is asking my favorite song - he's thinking it'd be something recent (it's not). Funny -I'm kind of a rock type chick, even though I do love everything from swing to Motown to 80s Hair bands. Favorite band is Styx. But my favorite all time song is this:
Oh my. In mixed company I cannot explain what that song means to me.

Oh my.
