
Austin- About 3 in the morning. 2;45 to be exact. drinking this Kingsman black mocha stout.

figured I'd post something because I guess it's the thing to do at this time. If you were at the place that you were, would you go to a different place that led you to the the same place you started but on your way you realized that it may be the wrong path so you turned around and went a different way? Man, I've always wondered that.

Anyone into huffing gas? Just curious.
Getting drunk and this is what it's like to be alone in the Paddock.

  • Good Morning, guys.
  • 63°F in Johns Creek, GA. Thick overcast. IFR conditions.
  • Sunday morning sports talk.
  • Hate less.
  • th
  • Blooming: Cherry trees, Dogwoods, Azaleas, Forsythias
  • Kevin Stallings gone.
  • #1 on his way to see us.
  • #4 still sleeping.
  • #2 & #5 in church.
  • #3 probably being hollered at right now.
  • Everyone will be here today for Easter dinner. I can't eat anything good. Blood Sugar at 175 this morning fasting.
  • I don't know any big words.
  • Over.
  • QB has cleaned up the food and the mess.
  • The crowd is gone.
  • I'm lonely but being alone isn't bad.
  • Didn't watch that game. Kept up with it online (ESPN.)
  • My friggin back has gone out for no apparent reason. I felt a pain yesterday afternoon and today I can hardly get around. Two weeks and I'll be fine. That makes me sad.
  • Listening to Willie's Roadhouse on Sirius.
  • Coffee.
Evening, buzzards. Soaked my legs in the tub for an hour because I ushered today and stood on my feet for a good LONG time. Have listened to Easter Sunday sermons all of my life, but have to give an A+ to my pastor for his sermon today. He acknowledged the Resurrection the first 5 minutes of the sermon, but spent the remainder explaining the origins of Easter...the Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs and how they came about. Easter Sunday is the bastardization of Ishtar Sunday, which ties in with the biblical account of Nimrod. I actually learned something today!
Evening, buzzards. Soaked my legs in the tub for an hour because I ushered today and stood on my feet for a good LONG time. Have listened to Easter Sunday sermons all of my life, but have to give an A+ to my pastor for his sermon today. He acknowledged the Resurrection the first 5 minutes of the sermon, but spent the remainder explaining the origins of Easter...the Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs and how they came about. Easter Sunday is the bastardization of Ishtar Sunday, which ties in with the biblical account of Nimrod. I actually learned something today!
That's a sermon of a dude who isn't catering to Easter/Christmas churchgoers. Usually Easter sermon is watered down as bud light.
Lol, Tommy reporting me for owning him in a thread. Must suck to always be wrong, and a wife cheating scum bag on top.
I could be wrong, but it appears to me that you are harassing him repeatedly about one thing or another. It may be within the rules that we are supposed to follow, but I seriously doubt it. He hasn't jumped you on here that I can remember. He who is without sin cast the first stone.