
I'd get a 16' Scamp trailer and a decent Nissan/Toyota pickup truck to tow it.

I almost bought a little pop up camper a few years back. The tiny houses are cool, but I think a camper would be much better, since it is designed to be towed. Some of the tiny houses I've seen would be hard or dangerous to tow.

Pikey caravan.
When I first got divorced I rented out a little boat house in Oldham County. It was around 800 sq ft im guessing and it was a recreational home for a family member. It was also river front.

The house was nice and fun. I had a post divorce hard luck story, a dock for my buddies boats, a place to have fires and chill and a vasectomy. Basically I had all the tools to work with to have a great time...and I did.

Unfortunately I ended up back in the rat race and live in what should be expected of a man my age and occupation.
When I first got divorced I rented out a little boat house in Oldham County. It was around 800 sq ft im guessing and it was a recreational home for a family member. It was also river front.

The house was nice and fun. I had a post divorce hard luck story, a dock for my buddies boats, a place to have fires and chill and a vasectomy. Basically I had all the tools to work with to have a great time...and I did.

Unfortunately I ended up back in the rat race and live in what should be expected of a man my age and occupation.
Sounds like a Quincy starter kit... You a coroner?
I almost bought a little pop up camper a few years back. The tiny houses are cool, but I think a camper would be much better, since it is designed to be towed. Some of the tiny houses I've seen would be hard or dangerous to tow.

Pikey caravan.
We are strongly considering constructing 2 tiny houses in our back yard and renting them out. Must go through some code BS with the city, but I think we can make two work for roughly $25K finished, including a foundation. We need to get some estimates.
We are strongly considering constructing 2 tiny houses in our back yard and renting them out. Must go through some code BS with the city, but I think we can make two work for roughly $25K finished, including a foundation. We need to get some estimates.
I'd make sure everything is good with the city first. Zoning, sewer, water, electrical connections, etc... I managed an apartment building for a while. I wouldn't want to do it again, but rental property is a decent money maker.
Definitely got Obama'd for sure. Let me know what you find out.

Pfizer paid $150 million to walk away.

150M was actually pretty reasonable for the reneg fee. This deal would have saved Pfizer + Conglomerate ~10B in taxes a year. Will find out more of the details next Tuesday. What is surprising is that botox is one of the hotter drug properties at the moment. my prediction is that another player will swoop in with a lower amount. I would guess sanofi aventis, they are pretty hungry for a deal.

My guess is that Pfizer now goes after Spectrum Theraputics for the cheap, and probably a few other players as well.
I'd make sure everything is good with the city first. Zoning, sewer, water, electrical connections, etc... I managed an apartment building for a while. I wouldn't want to do it again, but rental property is a decent money maker.
Indeed. Conformity with city codes is priority 1 before any $ are invested.
150M was actually pretty reasonable for the reneg fee. This deal would have saved Pfizer + Conglomerate ~10B in taxes a year. Will find out more of the details next Tuesday. What is surprising is that botox is one of the hotter drug properties at the moment. my prediction is that another player will swoop in with a lower amount. I would guess sanofi aventis, they are pretty hungry for a deal.

My guess is that Pfizer now goes after Spectrum Theraputics for the cheap, and probably a few other players as well.

Gotcha. Thanks for the info D2.
Rise and shine leagures!
It's raining yet the reds are 2-0 which is more than two games I expected them to win

One more day till the weekend

What are the specials at willies crack shack and emporium today?

Got a sale on Peruvian pink flake cocaine. $80 a gram (20% off normal prices).

Colombian Groove is going for $60 a gram

and the Brazilian Death Powder is $150 gram (98% purity)
Good morning, all.

Tiny house would be nice. Often day dreamed of being single and just living in an R.V. traveling around never staying in on place for too long.

crack to kids...just make sure you don't kill off your client base

How many of you are doing what you dreamed of doing (work)?

How many wish you were doing something different?

Is 44 Degrees too cold for golf? Can't make up my mind if I want to play Saturday.

Have a good day everyone.
I tried the carb thing, and realized I just don't have enough self control. So know I am calorie counting and it seems to be working a bit better.

