
BKO lives in Lagrange. It's one of two towns left in America where the train tracks literally run down Main Street.

The other is Menominee Wisconsin.

For a train lover it would be worth a look see. Ironically it's the only two towns I've been to jail in too.

Hope you didn't go to the big jail there. That's were the serious criminals go.
BKO lives in Lagrange. It's one of two towns left in America where the train tracks literally run down Main Street.

The other is Menominee Wisconsin.

For a train lover it would be worth a look see. Ironically it's the only two towns I've been to jail in too.

that it does - always fascinates my youngest that we can walk around the town square and visit the shops down Main - and the train is right there
Hope you didn't go to the big jail there. That's were the serious criminals go.
No. Typical young punk stuff.

Had a vehicle break down on the way back from watching the Cats play in Minneapolis in 96. It was a tire issue from ice. Blizzard conditions. We ended up getting a room in a small town and it had a bowling alley across the street. A few friends and I got drunk as started acting like idiots. The officers too us to a two cell jail and sobered us up and took us back to our hotel. Officer even hung out with us after. Very old school.

Lagrange is where I used to live (outside of it). I had a habit of drag racing and a big mouth. Basically I ran my mouth, got roughed up and ended up with charges of alluding police officers and resisting arrest.

I lied earlier too. I've been to jail in Louisville too. Typical young guys drinking and fighting and then not being as cooperative as you should with the officers.

Live and learn.
We have a brand new train in downtown Atlanta. It has two cars. It is electric. It cost $100 million. $5 million annually to operate and hardly anyone rides it. It runs from the Ferris Wheel to MLK's church, the King Center and back. 100 million.

Trains are indeed expensive to operate and maintain.
We have a brand new train in downtown Atlanta. It has two cars. It is electric. It cost $100 million. $5 million annually to operate and hardly anyone rides it. It runs from the Ferris Wheel to MLK's church, the King Center and back. 100 million.
Don, I think you may be missing the big picture, buddy. Since that is an ELECTRIC train, it will prevent 1382 cases of asthma PER YEAR! As for the cost, fuhgeddaboutit, those are only numbers. The actual cost was paid for by the government. You got a lifesaving train FOR FREE!
good morning
55° here - but the sun is out; hoping for no rain
Fun day ahead - going to pick up the oldest from CU for the summer. I so hope that boy got his dorm cleaned up

Marcus Lee is 87% sure he'll stay in the draft. Bless him, he's not going to get picked, but I wish him the best. Bolden... only thing I can figure is that is he is waiting to see if there will be a scholarship open. Briscoe looks to be returning - at least Cal seems to think so. We have a mighty fine class coming in, and some senior leadership. We'll see how it goes.

Random fun fact for the day:
In Mel Brooks' 'Silent Movie,' mime Marcel Marceau is the only person who has a speaking role.

have a great day, everyone
My family took a trip from Iowa to Denver, CO on Amtrak a few summers ago. Dining car was an interesting experience. We always had a stranger at our table (they always seat 4 to a table). Anyways, there was a group of 4 guys that did not know each other and the hot coffee got spilled on one. The whole scene erupted into a bunch of yelling/cussing/arguing with the dining car attendant.

I got to see a steam tractor on Tuesday. Basically just a train with different wheels.
Dining car and upper-deck sightseeing cars are always an experience. As Americans, we usually find it odd to plop down and sit next to strangers, but such is the norm in continental Europe.

Edit: I believe if one reserves a private cabin, booze is allowed. Just gotta keep the door shut.
Morning lady and gents and the poster with two eyes watching over us (Better Known as Uncle Jed). Very glad to enjoy this forum in peace. Much appreciated.

One of my favorite child hood memories involve the hobos who rode the trains and marked the houses where people were kind enough or in some cases just able to set an extra plate. I did short jaunts with them at times.

When my ship pulled into Portsmouth, England I rode the train to London and back many times. I would like to go back and do that while sober just once, but probably won't happen.
My family took a trip from Iowa to Denver, CO on Amtrak a few summers ago. Dining car was an interesting experience. We always had a stranger at our table (they always seat 4 to a table). Anyways, there was a group of 4 guys that did not know each other and the hot coffee got spilled on one. The whole scene erupted into a bunch of yelling/cussing/arguing with the dining car attendant.

I got to see a steam tractor on Tuesday. Basically just a train with different wheels.

1 I have never ridden on a train. I would love that Canadian Rockies excursion. Running out of time.

2 "The whole scene erupted into a bunch of yelling/cussing/arguing ..." A description of the D-League for a couple of weeks?

3 Welcome back BKO. I fully understand why you felt uncomfortable when you got on here. Totally unnecessary. I don't think it will happen with the present crew.

4 Suggestion for Jed: Let 55 back with a warning to not post in N.O.D. (8th grade boys) Let LEK back with a warning to not post in D-League. (old and in the way) Can't comply? A no more warnings permanent Permaban.
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All I'm going to say about the prior situation is this: people have a right to feel the way they do; they have a right to their opinion, and their right to state said opinion. In the same vein, I had a right to either engage or withdraw. I chose to withdraw for several reasons, one of those being I had no reason to try to defend myself as I had done nothing wrong Also, I simply refused to be a part of something meant to degrade someone else, whether it was me, or another poster. There were a couple of other reasons, but not as important as the ones above.

Now - ready to move on and enjoy this new D-league. With all respect to you all - I'd like to consider the matter done and over with.

Leaving for CU now - won't be back until this evening. Hope all of you have a fantastic day.
All I'm going to say about the prior situation is this: people have a right to feel the way they do; they have a right to their opinion, and their right to state said opinion. In the same vein, I had a right to either engage or withdraw. I chose to withdraw for several reasons, one of those being I had no reason to try to defend myself as I had done nothing wrong Also, I simply refused to be a part of something meant to degrade someone else, whether it was me, or another poster. There were a couple of other reasons, but not as important as the ones above.

Now - ready to move on and enjoy this new D-league. With all respect to you all - I'd like to consider the matter done and over with.

Leaving for CU now - won't be back until this evening. Hope all of you have a fantastic day.
Well-spoken, Bko.
BKO, glad you got to say that. Much needed. I just now noticed that some folks that posted here have started a new thread. I wish them the best. In all honesty talking about body parts, sex, and taking the Lord's name in vain made me very uncomfortable, especially the latter. Not passing judgement, as that's not my job. I'm just a lowly, humble country boy that enjoys good company and stories about life, past, present, future. That's all. FCC.