
little widowed black lady that lives next to us left a note in our mailbox yesterday to call and talk about cutting down a big dead tree just on the other side of our fence next to her driveway. Wife talked to her. Neither was sure whose property the tree was on... ours or hers. She mentioned to the wife that she was willing to have someone come cut some limbs out of it (had has mentioned wanting to get it cut down in case a strong wind blows it over onto the fence/corner of our house since it's so close). We told her regardless of whose property it was on, that if she wanted to get some limbs cut out of it to go ahead. They have been falling all over her driveway and into our back yard. Good fire wood for me, I guess. Wife called around and found out a land surveyor was gonna cost $400 to determine whose land it was on. We can't afford that (especially since I just dropped $400 on a ring for her [eyeroll]). So anyway... wife texts me this morning and says the neighbor had a Mexican come over and CUT THE WHOLE DAMN TREE DOWN. [laughing]

Told her we're gonna have to go over and thank her, give her a gift card or something. Wife was really worried about it falling on the house sometime in the future. Clearly, I wasn't as worried. Sometimes procrastinating pays off.
Split the cost with her. That is the only thing to do.
little widowed black lady that lives next to us left a note in our mailbox yesterday to call and talk about cutting down a big dead tree just on the other side of our fence next to her driveway. Wife talked to her. Neither was sure whose property the tree was on... ours or hers. She mentioned to the wife that she was willing to have someone come cut some limbs out of it (had has mentioned wanting to get it cut down in case a strong wind blows it over onto the fence/corner of our house since it's so close). We told her regardless of whose property it was on, that if she wanted to get some limbs cut out of it to go ahead. They have been falling all over her driveway and into our back yard. Good fire wood for me, I guess. Wife called around and found out a land surveyor was gonna cost $400 to determine whose land it was on. We can't afford that (especially since I just dropped $400 on a ring for her [eyeroll]). So anyway... wife texts me this morning and says the neighbor had a Mexican come over and CUT THE WHOLE DAMN TREE DOWN. [laughing]

Told her we're gonna have to go over and thank her, give her a gift card or something. Wife was really worried about it falling on the house sometime in the future. Clearly, I wasn't as worried. Sometimes procrastinating pays off.

I've based my whole life on this philosophy.
Gayest hero outfit ever. WTF are those shoelaces doing on his shirt?
Well I went ahead and went all crazy Bama tree killer on my a much lesser degree. But I got to chopping out roots and killed one of his invasive ass wild bush thingies. He has a large lot and he's just fenced off the back and just let it go wild. His shit is all over my shit. He has at least three trees in ver bad spots. 2 of which will cause me issues eventually. I got a feeling he's planning on moving, and I don't feel like talking to him because he's full of shit.
When I had knee ligament surgery the day after the surgery the Morphine had worn off, and I asked for more. Nope not until whenever. I started yelling as loud as I could. and I got my shot. I'll bet they hated me.
In September 2012, I was hospitalized for colon cancer. Endured 3 surgeries in 36 hours.

Squeezing that button for morphine every 30 minutes was groovy.
we called the real estate guy we used and he looked for the land plot, layout, whatever and said that he has it but it wouldn't help with determine exact markers of property boundaries. So I dunno. Old owners didn't have any yard markers, stones, anything like that laid down.

Iron pins, (like re-bar) pounded into the ground. They are still there on your property.

Your real estate agent said it wouldn't help because he is most likely a skinny-pants wearing metro sexual and habitual hand cream user that has never held an actual tool in his hand in his entire life.
How much do they stick up? Like how the hell do ya find em?

They are flush with the ground. Go to where you think the corners of your property ends. You may have to hunt a little bit because the property line may not be exactly where you think it is. Once you find the property pins at both corners then run a string between the two. Voila! Instant property line. Same thing a surveyor would charge you $400 to do.
The Ghost is in mourning today. It finally happened. It's my own damn fault.

OK, Ghost, get to it...

I cut my hair twice a week, because I'm going bald and what's left is gray. THIS week, I haven't been able to do it because I've been busy as hell at work and when I get home, my scalp is the last thing on my mind. So, today my scalp is past the 5 o'clock shadow stage and the gray is visible, bald spot and all. I go to Mickey D's for an unsweet ice tea (so I can add my own Splenda). Gave the young lady my 2 bucks. Here is what happened then:

"Sir, with your discount, that is $1.57"

You mean to tell me this little wench gave me a GD. SENIOR. CITIZEN. DISCOUNT????????

