
Voles.......little ****ers are ruining my sod I spent money putting down my wife tells me. Anybody got any Zyklon-B? I' like to bury a high amperage electrical grid around my yard, then nerve gas the little bastards. The ones that escaped the gas would get fried. Told that to my wife and she said that I gave her visions of Bill Murray in Caddyshack.

Anybody know of a non-explosive method of mass extermination?
I need to lay some sod pretty quick. Our front yard is a qualified disaster area. Weed and Feed obliterated per design.
Voles.......little ****ers are ruining my sod I spent money putting down my wife tells me. Anybody got any Zyklon-B? I' like to bury a high amperage electrical grid around my yard, then nerve gas the little bastards. The ones that escaped the gas would get fried. Told that to my wife and she said that I gave her visions of Bill Murray in Caddyshack.

Anybody know of a non-explosive method of mass extermination?
Get a pack of Prairie Dogs. They eat Voles like popcorn.
Show of hands -- how many turned their heads upside down to look at that pic? I'll start.

I wish I had the ability to like something more than once
I already have some news, and it's not good. They sent him back to Ft. Campbell the 1st day. Something about not doing pushups correctly. He goes back May 16th. I don't know what to make of it.
Sorry to hear it. Ranger cadre are really tough on correct pushups. At a regular unit, I was roughly 55-60 reps on correct PUs. But I'll be damned if every time I attended a regular Army school that my performance dropped. If he keeps at it, he will qualify.
I already have some news, and it's not good. They sent him back to Ft. Campbell the 1st day. Something about not doing pushups correctly. He goes back May 16th. I don't know what to make of it.
It a MF'er of a school, Don. Finish rate in a lot of classes is less than 25%. My son wrestled in college and went to some very difficult camps when in high school. That helped him mentally during Ranger School and he was already in peak physical condition. Sometime they look to flush guys out just to make a point to those that remain. My son said he saw guys get booted for doing exactly the same things other guys were given a pass for. Tell him to keep his head up and above all be a team player. You can booted by your own fellow schoolmates if the think you're slacking or too much of an individualist.
It a MF'er of a school, Don. Finish rate in a lot of classes is less than 25%. My son wrestled in college and went to some very difficult camps when in high school. That helped him mentally during Ranger School and he was already in peak physical condition. Sometime they look to flush guys out just to make a point to those that remain. My son said he saw guys get booted for doing exactly the same things other guys were given a pass for. Tell him to keep his head up and above all be a team player. You can booted by your own fellow schoolmates if the think you're slacking or too much of an individualist.
There is a retired Colonel in our family. He was a Ranger too. I'll be talking to him May 8th at our party. #3 might be there too.
As an ROTC cadet, around 55 was my max for push-ups. I could nearly max the sit ups and smoke the 2 mile run back then. Glory days.

Don's grandson will be fine. If not Ranger school, there will be something else. My brothers former step-son became a TED handler (tactical explosives dog).
Hoooooo Ahhhhh!

Same for me. No problems throughout my entire career for 2-mile and situps. My max in the old days for pushups was 64, I think, when attending ANCOC. Got 53 or something similar. Cadre grades those touchers hard. Same during Battle Staff and Master Gunner schools. I only maxed PUs like once or twice during my entire career. My main problem was I never really worked on the event enough. It's all about reps.
Fell asleep as soon as got home. Passed straight out without alcohol haha.

About those Army push-ups -- it's a 4-count movement right? So even though you've pushed yourself up two times, you only get credit for one push-up rep?
2-count for score, but 4-count for exercise.

Back in the old days, when someone struggled with PUs, we called it the "NBC Boogie". When ya get tired, ya start shaking hard, much like a nerve agent attack reaction.