
Call me at 404-867-5309. I will need your full name, DOB and SS# and the address where to send your check.

Do you think I'm crazy? I'm not giving you my SS# for everyone to see! My name Is Star Chief V. I've forgotten my date of birth. As a safety measure I'm only giving you the first 8 digits of my of my SS# and let you guess the last digit. 408-22-103_.
Do you think I'm crazy? I'm not giving you my SS# for everyone to see! My name Is Star Chief V. I've forgotten my date of birth. As a safety measure I'm only giving you the first 8 digits of my of my SS# and let you guess the last digit. 408-22-103_.
I'm in Nigeria. I have 10 million dollars. I need your banking information so that I can deposit my money in your account. I will pay you a $100,000.00 fee for helping me with this.
I'm in Nigeria. I have 10 million dollars. I need your banking information so that I can deposit my money in your account. I will pay you a $100,000.00 fee for helping me with this.

I got an email like that a year or so ago.

I'm retired, but running 4 kids everywhere. Best job I ever had. Doesn't pay much though. But, yes, I don't miss working somewhere for someone one little bit. FCC
I'm in Nigeria. I have 10 million dollars. I need your banking information so that I can deposit my money in your account. I will pay you a $100,000.00 fee for helping me with this.

I love Nigeria. I ordered my first wife from there. Sadly, she dumped me as soon as she could, muttering something about "ugly old fat man." I wanted someone more exotic than a girl from the Philippines.
I'm in Nigeria. I have 10 million dollars. I need your banking information so that I can deposit my money in your account. I will pay you a $100,000.00 fee for helping me with this.

Nah. I've already got too much money tied up there. Maybe after I get some banking matters cleared up. They are holding up a tidy little sum I have coming to me from a government official there.
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Retired two different times and then decided to take on some security jobs just to have something to do. Ended up having to change phone numbers to actually stay home or go on vacation. I have been wintering in the Panhandle of Florida the last three years and made the mistake of having a beer with a group that has contract security work there.

I did hold out until it was my turn to buy the next round before telling them that I had no interest at all in doing any kind of work. Yes, I stayed and bought the round. Long winded way of saying not working takes some getting used to but some of us do. I 'know some that can't though. Some can't afford to, others that won't stop working until they die because stopping would kill them. "Oh wait."
I'm in Nigeria. I have 10 million dollars. I need your banking information so that I can deposit my money in your account. I will pay you a $100,000.00 fee for helping me with this.

I have a legit 10 trillion dollar Bank of Zimbabwe note. The paper it's printed on is worth more than the note. Part of me really, really wants to take it to WalMart and buy the entire store.
I have a lady friend who fell for this scam. A poster put up a military guy profile and fed her the widowed, training troops in Nigeria to fight the bad guys. Has plenty of money but can't get to it. Fell in love with her sight unseen. He started asking for money, she started sending it.

He asked for a phone, she coughed up a great one and sent it. Asked him for a selfie and he had no clue. By this time she had cleaned out 16 k of her savings for him. She told me this, I couldn't believe that she was that dumb but she is old an lonely. That makes a perfect mark for these crooks. I am not sure that she has learned her lesson and really blocked him. I think part of her still thinks he's coming to her.

The guy texts in broken English, she talked to him on the phone and he has a Nigerian accent, claimed he had been there so long, he has started sounding like them. I wish I was making this crap up.
Retired two different times and then decided to take on some security jobs just to have something to do. Ended up having to change phone numbers to actually stay home or go on vacation. I have been wintering in the Panhandle of Florida the last three years and made the mistake of having a beer with a group that has contract security work there.

