
-So Bolden or nah?

-Have had a few tornado dreams but none super scary. A bit of a weather dork who used to read up/watch videos of that stuff all the time. Never near them in the dreams, just watching from afar. All dogs safe.

-Pinehurst tomorrow. Little golf, little pub crawl.

-Day is dragging. Jesus Christ, let's get on with it.
Did you know the inventor of The Internet was Samuel Morse, the same guy who invented The Telegraph? He stretched a net behind the telegraph operator's chair to catch him whenever he would fall asleep from exhaustion and pitch backward. Thus the Internet was born a long time ago. Longer than you thought.
It's only 2:45 here and I've got a 3:15 patient. Can't leave before they're done. Responsibility and such.
You are in the wrong time zone. Tell your boss that you are operating on EDT. Problem solved. **** that 3:15 appointment. Blame it on the appointment maker. Get out of there!!! The appointment can be reset at a time that you can keep. Tell your staff not to set any appointments for you past 1:30 on Fridays. You can thank me later.
Getting dark. Another f'ing day down the shitter.

Wanna go on the new deck and pound a few six-point HiRes and a couple of these bitches.