You would be correct. My first senior citizen discount.

This means war. I feel sorry for loose women in Chucktown this weekend because I'm going full Rage Against The Machine mode. Hugh Hefner ain't got ISH on me!
well I'll be a sumbitch.

The only difference between being able to do that and a land surveyor doing it the fact that they can get the land layout and it says exactly where the property ends, then they come out and find the corners probably easier than I could?
You can get the land layout and a copy of you and your neighbors deeds. Start at the PVA office. They'll direct you to the records room to find the correct deed book and page number for those. Public knowledge, will just cost you a little time and a few bucks to make a copy.
man, I tell you guys what, that main national board is like a zoo. That thing moves so fast and everyone is so witty and funny and rude and refreshing. It's so fast that you can click "mark forums read" and when the page loads there's ALWAYS a thread with a new post in it that occurred while you were just clicking the button. A thread with no new posts for 10-15 minutes is gone from the 1st page.

Been reading, liking some posts, made a couple small ones to dip my toes. May start posting there some during the slow off season days like today.

I'm gonna cheat on the D. Not gonna stick it in, maybe just a finger or two.
Yeah, losing one of our most prolific posters will really help us out. TIA.

My greatest fear about going bald is all the extra haircuts I'll have to have. I legit get 4-5 haircuts a year. It's fn awesome. My hair is versatile af. That luxury is slowing slipping away.

...then PVA might tell you to get a new survey because there's is ancient as shit and may not be accurate. What they told me, but I think Jason lives in a more civilized and organized part of the world.
My favorite thing is recent memory was when McDonalds had the strawberry teas. The unsweet had just the right hint of sweetness and the strawberry flavor was on point. Man, I need to learn to make a good strawberry tea, I guess.

Have y'all seen these hens with their water bottles filled with fruit? One today called it her "detox" water. I wanted to ask wth she's detoxing from but didn't. Then I wanted to ask if it'd be more beneficial if you just, yaknow, ate the fruit and drank the water. I would assume you get more nutrients that way.
well I'll be a sumbitch.

The only difference between being able to do that and a land surveyor doing it the fact that they can get the land layout and it says exactly where the property ends, then they come out and find the corners probably easier than I could?
And that will cost you about $400.00.
I took the morphine for a week or so. I got the sweats getting off of it.
I went off morphine fairly easy. The doc put me on 5 mg hydrocodone thereafter. I took hydros for about a week. Gave the rest to my ex-bro in-law eight months later. He was happy. Those things are worth $5 each out in SE KY.
man, I tell you guys what, that main national board is like a zoo. That thing moves so fast and everyone is so witty and funny and rude and refreshing. It's so fast that you can click "mark forums read" and when the page loads there's ALWAYS a thread with a new post in it that occurred while you were just clicking the button. A thread with no new posts for 10-15 minutes is gone from the 1st page.

Been reading, liking some posts, made a couple small ones to dip my toes. May start posting there some during the slow off season days like today.

I'm gonna cheat on the D. Not gonna stick it in, maybe just a finger or two.
Are you talking about the Main Board(recruiting board)? It's like The Paddock on steroids. A trollers paradise but also some good subjects. Only about 5% are football related and hardly any about recruiting. Many of you would fit in there but it is a pay board.
<----- never used pain meds. Haven't ever had anything prescription stronger than anti inflammatories or antibiotics. Always kinda wondered how the pain meds made ya feel/why people get so addicted to em/why people would pay so much for em on the street.
Same here. I always gave my scripts away or flushed 'em.

I have a whole bunch of relatives in EKY who are addicted to painkillers. Such a colossal waste of money. It's as if their entire existence revolves around meds.
just "main board". I guess it's the main national board. Not really a recruiting board or sports specific board. Yea, it's the Paddock on roids. Moves too damn fast for me to wanna post there every day.
That's where I spend most of my time now. Jump in man. I do a lot of bashing of unc and the B10 that gets a lot of likes and quotes.