
OK, members of the D. I work with a Asian lady named Lori (go figure). We tease/flirt with each other when I work split shift. When I see her, I greet her as "Hey Lori, ready to be my future ex-wife?" Her response is "I'll be a lesbian before I marry you!" She's married, and her hubby is a good guy. For some reason, this week she has started to stick her tongue out at me after she gives me the lesbian response line.

Tonite, Bad Tee (me) noticed that she closes her eyes when she sticks her tongue out at me. I'm thinking if I can judge the distance properly next time she does that...I can nail her with a kiss AND slip her some tongue before she notices it. But her hubby IS a good guy (even tho she runs their house and their relationship), and even tho I'm a reprobate and a rapscallion...Good Tee would just be regretful if I did that.

So I'll leave it to the D. Good Tee or Bad Tee. Y'all be the judge. Here's the kicker. She's one of the rare Asian ladies that has kept her figure to be in her 40's. Stomach is flat, tits don't sag, and she has just enough hips and butt to prove she's a woman. If I can figure out the reason why she's sticking her tongue out at me...Bad Tee would win in a walkover!
OK, members of the D. I work with a Asian lady named Lori (go figure). We tease/flirt with each other when I work split shift. When I see her, I greet her as "Hey Lori, ready to be my future ex-wife?" Her response is "I'll be a lesbian before I marry you!" She's married, and her hubby is a good guy. For some reason, this week she has started to stick her tongue out at me after she gives me the lesbian response line.

Tonite, Bad Tee (me) noticed that she closes her eyes when she sticks her tongue out at me. I'm thinking if I can judge the distance properly next time she does that...I can nail her with a kiss AND slip her some tongue before she notices it. But her hubby IS a good guy (even tho she runs their house and their relationship), and even tho I'm a reprobate and a rapscallion...Good Tee would just be regretful if I did that.

So I'll leave it to the D. Good Tee or Bad Tee. Y'all be the judge. Here's the kicker. She's one of the rare Asian ladies that has kept her figure to be in her 40's. Stomach is flat, tits don't sag, and she has just enough hips and butt to prove she's a woman. If I can figure out the reason why she's sticking her tongue out at me...Bad Tee would win in a walkover!

That slanted sideways action is tempting. The wider they spread the tighter it gets.

You'd feel like a creep and bad guy. I say the good guy should win out this one.
Went in to the night deciding I'd flip back and forth between the Warriors and Lakers games, figured all-time greats retire all the time but there's never been a team playing for 73 wins.

Warriors jumped out to an ass kicking of the Grizz so I decided to focus on the Lakers game and I'm glad I did.

Kobe put on a goddam show. Wow. Such a cool moment. Took over in the 4th, hit the go ahead shot, hit the FTs to give him 60 and seal it.

60. In his final game. Absurd.

Not a Kobe fan and never have been but dude had me hyped as he was gunning and getting buckets. Jazz couldn't stop his old ass.

Typical Speerz. Blow off the amazing TEAM accomplishment that will probably never,ever happen again in order to watch a has-been selfish gun score a bunch of points in a meaningless game by being…well…a selfish gun. And to praise the fact that Kobe "took over in the 4th, hit the go ahead shot & free throws to seal it" but fail to mention that it was a completely meaningless game that he "took over" and "sealed" and that it was against a pedestrian team who basically let him have his moment. That's just pathetic.

Especially since Curry had an equally impressive offensive showing with 46 points in a game that actually MEANT something and that had an opponent that was actually trying to shut him down…and failed miserably.

Damnit, Speerz! Learn team sports.
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Good Morning, all.

Happy Thursday (my Friday) to you guys.

Two cups in on the free coffee and have already had the glorious morning work shit.

If you're gonna put up a privacy fence stay away from wood and do the vinyl...cost more initially, but cheaper in the longer run.

Good bye Kobe

[laughing] @ Reds. Did anyone think they were gonna do anything?

Almost finished watching Spartacus for the second time. Was an awesome series, too bad Andy Whitfield died of cancer and they cut it short.

Have a good one!
If you're gonna put up a privacy fence stay away from wood and do the vinyl...cost more initially, but cheaper in the longer run.

That sounds like good advice.

I would still surround it with an aids/malaria/zika moat and top the fence with aids coated razor wire. You know, mostly for curb appeal, but the extra privacy is nice.
That sounds like good advice.

I would still surround it with an aids/malaria/zika moat and top the fence with aids coated razor wire. You know, mostly for curb appeal, but the extra privacy is nice.

Can save money on the razor wire too, just break a bunch of bottles and clue them to the top or put them in not quite formed concrete...that's how the Sicilians do it anyway.
Ghost you better pass on that one...even cockhounds have some sorta ethic to toe the line by, you should know that..The big scale tipper here is...#1 you know the husband, #2 never be a homewrecker. Not matter the marital cause that would make her take on that massive ghostmember, it will always be laid at your doorstep, you was a homewrecker and your fault. Now on the other hand some married people are into that sorta cat n mouse thing where they ( husband and wife) have the green light to do what they want OR this could be a fantasy game where she lures cockhound (that would be you) into thinking he will get the "mount-up" ONLY to get "mounted-up" on by the husband whilst cockhound (that would be you) was "mounted-up" on asian wife. ALL while being recorded for blackmail purposes AND the possibility of a "youtuber" that WOULD be seen in it's entirety by the "D" league sicko's! Think long and hard (no pun) on this one my friend.....
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  • Mornin'
  • 58°F in Johns Creek. Cloudy. IFR probably.
  • Blood Sugar = 78. Lost 2 pounds. 226. Dieting for about 1 month.
  • Sugar up. Nuzzles taken. Love my little sentry-dog.
  • Keurig Dark Magic going.
  • Memphis fans hate Cal.
  • Leach report going.
  • Home and home with Memphis will not happen.
  • Ghost Vol. Don't do it. Plenty of single women out there. All of them want you in your mind. Don't listen to the little head.
  • Privacy fences makes your backyard private.
  • Love Kentucky.
  • Over.
I hate Kobe. He is the face of "me" basketball. His games are about as fun as watching Lebron. Snoooooze. Just ugly ass basketball. Individually stunning, but crap ass ball. I hate watching it and I'm glad I'll never see Kobe play again, though that F'er will probably come back.


I'm glad real teams are winning now and LBJ and Kobe's aren't the cool thing.
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OK, members of the D. I work with a Asian lady named Lori (go figure). We tease/flirt with each other when I work split shift. When I see her, I greet her as "Hey Lori, ready to be my future ex-wife?" Her response is "I'll be a lesbian before I marry you!" She's married, and her hubby is a good guy. For some reason, this week she has started to stick her tongue out at me after she gives me the lesbian response line.

Tonite, Bad Tee (me) noticed that she closes her eyes when she sticks her tongue out at me. I'm thinking if I can judge the distance properly next time she does that...I can nail her with a kiss AND slip her some tongue before she notices it. But her hubby IS a good guy (even tho she runs their house and their relationship), and even tho I'm a reprobate and a rapscallion...Good Tee would just be regretful if I did that.

So I'll leave it to the D. Good Tee or Bad Tee. Y'all be the judge. Here's the kicker. She's one of the rare Asian ladies that has kept her figure to be in her 40's. Stomach is flat, tits don't sag, and she has just enough hips and butt to prove she's a woman. If I can figure out the reason why she's sticking her tongue out at me...Bad Tee would win in a walkover!
I would love to bang an Asian! Happy ending and no ginger kids. As for your question don't do it. Remember the saying: bros before hos. Most on here are going straight to hell and we would be jealous if you got a leg up on us.
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