
ass strength? I've posted no less than a dozen times the kinds of dumps I'm capable of taking. You should know by now those things would just fall out if I sat down... especially if it's a Sunday or Monday while my body is trying to rid itself of the Saturday gluttonous festivities.

Jason it sounds like your butthole can whistle. Please see a doctor.

I gotta gloat. I tore meat las night like i was 18yrs old again. I bent, posed , positioned, and humped everyway i could for a good 30 including whisker ride. Yeah jus call me the 60 yr old puss assassin....

Lollllll man that's great.
Aye laddie, sure-in they do.

(William Wallace approves this post, and then yells "FREEEEEDOOOOMMMMM" just before he dies.)
Plus Betty Crocker has a tighter ass than Duncan Hines.
I was in the shower and got to thinking about that phrase. What was the origin? Did someone really leave their bare butt exposed to the cold long enough to get frostbite? Phrases like " does a fat dog fart?" Make perfect sense. Everyone knows fat dogs fart. Just spend some time with one. But "frosts my ass"?
my farts do have a wide range of audible sounds from a tweetie bird's high pitched love song to a blubbering, rumbling, baritone grumble.
I have transitioned from a poot or a splat to a sustained machine gun/chain gun sound effect that's pretty cool and doesn't smell. My Silent But Deadly's are still killers, in the olfactory sense, thank God
Something that just crossed my mind, while thinking about phrases, was the chant I would hear in the basic training area at Knox in the summer of '69.

It pumped you up to hear a couple hundred guys in a training company sounding that out. Pretty sure Ermy used that in "Full Metal Jacket"

A friend I worked with was stationed in Greenland and said that wasn't true. It is warm
Grayson Allen coming back to Duke.

Just give em the title.

That'll make 3 years where UK was absolutely loaded and Duke walks away with the title. 2010, 2015, 2017. That roster + Coach K... they ain't losing it unless a player gets hurt or Coach K dies.

I'm hoping he dies. The sooner the better.

that's an idiotic move on his part. he would a drafted 1st round for sure this year