
I ended up at UK for several reasons:

1) my oldest brother went to Morehead, my other brother went to UK. Both are over 10 years older than I... So #2.

2) I grew up a huge UK fan. Even though I never set mangled foot on campus, I chose UK over several decent schools (RISD, Syracuse). Didn't get into Cooper Union, which is free and best in country.

3) Cost - I paid for my own school. UK was cheap. I also knew I didn't want to come out buried in debt. Grad school? No chance. I got good grades and boogied. Progressive thinking, eh?

4) College of Architecture had a renowned rep. My brother used to work in the arch library and knew of its credibility. He was an Econ major tho.

I am adaptable.
Haha, well wifey is the one having it -- I had one a couple years ago. But, what the hell, you pick the date and I'll do another one with you.

First off. Proud of Kooky. Second off, man, I'm serious. Next colon or prostate check, we should do it together.

I actually think it would be a brilliant way to comfort those mens and score twice the payment in the same time. You know any colon or prostate guys?
Haha, I actually know one of each. The wife of the colon guy -- a friggin puppy-dog eyed girl next door BABE -- worked in the vision center, and they're both patients, and I played HS basketball against and went to undergrad with/was/am buddies with a urologist.

I've let the colon guy inspect my innerds but I haven't let the prostrate guy finger my butt or touch my junk.

<- shy b/c of congenital micropenis
Morning D league

Thank god I haven't had to have a colonoscopy. It sounds like a wonderful bonding experience lol
Happy Friday
Willy, any specials at the crack shack today?
I find myself watching catfish on mtv this morning. Something about these dudes going on here thinking they have met a supermodel only to find out it pat from next door, makes me laugh.
Hoping the bolden recruitment ends soon. Jason, I loved your comments in the bolden thread, I'm still laughing

Press on leagures
Morning D league

Thank god I haven't had to have a colonoscopy. It sounds like a wonderful bonding experience lol
Happy Friday
Willy, any specials at the crack shack today?
I find myself watching catfish on mtv this morning. Something about these dudes going on here thinking they have met a supermodel only to find out it pat from next door, makes me laugh.
Hoping the bolden recruitment ends soon. Jason, I loved your comments in the bolden thread, I'm still laughing

Press on leagures

Got some Nicaragua Night. Stuff gets you so high that you'll start a revolution
  • Good morning, posters and lurkers.
  • 54°F in Johns Creek. Sunny, but windy. VFR. Feels colder than 54°.
  • Blood Sugar = 82.
  • Leach Report going.
  • Sugar under her blankey. Cold-natured.
  • Braves 0-9. Atlanta should be ashamed for losing the Braves to Cobb County.
  • 4 jurors picked for Ross Harris trial. Murdering bastard.
  • Austin deserves credit for doing what he does. Planning and traveling and seeing stuff. My hat is off to him.
  • Bad drivers. Can't wait to see them this morning. Reckless sumbritches.
  • Texters. #1 saw a female actually reading a book while driving the other day, HITF could you conscientiously do that while driving?
  • Dark Magic going.
  • Mack Jones coming up.
  • Hope you sick ones get to feeling better.
  • Prostate & Colonoscopy exams are serious business, Get it done. It could save your life.
  • That's it. Over.
Morning D. Still recovering from my bachelor party last night. I drank an obscene amount, and I'm not sure that's healthy. Did not realize bars opened till 4am in other places. This led to too many shenanigans. My co-best man led on a gay dude who kept buying him drinks. I'm kinda worried something might have happened...
  • Good morning, posters and lurkers.
  • 54°F in Johns Creek. Sunny, but windy. VFR. Feels colder than 54°.
  • Blood Sugar = 82.
  • Leach Report going.
  • Sugar under her blankey. Cold-natured.
  • Braves 0-9. Atlanta should be ashamed for losing the Braves to Cobb County.
  • 4 jurors picked for Ross Harris trial. Murdering bastard.
  • Austin deserves credit for doing what he does. Planning and traveling and seeing stuff. My hat is off to him.
  • Bad drivers. Can't wait to see them this morning. Reckless sumbritches.
  • Texters. #1 saw a female actually reading a book while driving the other day, HITF could you conscientiously do that while driving?
  • Dark Magic going.
  • Mack Jones coming up.
  • Hope you sick ones get to feeling better.
  • Prostate & Colonoscopy exams are serious business, Get it done. It could save your life.
  • That's it. Over.
Donfather, you are the man. The braves need you as their manager, they would never lose another game.
Alright you dumbasses, put these events in order starting with the first to occur to the last to occur. As always, we believe in the honor system here boys and girls so no cheating...
  • The first video is uploaded to YouTube
  • Arnold is first sworn in as Governor of Cali
  • Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers is released
  • Drew Brees is drafted
You have 5 minutes.

