
The 1918 Trainwreck at Dutchman’s Curve

Man, I gotta work tomorrow and Sunday. Must rise tomorrow morning at 3 am in order to arrive by 5:30 am. Sunday afternoon arrive at 5:30 pm. Data center stuff. Ugh!

Why depress us this early in the morning? I am retired and got up this morning at 5:30, but I sure wasn't ready to work!

My son is a computer engineer and a week ago Wednesday he had a 22 hour day. When the stuff hits the fan you have to stay there until the fan is un-stuffed.
Morning folks. 66 here and raining lightly.

FCC I got a mole yesterday. It is the first one this year. I have really thinned out their numbers. I am an excellent moler, but probably not as good as FCC.

After all you have good molers and then you step up to "world class" morlers.

Woke up today feeling humidity in the air for the first time in about a year. The monsoon season has arrived. Gully washer rains looking like hurricane rains and some humid days to follow. The humidity is the main reason I didn't move back to the mountains when I retired. When you've lived in a dry climate for as long as I have (35 years) humidity is unbearable.
I don't know KS - sometimes kids can pull stuff off that we never could, LOL

You got that right, sister...both of my kids have already surpassed me in tech-know-how-type stuff with computers and such. And they both play multiple musical instruments which is > my none. And neither one is out of middle school yet. And kaizerrette #1 is semi-fluent in 2 languages other than english. So yeah, they can pull off a lot of stuff i can't.

But neither one of them can beat me in basketball…yet. So i got that going for me…which is nice.
You got that right, sister...both of my kids have already surpassed me in tech-know-how-type stuff with computers and such. And they both play multiple musical instruments which is > my none. And neither one is out of middle school yet. And kaizerrette #1 is semi-fluent in 2 languages other than english. So yeah, they can pull off a lot of stuff i can't.

But neither one of them can beat me in basketball…yet. So i got that going for me…which is nice.
know the feeling - my 11 yr old does that; my other two are 26 and 19. so of course they know more ;)
Continuing here's me in the mountains of NC. By Day 4, even I'm getting a little bit bored. At this point, you have to entertain yourself. At least the married/SO folks have each other. So Mr Wolf (me) decides to see if there's any Little Red Riding Hoods out and about. As I go back to my suite to change into something suitable for walking, there's a housekeeper in my suite. I size her up. The only word to describe this woman is 'round'. She wasn't fat, or chunky, or anything like that. EVERYTHING about her was round. Her hairdo was round. Her head was round. Her face was round. Of course, her bosom was round. Her hips were round. I didn't want to interrupt her so I grabbed the newspaper and waited until she was finished so I could change clothes.

Making small talk, her name was Olivia and she was from Honduras. It's impossible to figure out how old a Latina is once they pass young womanhood so I didn't even try to. She giggled tho. A lot. It was cute. And when her two coworkers came by to see if she was done so they could have lunch, part of me wanted to go full werewolf and devour all three. The feeling passed tho...maybe I'm evolving into a middle aged man now!

Friday finally arrived, I had a huge breakfast, we had our last lecture, and 36 attendees put schoolkids out on summer break to shame getting the hell out of Dodge! Would I do this on my own with my own money? Hell to the naw, but you can't beat free!