
I used to catch trains as a kid and ride them from Portsmouth. Ohio to Cincinnati and back. Of course I got caught by the guards in the Cincinnati yard more than once. They always cut me a break and turned their back so I could get back home.

Legal train rides in the area now is the fall foliage trips through the West Virgina mountains. The train up Pikes Peak is great also. Great subject.
Don, my lady friend has a grandson who LOVES trains. He's autistic. I know I posted this before but he and I are going to be train vagabonds one summer before he hits his teens.
BKO lives in Lagrange. It's one of two towns left in America where the train tracks literally run down Main Street.

The other is Menominee Wisconsin.

For a train lover it would be worth a look see. Ironically it's the only two towns I've been to jail in too.