

Poor Ed Davender is still on life support as far as I can tell from all of the reports. My dad was on life support. The fact that there was a little blood pressure and vital signs just confused me. It was hopeless. The doctor asked if i wanted to be there when they took him off of it. I chose not to.
So I'm stuck in WalMart right now, no shit, cause wifey wanted to "get a few things" (don't ask, long story). Anyways, I plop down at the self-check BP station cause it's the only seat in the vicinity, turn around, and notice this...


Haven't bought rubbers in years. I didn't realize there were so many ways to wrap a pecker now.
Dude, unless it's either life or limb, we ain't getting out at 1:30 am.

Poor Ed Davender is still on life support as far as I can tell from all of the reports. My dad was on life support. The fact that there was a little blood pressure and vital signs just confused me. It was hopeless. The doctor asked if i wanted to be there when they took him off of it. I chose not to.
Same question was posed to me when doctors asked to remove my dad from life support 30 years ago. I also said no.
@AustinTXCat - my little brother texted me about wanting us and our other brother to make a trip down to Austin late this summer. Probably only about a 5% chance of it happening, but if it does, I'll let you know.
Please let me know if y'all decide to travel down this way. As it stands now, I should be here all summer. We'll surely get together.
More shit at the house. I'm in basement watching tv on the computer. I hear someone walking up the upstairs steps. I figure it's wife.

I call out her name, thinking shit, she's going to tell me go to bed. Well, I hear the baby gate close. Ok, kids crying. I go into our bedroom, wife and other kid are sound asleep. Ok.

Walk upstairs, other kid asleep.

Weird shit.

Not saying you're crazy at all, but have you been to the Doctor lately for a checkup? I was reading on stuff like this after your initial post about it, and saw that stuff like this can also be the warning signs of tumors and other not so good shat. Just go get checked out man, and if not at least setup some cameras, and digital voice recorders to find out one way or the other.
Same question was posed to me when doctors asked to remove my dad from life support 30 years ago. I also said no.

I was in the room when they removed my grandfather from life support. First time I had ever watched someone fade away. I knew he was gone before they turned everything off anyway, but watching that last breathe and seeing the body relax...very sad experience, but happy at the same time. Just glad he didn't have to suffer anymore, and know he had made his peace with GOD. He was a good man, wish I had gotten to know him sooner.
I hate having a bunch of tedious shit to do. Going to Keeneland today and can't hardly enjoy it for all the nut flicker shit I gotta do this evening and weekend. Maybe I'll just get hammered and make it all impossible.

Doing the simulcast? If so good luck and hope you hit a few good ones.

Used to love going non-meet days and spending the day doing the simulcast wagering.
So I'm stuck in WalMart right now, no shit, cause wifey wanted to "get a few things" (don't ask, long story). Anyways, I plop down at the self-check BP station cause it's the only seat in the vicinity, turn around, and notice this...


Haven't bought rubbers in years. I didn't realize there were so many ways to wrap a pecker now.

Have you ever been featured in "Walmart People?"
  • Good morning, posters & pugilists.
  • 71°F in Johns Creek, GA. Just a beautiful day. Calm. VFR.
  • Blood Sugar = 82. Just right.
  • Didn't know TB's child had been under the weather, Wish it the best.
  • Chipmunks running around. They move so fast they remind me of the slot cars we used to see.
  • @55, don't be bashful, son. We need you. Just avoid you-know-who. It's going to be alright.
  • Enjoying this peaceful feeling.
  • Happy Friday, everyone. 2 more work days for me.
  • Miss UK sports. Football will be here before you know it. Then BBM. Life is indeed good.
  • Good job yesterday, Jerry.
  • Over.
I wasn't going for the bait anyway. No religion or politics for me.

