
BKO, glad you got to say that. Much needed. I just now noticed that some folks that posted here have started a new thread. I wish them the best. In all honesty talking about body parts, sex, and taking the Lord's name in vain made me very uncomfortable, especially the latter. Not passing judgement, as that's not my job. I'm just a lowly, humble country boy that enjoys good company and stories about life, past, present, future. That's all. FCC.

I'm with you FCC. That stuff makes me cringe inside. But I also seldom (didn't say never) consider it my place to say anything.
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  • Good morning, DLers.
  • Warning: I am a bad poster. Read at your own risk.
  • 73° in Johns Creek. Sunny. A few clouds. VFR. Peaceful and easy.
  • Blood Sugar = 74. Weight = 222.
  • Gasp. Train talk. My dad worked some in Transportation during strikes, but he was a surveyor, a Civil Engineer, his job was called. He learned the job and that's what he always did. I don't think he graduated from high school. He joined the army within 30 days after the Germans bombed PH. They mailed him a diploma just the same. I was a Civil Engineer for the IC during the Barkley Lake track relocation project, which means that I cut the brush for the Instrument Man and carried hubs and right of way stakes, chain (100' metal metal measuring device), cloth tape, ax, sledge hammer. I learned how to build railroads and highways. Cuts and fills. Soil and rock compaction. Some of it was hard work. Borrowed $20 from my boss, Mr. Phillips, many times until payday. He used to stop often and call his bookie in Paducah during the racing season. Good times.
  • Dark Magic going. The mug is now empty.
  • Listening to old country tunes on Sirius.
  • Hard to listen to Tom Leach and Mack Jones this time of year.
  • That's it.
  • Keep posting, friends.
  • Over.
The sex talk nev
BKO, glad you got to say that. Much needed. I just now noticed that some folks that posted here have started a new thread. I wish them the best. In all honesty talking about body parts, sex, and taking the Lord's name in vain made me very uncomfortable, especially the latter. Not passing judgement, as that's not my job. I'm just a lowly, humble country boy that enjoys good company and stories about life, past, present, future. That's all. FCC.[/QUOT
The sex talk did not bother me. Personal attacks......I could never understand. It's easy to be an Internet tough guy. 99.99% of them would run as hard as they could when it came to a real life, up close and personal, you or me situation.
Austin, when you visit our old buddies on the N.O.R. thread tell Willie that serial killer magazines will be playing tomorrow on Channel 204. I'm watching it. I'm fascinated by those crazy murdering sumbitches. I recommend to all serial killers that they do their deal in Texas and Florida.
Austin, when you visit our old buddies on the N.O.R. thread tell Willie that serial killer magazines will be playing tomorrow on Channel 204. I'm watching it. I'm fascinated by those crazy murdering sumbitches. I recommend to all serial killers that they do their deal in Texas and Florida.
I can't even imagine being retired.

I have been retired for ten years and have not missed going to work for one tiny second. Not one second of being bored. Thankfully I don't need the extra money a job would provide and I don't need the perceived prestige any job might give me. I actually was a public figure for a good number of years and walked away from it with no real regrets (I wouldn't expect anyone to believe this). It's all good.
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