
Making Italian food.m for tomorrow's Easter dinner. Making BBQ for tonight. Drunk. yikes

Went to cemetery today. Planted hydrangeas on my parents grave.

Hit me like a ton of bricks.

Kissed my boys. Thank God for them.
That happened to me the last time I visited Mom's grave and was talking to her and then bawled.
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I remember those concepts and being pissed off a lot in that class. The first third of the class was a review of organic chemistry, which would be fine, except I never took organic in undergrad.
I don't know WTF y'all are talking about. I don't know know those words. I passed HS Chemistry because I behaved, and I played football. They didn't have any of this in bail bond school.
I don't know WTF y'all are talking about. I don't know know those words. I passed HS Chemistry because I behaved, and I played football. They didn't have any of this in bail bond school.
I've bailed a few friends out of jail, mainly in KY and TN.

Also scored a $100 bounty once when I gave a bail bondsman info on a dude who jumped bail who tried to join the Army. Worked with Lexington PD once on an old boy in Harlan who was wanted on a warrant for raping a gal. Got two awards, but no money for my efforts.
I've bailed a few friends out of jail, mainly in KY and TN.

Also scored a $100 bounty once when I gave a bail bondsman info on a dude who jumped bail who tried to join the Army. Worked with Lexington PD once on an old boy in Harlan who was wanted on a warrant for raping a gal. Got two awards, but no money for my efforts.
You are a good American.
Wildcats win! Wildcats headed to Final Four!

Damn. Wish it were the correct Wildcats. Still glad Kansas lost though.

Oh…and eff Perry Ellis. If you can't perfect the game of basketball after 6 years in college then you should just quit already. And his suits suck. As well as his cologne.
There's an attorney in Atlanta that is named that.
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Called a good buddy today while riding the bus. His son, who lives with him now in Arkansas, is truly German-English bilingual, unlike me. Gonna start up my beer adventures website soon Told him I may need some light translation work. Hell, he's game.

Good shit.
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Called a good buddy today while riding the bus. His son, who lives with him now in Arkansas, is truly German-English bilingual, unlike me. Gonna start up my beer adventures website soon Told him I may need some light translation work. Hell, he's game.

Good shit.
I'll jump into that shit and drink any beer you need me to that you can't get there and I can get here. My taste buds are limited though to chocolate, vanilla, salt, pepper, and sugar. Hope that helps.
Ya know, If I had a rail of blow I'd prolly snort it right now. I say that because I don't have a rail of blow in front of me. ha! Ya know, I pee in a cup in my car all the time when I'm out driving. I did a support group last Thursday at an Assisted Living Facility and locked my keys in the car. Had the facility maintenance man help me unlock my door. I was too lazy to go back in the building so I sat in my car and peed in a cup. Then poured it out. Left the cup in the car for two days and on the third day I could smell pee from outside my car. whew weeee.. Grabbed that cup and threw it in the apartment dumpster it stunk so bad.
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