
never understood that.

I've read enough rock and roll autobiographies to know to never mess with heroine, but I've also always wondered what possible feeling could be so great to get someone so addicted that they end up having to take so much of it that it could kill em. How people overdose just because they're trying to get high off something. Just can't wrap my head around it.
While back home last week, I ran into a friend who had just returned from 60 days rehabilitation in Nashville a couple weeks earlier. She's a college graduate (BS in education), decent looking gal and a former HS teacher. She entered rehab because of her $300/day meth habit.

$300/day. Think about it. Absolutely insane.
While back home last week, I ran into a friend who had just returned from 60 days rehabilitation in Nashville a couple weeks earlier. She's a college graduate (BS in education), decent looking gal and a former HS teacher. She entered rehab because of her $300/day meth habit.

$300/day. Think about it. Absolutely insane.
Wow. Just wow.
Wow. Just wow.
What really affected me was how much the drugs aged her. As a 50 year-old, she looked a respectable 43-45 years old or so and kept herself up really well. Coached HS women's BB. Huge UK men's and UT women's BB fan. Hates UConn women's BB.

Between her use of meth and crack, the years began coming all at once. Over almost exactly a one-year period, she aged 10. The changes were dramatic.
Where I live at meth and heroin are becoming pretty big issues. I don't get it personally. Why take something that could kill you.

Rivals gave me an award that says I'm seriously likeable. I have my doubts. Lol. I'm sure that being seriously likeable will get me all kinds of lavish gifts.
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Dude up here got caught fraudulently supporting his 1k a day drug habit. He was pretty normal looking, spoke well enough, and hustled his ass off scamming schools and businesses. 1k a day? Is that real?

Another dude I knew from school was just in yesterday's paper for doing the same on a smaller scale to support his heroin habit.

Narcan is available to school districts in KY for fee....2 doses worth. Madison Co will likely take it. Fayette sounded like they didn't want to, but I bet they do.

Madison County Coroner says we're on pace to double last years heroin OD's. We have around 25 now. He also said they use Narcan, sometimes multiple times. That was crazy to me, and I don't know why you'd lie about that. That's at least one dead mf'er evey day that they have brought back to life...or am I misunderstanding Narcan? I guess it could be used on severely high people that aren't gonna die, but you might think they are, so you wake em up with Narcan. Idk. Anyway, it's just crazy.
<----- never used pain meds. Haven't ever had anything prescription stronger than anti inflammatories or antibiotics. Always kinda wondered how the pain meds made ya feel/why people get so addicted to em/why people would pay so much for em on the street.

Know they made the wife loopy as a muh****er after coming home from the hospital.
I'm with you. I'd rather not have that stuff in my body.
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I've told y'all before...sniffing ether is waaaaaaaay better than crack or meth.

Sweet, delicious dragon's breath.....take me
never understood that.

I've read enough rock and roll autobiographies to know to never mess with heroine, but I've also always wondered what possible feeling could be so great to get someone so addicted that they end up having to take so much of it that it could kill em. How people overdose just because they're trying to get high off something. Just can't wrap my head around it.
The way they OD is they are used to drugs that are cut with something, then they get a batch that is way purer and do that as normal. Presto, you're dead. Anyone that does hard drugs is a damn fool.
Long strange day at work. Busy for 8 hours and didn't feel productive until the last two.

Weed eating is done, yard is mowed! Even went the extra mile and cleaned the gutters out.

Those damn helicopter thing's from the trees are an eye sore and annoying as heck!

Guess tomorrow will be removing all those freakin things from the landscaping.

Screw UNC and the NCAA! :mad: :chairshot:

Browns didn't draft a QB first round...maybe there is hope.
Pain meds have their intrinsic value especially when:

  • You have 11 hour ankle fusion surgery, then...
  • You get your femur cut in half, spread apart by 2" and stretched further apart by turning the dial (daily for 27 straight days) on an external device drilled and secured by (4) 1/4" o/d surgical steel pins into the two halves of said femur.
  • A bone graph taken from pelvis by chiseling a 3"x3" hole
  • Cutting back freshly grown flesh and nerve endings with no anesthetic, surrounding 4 pin sites.
  • Cleaning pin sites 5x daily with gauze and isopropyl alcohol on 4 wounds open to said separated femur.
If you think you can last that bullshit torture without some percoset or morphine, you're either kidding yourself, crazy, or already dead.

Just sayin.
Kidney stone is unlike anything I've ever experienced. I was begging for meds. Willing to go to emergency room for them.

I've passed four kidney stones in my time. First three passed through overnight,

First one - a doctor friend who lived nearby came over and gave me something to knock me out. Pissed it out next morning.

