
My week - by Kooky Kats

Work this week

Project 1: marble Eagles falling. Client behind in payments so we're liening on project. Client calls me and goes batshit crazy.

Project 2: under construction. Firm lays off my only help. Find out every door that she said she was coordinating 4000...didn't. I now am redoing hardware and door submittals, bubbling changes. Redesigned a condo to Code. 3 conference calls today.

Project 3: new tower. Kick off meeting Tuesday and our client talks about doing Coke at Studio 54 and the smokin hot Asian lady with belly shirts at the DOB. In front of our structural engineer lady who admits her moms dog ate 5 pairs of her dirty underwear. Then her mom puzzling shards of undies to make sure all had passed thru pooch. Story may make a little sense later... At least give context.

Project 4: student center. State agency with Indian client who I barely understand and we can't get forms done correctly for payment- so we don't get paid. We have tiny fee so all the time I waste chasing down bureaucrats in Albany- I can't bill my time.


Refinishing hardwoods in two zones. Monday, half my house was unusable kitchen and toilets for 12 hours each day for 3 days. Had to move a ton of furniture into living room. Phase two next Monday have to move furniture again from living room to dining and outside.

Stumps of 15 fell trees being ground tomorrow.

Penny Plissken - our puppy, swallowed a sock on Tuesday. Vet. $200. Vomit. Sock in street...still. I was in new tower meeting when I got call from wife that dog puked sock in relief. I related this story which prompted the engineers shitstained underwear eatin dog and moms poop puzzle.

Signed dog up for training class $240.


Keratoconus in my left eye must've regressed. I can't see shit. Lenses are terribly uncomfortable. Dust gets in eye feels like a dagger. Immediate stop what you do pain and wait to cry out the dirt. Tough sledding during construction visits.

Foot: gotta go to doctor. Last time I went to doc, he suggested amputating my leg from knee down. I walk everywhere in city, job requires multi story stair climbs and I am finding it difficult to mask my limping. The shoes that I walked thru riot to get, aren't the answer.

Brace: I wear a partial prosthetic that I had adjusted. Saturday, cocksucker charged me $250 for gluing some dense foam rubber wedge to the heel. Took him 20 minutes.

Come home Mon-Wed to sequester in basement till oil-polyurethane coat is dry. 9:30 pm. House smells. Kids bored. Wife pissed. Eat PB J dinners on bread that tastes like the floor chemicals.

If you're still reading this. Sorry.

My week - by Kooky Kats

Work this week

Project 1: marble Eagles falling. Client behind in payments so we're liening on project. Client calls me and goes batshit crazy.

Project 2: under construction. Firm lays off my only help. Find out every door that she said she was coordinating 4000...didn't. I now am redoing hardware and door submittals, bubbling changes. Redesigned a condo to Code. 3 conference calls today.

Project 3: new tower. Kick off meeting Tuesday and our client talks about doing Coke at Studio 54 and the smokin hot Asian lady with belly shirts at the DOB. In front of our structural engineer lady who admits her moms dog ate 5 pairs of her dirty underwear. Then her mom puzzling shards of undies to make sure all had passed thru pooch. Story may make a little sense later... At least give context.

Project 4: student center. State agency with Indian client who I barely understand and we can't get forms done correctly for payment- so we don't get paid. We have tiny fee so all the time I waste chasing down bureaucrats in Albany- I can't bill my time.


Refinishing hardwoods in two zones. Monday, half my house was unusable kitchen and toilets for 12 hours each day for 3 days. Had to move a ton of furniture into living room. Phase two next Monday have to move furniture again from living room to dining and outside.

Stumps of 15 fell trees being ground tomorrow.

Penny Plissken - our puppy, swallowed a sock on Tuesday. Vet. $200. Vomit. Sock in street...still. I was in new tower meeting when I got call from wife that dog puked sock in relief. I related this story which prompted the engineers shitstained underwear eatin dog and moms poop puzzle.

Signed dog up for training class $240.


Keratoconus in my left eye must've regressed. I can't see shit. Lenses are terribly uncomfortable. Dust gets in eye feels like a dagger. Immediate stop what you do pain and wait to cry out the dirt. Tough sledding during construction visits.

Foot: gotta go to doctor. Last time I went to doc, he suggested amputating my leg from knee down. I walk everywhere in city, job requires multi story stair climbs and I am finding it difficult to mask my limping. The shoes that I walked thru riot to get, aren't the answer.

Brace: I wear a partial prosthetic that I had adjusted. Saturday, cocksucker charged me $250 for gluing some dense foam rubber wedge to the heel. Took him 20 minutes.

Come home Mon-Wed to sequester in basement till oil-polyurethane coat is dry. 9:30 pm. House smells. Kids bored. Wife pissed. Eat PB J dinners on bread that tastes like the floor chemicals.

If you're still reading this. Sorry.

Sorry, man. That is a shit load of stress.
I'm gonna drink me some ethanol too -- the boss is preppin' for a colonoscopy [banana] so she doesn't feel like nagging me. Gonna fix me one of my Bailey's dulce de leche, Kaluha, sweetened condensed milk, and whipping cream on-the-rocks-pseudo-White-Russian cocktail.

hahahaha You go Mav. Wish I could get a colonscopy with you too. I think that should happen. I think it would lower the perception of discomfort if someone else was next to you