(I have no idea)
Some pretty good bait (I think) for you guys that like to fish in raftards..(I'm nowhere near the angler some of you are)..Cal bringing Brad in to do same thing Sutton and Tubby did..Our soon to be point guard taking minutes from the 5 stars...I figure it would get some bites..Pros..have at it.

Me and that paint can have been "mind ****in" each other now for several days, think I might pop it's lid in a little while..I'd just soon take a kick in the balls THROUGH the ass cavity WITH those pointy ass "kill a cockroach in the corner steel toe covered cowboy boots that truckers wear" instead of painting ESPECIALLY inside painting, PLUS I'm gettin to old for this shit. Believe I rather be "catheterized" with a roll of barbed wire...POS paint can...

Maybe a trip to Bowling Green tomorrow..see some family.
My dog Bentley's arthritis seems to be gettin worse (she is 15) Meds seem to be not doing it's thing as well. Her hearing is shot as well. Vet said awhile back, when she gets to where she can't get around anymore we need to think of the final option. In the midst of tears wife and I had the talk yesterday, when that time comes it's gonna kill my heart..Love my dogs ..a lot. Hopefully we can wait a while..

I'm a "Blacklist" fan. Last nights episode totally caught me off guard, a real tear jerker. Hope it's just a ruse..
Alright you dumbasses, put these events in order starting with the first to occur to the last to occur. As always, we believe in the honor system here boys and girls so no cheating...
  • The first video is uploaded to YouTube
  • Arnold is first sworn in as Governor of Cali
  • Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers is released
  • Drew Brees is drafted
You have 5 minutes.

Damn. Here goes.

- youtube
- Drew Brees
- Arnold
- LOTR 2

I want my winnings in donuts.
Alright you dumbasses, put these events in order starting with the first to occur to the last to occur. As always, we believe in the honor system here boys and girls so no cheating...
  • The first video is uploaded to YouTube
  • Arnold is first sworn in as Governor of Cali
  • Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers is released
  • Drew Brees is drafted
You have 5 minutes.

Two Towers

Yeah, I don't know either.
Some pretty good bait (I think) for you guys that like to fish in raftards..(I'm nowhere near the angler some of you are)..Cal bringing Brad in to do same thing Sutton and Tubby did..Our soon to be point guard taking minutes from the 5 stars...I figure it would get some bites..Pros..have at it.

Me and that paint can have been "mind ****in" each other now for several days, think I might pop it's lid in a little while..I'd just soon take a kick in the balls THROUGH the ass cavity WITH those pointy ass "kill a cockroach in the corner steel toe covered cowboy boots that truckers wear" instead of painting ESPECIALLY inside painting, PLUS I'm gettin to old for this shit. Believe I rather be "catheterized" with a roll of barbed wire...POS paint can...

Maybe a trip to Bowling Green tomorrow..see some family.
My dog Bentley's arthritis seems to be gettin worse (she is 15) Meds seem to be not doing it's thing as well. Her hearing is shot as well. Vet said awhile back, when she gets to where she can't get around anymore we need to think of the final option. In the midst of tears wife and I had the talk yesterday, when that time comes it's gonna kill my heart..Love my dogs ..a lot. Hopefully we can wait a while..

I'm a "Blacklist" fan. Last nights episode totally caught me off guard, a real tear jerker. Hope it's just a ruse..
Very good material, 55.
Mom died when I was 14.

Sorry, Speers. That was too tough.