Second one - went to hospital ER. Gave me one shot which lasted about an hour. Wouldn't give me any more. Put me on a gurney and rolled me out in the corridor where I spent the night in great pain. TS Pissed it out next morning.

Third one - Just stayed home after that do-nothing ER experience. Drank enough beer to pass out (since I don't drink, it only required 3-4). Woke up next morning and pissed it out.

Last one (about 14 years ago) - took five days to pass it. Went to work every day and no pain pills. Finally passed it and didn't know it.

*Some guy was telling a woman that the pain of passing a kidney stone is comparable to a woman having a baby. The woman just laughed. "Try crapping a watermelon. Then you'll know what it feels like having a baby."
My girlfriend had a surgery about 2 1/2 years ago that the doctors and nurses, and others that had been through it told her was worse than child birth. She was loaded with drugs before the surgery and had a pain pump for about a week after the surgery. She got off the pain pills about two months after and didn't have any addiction issues, but she stays in constant pain, and has nerve issues now.
I've told y'all before...sniffing ether is waaaaaaaay better than crack or meth.
Little story here. Sickens me when pondering the thought and embarrasses the hell outta me admitting such behavior here.

I stay with a favorite relative when returning back home. He drinks beer in excess. Craft beers, especially strong stuff like Sixpoint Hi-Res or Chimay Blue, tears him completely up. Usually no problem, right? Heck, we all get tore up on really good brew nowadays.

Well, this dude takes it a step further with pills. Rather than simply ingesting a "Roxie" orally, he grinds the crap up and snorts it. Disturbing to me.

Old boy has a script for 90 pills. That's $900 on the street. He could sell $600 worth and keep the rest for himself. Dude needs another vehicle, as he crashed his truck into a tree last month and nearly died. I often wonder how much he'll really save from his script so he can get another truck. Another problem is that his siblings abuse the crap just as much as he.

Drug abuse out in the mountains is a serious issue. We've known many who died at young ages from it, yet they still keep on abusing. Other relatives of mine are into needles.

(Shaking my head) Unbelievable.
Pain meds have their intrinsic value especially when:

  • You have 11 hour ankle fusion surgery, then...
  • You get your femur cut in half, spread apart by 2" and stretched further apart by turning the dial (daily for 27 straight days) on an external device drilled and secured by (4) 1/4" o/d surgical steel pins into the two halves of said femur.
  • A bone graph taken from pelvis by chiseling a 3"x3" hole
  • Cutting back freshly grown flesh and nerve endings with no anesthetic, surrounding 4 pin sites.
  • Cleaning pin sites 5x daily with gauze and isopropyl alcohol on 4 wounds open to said separated femur.
If you think you can last that bullshit torture without some percoset or morphine, you're either kidding yourself, crazy, or already dead.

Just sayin.
Totally agree about intrinsic value. For severe pain, morphine is a wonder drug.
Pain meds have their intrinsic value especially when:

  • You have 11 hour ankle fusion surgery, then...
  • You get your femur cut in half, spread apart by 2" and stretched further apart by turning the dial (daily for 27 straight days) on an external device drilled and secured by (4) 1/4" o/d surgical steel pins into the two halves of said femur.
  • A bone graph taken from pelvis by chiseling a 3"x3" hole
  • Cutting back freshly grown flesh and nerve endings with no anesthetic, surrounding 4 pin sites.
  • Cleaning pin sites 5x daily with gauze and isopropyl alcohol on 4 wounds open to said separated femur.
If you think you can last that bullshit torture without some percoset or morphine, you're either kidding yourself, crazy, or already dead.

Just sayin.
Damn. Wow.
Pain meds have their intrinsic value especially when:

  • You have 11 hour ankle fusion surgery, then...
  • You get your femur cut in half, spread apart by 2" and stretched further apart by turning the dial (daily for 27 straight days) on an external device drilled and secured by (4) 1/4" o/d surgical steel pins into the two halves of said femur.
  • A bone graph taken from pelvis by chiseling a 3"x3" hole
  • Cutting back freshly grown flesh and nerve endings with no anesthetic, surrounding 4 pin sites.
  • Cleaning pin sites 5x daily with gauze and isopropyl alcohol on 4 wounds open to said separated femur.
If you think you can last that bullshit torture without some percoset or morphine, you're either kidding yourself, crazy, or already dead.

Just sayin.
Crazy stuff. By the way, I meant to add that I'm so glad you're still with us. Yikes! Here I thought a couple surgeries in a short time-frame were rough.
Voles.......little ****ers are ruining my sod I spent money putting down my wife tells me. Anybody got any Zyklon-B? I' like to bury a high amperage electrical grid around my yard, then nerve gas the little bastards. The ones that escaped the gas would get fried. Told that to my wife and she said that I gave her visions of Bill Murray in Caddyshack.

Anybody know of a non-explosive method of mass extermination?