
Tacos for lunch. Thinking steak, baked potato, glazed carrots, zucchini and squash for dinner later.

Beer #4. Kid in candy store right now. This never happens in these parts, folks. Going to beat my weiner around on all surfaces and wail like a deranged caveman all day because I can, that's why.

Spring Game on. 15K there? Can't tell. Looks like a nice day in Lexington though.
Yeah but here's the can still bone like a mofo tonight -- WITHOUT HAVING TO GIVE HER HALF YOUR SHIT WITHIN THE NEXT 2.7 years.

Listen to me R2...

It's still not too late. In fact, until you say those two magic words (actually until the official says all that "I now pronounce you blah blah blah crap) you're still in good shape. Don't blow this opportunity at LIFELONG happiness.

Will it hurt your fiancé to be jilted at the altar? Sure. Maybe. Lemme ask you this though -- what if, what IF, deep down inside SHE'S having second thoughts? What if subconsciously she really doesn't want to do this, but she's going to anyway because she thinks it'll break your heart? Have you ever asked yourself that?

Dammit R2, as a fellow tripod (well, actually, I'm more like a bipod with a tiny kickstand, but, genetically speaking my XY chromosomal makeup says I'm a tripod, but I digress...), I IMPLORE you to not go through with this. You WILL thank me later.

It might not be later today, it might not be tomorrow, but, trust me, at some point in the next 3.4 years you'll thank me when you still have ALL of your money and have moved on to banging another young hot thing.

Remember: Wives get old, but girlfriends stay young forever.
The worst, inequitable, legal binding contract anyone can ever enter into. Pussy is an opiate to logic.
To be a little more specific on the B/W game these players sounded good:

Jeff Badet
Drew Barker
C.J. Conrad
Gunnar Hoad
Stephen Johnson
Jojo Kemp
Davis Mattingly
Denzil Ware had 12 tackles when I lost count. He was a force to deal with.

Didn't get to hear what Coach Stoops said.
Also. I was showering earlier today and thought of an idea that I thought of about 20 years ago, but this time I modified it. What if you could refillable implant titties? Meaning. You go to a sports game and your old lady is able to fill her tits with alcohol. She and He could stick straws into her tits and drink up. I'm not sure about the science needed to make make this a reality, but I think this a gold mine idea.

Imagine Capri-Suns but with alcohol and inside titties.
Also. I was showering earlier today and thought of an idea that I thought of about 20 years ago, but this time I modified it. What if you could refillable implant titties? Meaning. You go to a sports game and your old lady is able to fill her tits with alcohol. She and He could stick straws into her tits and drink up. I'm not sure about the science needed to make make this a reality, but I think this a gold mine idea.

Imagine Capri-Suns but with alcohol and inside titties.
Sounds like a killer idea, Willy. What would you call the idea? Boozeenteat? Cheaptreat?
That would be the logical choice. Plus you could do it in public, cause it's breastfeeding. But what about the girls with little titties that can't self suck them? Not sure about a tube sticking out of em.

93, exactly.
Little titty girls come to the D League for insulated beverage cooler titties. $8K. Mav do the surgery, cuz he's the only one competent enough when it comes to D League surgery