I've never understood people's aversion to these subjects. Arguably the two most important subjects there are. I actually learn stuff and get insights from the arguments on the political thread. On the religious side neither side can PROVE their points. They can only say what they BELIEVE - and I am OK with that. It is only when people get angry (why?) and start suggesting that someone with an opposing view is an idiot (someone almost always does) that the discussion goes off the rails. I usually back off at that point.
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Poor Ed Davender is still on life support as far as I can tell from all of the reports. My dad was on life support. The fact that there was a little blood pressure and vital signs just confused me. It was hopeless. The doctor asked if i wanted to be there when they took him off of it. I chose not to.

I was with my mom when they took her off life support at Jewish Hospital in Louisville. She had a malignant brain tumor. She survived the surgery and I got to talk to her afterwards and we thought we would have more time. Then everything just shut down in her body and we lost her the next day.

Went through a lot with my mom growing up - we survived an alcoholic and physically abusive person in my father so I think we forged a pretty tight bond surviving all that.

I wanted her to meet my kids. Wanted her to see we could have a normal family and be happy but things didn't quite work out that way.
When I was thirteen I skipped a rock on a rail road track and took a robins head off. Through the years I have caught robins staring at me and found them crapping on my car or truck ever chance they get. But now one of them is taking it too far,

Yesterday around 1pm one came to the back patio window and started pecking on it, then taking off for a bit and then at it again. This kept up until 8p. This morning at 6am she is back at it again and still doing it. Talk about holding a grudge,
When I was thirteen I skipped a rock on a rail road track and took a robins head off. Through the years I have caught robins staring at me and found them crapping on my car or truck ever chance they get. But now one of them is taking it too far,

Yesterday around 1pm one came to the back patio window and started pecking on it, then taking off for a bit and then at it again. This kept up until 8p. This morning at 6am she is back at it again and still doing it. Talk about holding a grudge,
You know when you're young and building your own nest you forget that your parents won't live forever. I wish that I had spent more time with mine. I regret not taking that time to be with them. They both did their best for me and my little sister. Spend time with your parents before they are gone.
me, my father, and step dad were in the room when they took my mom off when I was 14. I wanted to be there. She was already basically in a coma, swollen. Lived for an hour and a half on her own. I prayed and begged the entire time knowing it wouldn't help. Don't regret it at all.

I have no fear of death for myself. But I have no desire to watch someone take their last breath. I think that would be incredibly sad to watch even if they have endured great suffering near the end and I want their death to end it. I have never seen someone die. I left the room sometime before when my mother was dying. I've never watched videos like Faces of Death. I watch LiveLeak daily. There are a great many videos of people on there at the moment of death from getting shot, suicide or being in a deadly accident etc. I always skip those.
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When I was thirteen I skipped a rock on a rail road track and took a robins head off. Through the years I have caught robins staring at me and found them crapping on my car or truck ever chance they get. But now one of them is taking it too far,

Yesterday around 1pm one came to the back patio window and started pecking on it, then taking off for a bit and then at it again. This kept up until 8p. This morning at 6am she is back at it again and still doing it. Talk about holding a grudge,

What goes around comes around. Sorry.
  • Running the sprinklers for the first time this year. Dry around here now.

I took mine on a test-run Monday afternoon. We have an automated system with different zones and timers, but I never used it after the first year due to drought restrictions.

As time has gone by, the spray patterns need to be adjusted due to trees and plants growing and maturing...these days I just turn it on manually and don't even use the back zone any more. I'm going to have to re-route a few of the lines/sprinkler heads after the deck expansion.
When my wife was starting out in her nursing career she worked on the pediatric cancer unit. She was really late getting home one night and I assumed that maybe she and some of the others had gone out after work for a little while. Found out later that a family had asked her to be with them in the room while their child died.

Through the years, it would become routine almost with any child and family that she had gotten to know.

Nurses have my utmost respect, 93.

It says a tremendous amount about your wife that families would ask her to be there at such a time.
Nurses have my utmost respect, 93.

It says a tremendous amount about your wife that families would ask her to be there at such a time.

Probably more so than doctors. I've never personally encountered an outwardly cold-hearted nurse. I'm sure there are a fair share of them around but they usually at least make an effort to fake compassion that they don't feel. Many doctors often don't even bother faking it.