I did hold out until it was my turn to buy the next round before telling them that I had no interest at all in doing any kind of work. Yes, I stayed and bought the round. Long winded way of saying not working takes some getting used to but some of us do. I 'know some that can't though. Some can't afford to, others that won't stop working until they die because stopping would kill them. "Oh wait."
I work because I have to and because I love to work (most of the time.) I am one of those that will die at his desk, i.e. What is your full name as it appears on your birth certificate? What are you charged with? What jail are you in? ......... KERPLUNK.
Hard for me to imagine being retired because I'm right in the middle of raising my family (I'm 46 with a 12 and 13 YO) and it feels like I'll be working 'til noon the day of my funeral :(

Hey Cujo, I'm 63 and my kids are 9, 12, 14, 17, and 45. Five grandsons by my oldest and 4 of them are older than my kids at home. Makes it interesting. Gary
I have a lady friend who fell for this scam. A poster put up a military guy profile and fed her the widowed, training troops in Nigeria to fight the bad guys. Has plenty of money but can't get to it. Fell in love with her sight unseen. He started asking for money, she started sending it.

He asked for a phone, she coughed up a great one and sent it. Asked him for a selfie and he had no clue. By this time she had cleaned out 16 k of her savings for him. She told me this, I couldn't believe that she was that dumb but she is old an lonely. That makes a perfect mark for these crooks. I am not sure that she has learned her lesson and really blocked him. I think part of her still thinks he's coming to her.

The guy texts in broken English, she talked to him on the phone and he has a Nigerian accent, claimed he had been there so long, he has started sounding like them. I wish I was making this crap up.
That is a sad story indeed. Your lady friend is pretty stupid.
Preacher won't stop preaching and everybody is wanting it to be over so they can go eat. In the key of G.

Funny you should say that. I've preached at this church 4 times. Usually go 20 minutes, 30 at the most. But the last time, I was having too much fun and went about 50 minutes. When I realized it, I apologized and closed. Thought they might not ask me back, but they did. So, 20 minutes this time. Hopefully. FCC.
Funny you should say that. I've preached at this church 4 times. Usually go 20 minutes, 30 at the most. But the last time, I was having too much fun and went about 50 minutes. When I realized it, I apologized and closed. Thought they might not ask me back, but they did. So, 20 minutes this time. Hopefully. FCC.

Unless one is the equivalent of Charles Spurgeon or G Campbell Morgan, you're gonna start losing many after 30 minutes at the most. Can go a little longer if the seating is comfortable, the temperature is right and the acoustics are good. People are human.
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I work because I have to and because I love to work (most of the time.) I am one of those that will die at his desk, i.e. What is your full name as it appears on your birth certificate? What are you charged with? What jail are you in? ......... KERPLUNK.

You know, the day you retire you get a basketball goal. Part of the retirement package.
You know, the day you retire you get a basketball goal. Part of the retirement package.

Hey Don. See if QB will go for this one as a compromise.

Unless one is the equivalent of Charles Spurgeon or G Campbell Morgan, you're gonna start losing many after 30 minutes at the most. Can go a little longer if the seating is comfortable, the temperature is right and the acoustics are good. People are human.

You're certainly right starchief. Most of the literature says after 20 minutes you start losing people. I can't comment on compared to those guys you mention. People at my home church always ask me "how did you do?" I always say, "you'd have to ask somebody that was there." Chief, honestly, I try to get out of the way and let the Big Guy have it. I'm never nervous cause He always shows up. FCC.
Science Break:

Combining 30 years worth of observations, and about 15 years worth of data from the Chandra xray telescope, the big brains have made a movie of the evolution of Tycho’s supernova remnant. When the star that created this supernova remnant exploded in 1572, it was so bright that it was visible during the day. Astronomers have observed the debris field from this explosion − what is now known as Tycho’s supernova remnant − using data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and many other telescopes. Today, they know that the Tycho remnant was created by the explosion of a white dwarf star, making it part of the so-called Type Ia class of supernovas used to track the expansion of the Universe.

Doesn't look like much does it. But distances in the universe are immense. It is moving at 12 million miles per hour. Since much of the material being flung out from the shattered star has been heated by shock waves − similar to sonic booms from supersonic planes − passing through it, the remnant glows strongly in X-ray light. the expansion from the explosion is still continuing about 450 years since it was first discovered. Our vantage point is roughly 10,000 light years away.