Speaking of shit, you guys ever laid one that had sides to it? Kicked the brown clowns out of the one ring circus the other night....really good shit, probably the best in years. Probably have three or four keepers and one or two that were throwbacks, but I noticed one looked like it came out of one of those play-dough machines...had sides to it. Kinda freaked me out.
How many of you are doing what you dreamed of doing (work)?

How many wish you were doing something different?

I'm close. I remember sometime around 3rd grade knowing that I wanted to do something science related. I've ended up in radiation safety for a major university & teaching hospital. About a year ago, I started doing some consulting work for a startup biotech company.

I get to see some cool stuff, but sometimes I wish I could build furniture.
I'm close. I remember sometime around 3rd grade knowing that I wanted to do something science related. I've ended up in radiation safety for a major university & teaching hospital. About a year ago, I started doing some consulting work for a startup biotech company.

I get to see some cool stuff, but sometimes I wish I could build furniture.

That sounds like a very interesting career. Odd how some fields you can tell that people just didn't fall into them, they knew they wanted it or something very close. I applaud and envy those that get to be close to what they wanted to do.

Big difference between biotech and building furniture, do you do carpentry for a hobby?
That sounds like a very interesting career. Odd how some fields you can tell that people just didn't fall into them, they knew they wanted it or something very close. I applaud and envy those that get to be close to what they wanted to do.

Big difference between biotech and building furniture, do you do carpentry for a hobby?
About 8-9 years ago, I got interested in carpentry, but have never had time for it. I've never been trained/don't know what I'm doing. I think it stems from wanting to have a finished product at the end of the day that people can look at. A lot of my job involves record keeping. At the end of the day, it's hard to point to something and say 'I did that'. I assume there is something similar for a lot of office dwellers.
  • Mornin, boys.
  • 53°F in Johns Creek. Clear. VFR. Toonder & Lightning last night as I went to bed. Warmer than yesterday.
  • Dark Magic going.
  • Tom Leach Show going.
  • Mike Pratt. Love him.
  • Tyler gone. Little Bulldog. Our own Moody, that little dude that played at South Carolina ..........
  • Used the Braves game as background while I worked last night. They will lose about 100 games this season. I know about 3 players' names. 0 and 2 start. Shit.
  • The Hag is dead. Died on his birthday. He was still performing at 79. He was indeed special.
  • My pick up crew caught one of our jumpers yesterday. Real happy to catch that MFer.
  • Blood Sugar = 82. Over Food Obsession.
  • Over.
Really working on my posture today. Feels good. I'm walking around with my hands clasped behind my back like the Asians do. Opening them shoulders up. Breathe. Wooooo-sa. SERENITY NOW MFERS!!!!

Heard about a study not to long ago, that tracked older adults over 100 years of age. They had one thing in common at 100, not health, lifestyle, intelligence, fitness, diet. Nope. the one thing in common for those people 100 and older was good posture.
Heard about a study not to long ago, that tracked older adults over 100 years of age. They had one thing in common at 100, not health, lifestyle, intelligence, fitness, diet. Nope. the one thing in common for those people 100 and older was good posture.
Man, may posture is terrible. I effing hate it. I'll prolly die young.
Willy, I take back my earlier suggestion that we trade Mississippi for Costa Rica. Those Costa Ricans are weird. The part that get's me is why he used a condom. I might not be a biology expert, but I've never heard of a carrot getting a dude pregnant. But oh well, #plannedparenthood. Here is the article:

"Surgeons at the San Juan de Dios Hospital in the capital city of Costa Rica removed a yuca (cassava rootor manioc) measuring 45 cm of length (about 18 inches) from the anal cavity of a 55-year old man, who is currently in stable condition.

According to a report filed by Manuel Estrada of daily tabloid Diario Extra, the patient was rushed to the emergency room after one of the two latex condoms wrapped around the Manihot esculenta, which had an estimated girth of eight centimeters (more than three inches), ripped inside him.

As previously reported by The Costa Rica Star, yuca and other tubers can grow to significant sizes with certain cultivation techniques."
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