
My dog is a mutt but I'll be damned if you call her that. She is way too beautiful. One of the sexiest dogs I've ever seen. The slight brownish tones on her silky black coat really pop when the sun is out, but her best feature is her big floppy puppy ears that feel like velvet. She's something special. I'm probably gonna marry that bitch.

Prenupts advised. FCC.
My dog is a mutt but I'll be damned if you call her that. She is way too beautiful. One of the sexiest dogs I've ever seen. The slight brownish tones on her silky black coat really pop when the sun is out, but her best feature is her big floppy puppy ears that feel like velvet. She's something special. I'm probably gonna marry that bitch.
Please go to Kim Davis for your license.
I just now had to have a conversation with a dude whose breath smelled like OPP (other people's poop) and Limburger cheese mixed together. It was so rank that I'm sure it could be measured with a Geiger counter and be deemed hazardous waste. It stunk so bad I would involuntarily flinch every time he opened his mouth to avoid the inevitable stink-cloud.

I gradually began to gauge the the approximate radius and windage of the stink-cloud in an effort to discreetly avoid it. Problem is, ass-breath seemed to subconsciously know what I was doing, so it became like some sort of subliminal sword fight where I was unarmed and on the defensive and this guy was trying his best to kill me with his butt breath.

Needless to say, I survived (barely) and I'm here to tell you the story. Thing is, I had to deal with the guy for a good 20 minutes and I can't remember a damn thing about what the conversation was actually about.
Looks like you're gonna die then. RIP.
I love the dog show. It's nice.

Last one I watched was during thanksgiving.

I STG there are multiple westminsters and Grammys every year. I seen em!
Dog show is awesome! Pointless, yes. Fascinating, yes.

My pup grew 14 pounds in 4 weeks. She's a real smart girl. Our last RR was smart but unsure...Miss Penny Plissken thinks she's the cock of the walk. Very confident and massive.

Seeing her interact with the my baby is interesting. She's bored with him. He can about do anything to her without her flipping out....

To my mom: Yes, we will never trust a wolf with our child, so we keep vigilant. So far - so good.
-Weather in these parts has been o_O. Freezing rain turned roads into a skating rink for most of the day yesterday, followed by a squall line this morning that took out 3 decent sized trees and left a ridiculous amount of pine branches all over the yard, wrecking a lot of our dogwoods and cherry trees. Long weekend of picking up on top of what we were already going to do in prep for warmth.

F pine trees, man. F them straight to hell.

-Wife drove to work in Chapel Hill with my car keys this morning. Not sure how that happened. Uber to downtown.

-Glad I read the ridicule of Spearz. Thought there was a game tonight also. Whew. Close one.

-Baby's poop is legit now and it is AWFUL. She smiles and chirps every time we change it like a sadistic little asshole too.

-60 and sunny here now. Winter is about to GTFO and the anticipation is palpable.
F pine trees, man. F them straight to hell.

Truth. Just terrible trees, really. Georgia is infested with them. Second house I bought here was surrounded by them (yellow pines) and their filth.

My house now is surrounded by hardwoods, mostly oaks. There is, however, this one lonely, skinny-ass pine back there. I swear sometimes that tree leans around from behind a majestic oak and is giving me "the finger".
I need to finish my taxes this weekend. Getting some $$ back from the feds, but have to write a check to the state. It shouldn't be so damn complicated.

If I were to become the total dictator of the U.S. tomorrow morning at 12:01 AM I would have pink slips for every damned IRS agent in the mail by the end of the business day.

There would be a flat tax of 15 to 20 percent (whatever the experts say it takes to keep the government going) of payroll, profit and capital gains.
All subsidies would go away.
All deductions would disappear.

After day two we would start interviewing decent people who want to work for a revised IRS. Anyone who held a position in IRS management positions prior would be immediately disqualified.

I was lucky and worked hard and made a good living. Now I am 69 and the bastards still make me pay quarterly. I get so mad that I refuse to file quarterly and then I get stuck with penalties. One year in the late 1990's the Federal government took $69,000 out of my hide. I have been retired for 16 years and they still stalk me because I made a little money. It sucks.

end of IRS rant
My dog is a mutt but I'll be damned if you call her that. She is way too beautiful. One of the sexiest dogs I've ever seen. The slight brownish tones on her silky black coat really pop when the sun is out, but her best feature is her big floppy puppy ears that feel like velvet. She's something special. I'm probably gonna marry that bitch.

I am now officially worried about Mash now.

Science Break:

It's crowded out there. This composite of exposures taken by Hubble is called the Ultraviolet Coverage of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field and contains about 10,000 galaxies, with the ultraviolet (UV) images rendered in blue. The image also extends very far back in time, capturing a snapshot of galaxies just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang.

These are galaxies in what you might call their teenage years, while they're still growing up. The reason to study these in the ultraviolet is that it tells us about the youngest, most massive, hottest stars that are forming within galaxies, and the evolution of galaxies to a current stable state that we see in nearby galaxies.
If I were to become the total dictator of the U.S. tomorrow morning at 12:01 AM I would have pink slips for every damned IRS agent in the mail by the end of the business day.

There would be a flat tax of 15 to 20 percent (whatever the experts say it takes to keep the government going) of payroll, profit and capital gains.
All subsidies would go away.
All deductions would disappear.

After day two we would start interviewing decent people who want to work for a revised IRS. Anyone who held a position in IRS management positions prior would be immediately disqualified.

I was lucky and worked hard and made a good living. Now I am 69 and the bastards still make me pay quarterly. I get so mad that I refuse to file quarterly and then I get stuck with penalties. One year in the late 1990's the Federal government took $69,000 out of my hide. I have been retired for 16 years and they still stalk me because I made a little money. It sucks.

end of IRS rant
Old folks, who was responsible for abolishing hemp in KY? Or was that a federal thing? Regardless, who benefitted the most from us shutting down hemp production? China?

It was shut down after the end of WWII. We needed it for rope during the war. I know in 1965 and 1966 the State Police came to my dad's farm and chopped down the hemp. They threatened dad to arrest him for allowing it to grow. Dad's lawyer called and told the State Police that they would have to arrest God because he was the one growing the hemp not Edd Higginbotham.

No one benefited from us not growing pot and hemp, except the government who funds agents of the ATF, FBI and anti-drug task force. They have spent tens of billions of dollars on trying to wipe out pot and it has not been to the benefit of one damned soul.
It was shut down after the end of WWII. We needed it for rope during the war. I know in 1965 and 1966 the State Police came to my dad's farm and chopped down the hemp. They threatened dad to arrest him for allowing it to grow. Dad's lawyer called and told the State Police that they would have to arrest God because he was the one growing the hemp not Edd Higginbotham.

No one benefited from us not growing pot and hemp, except the government who funds agents of the ATF, FBI and anti-drug task force. They have spent tens of billions of dollars on trying to wipe out pot and it has not been to the benefit of one damned soul.

It was shut down after the end of WWII. We needed it for rope during the war. I know in 1965 and 1966 the State Police came to my dad's farm and chopped down the hemp. They threatened dad to arrest him for allowing it to grow. Dad's lawyer called and told the State Police that they would have to arrest God because he was the one growing the hemp not Edd Higginbotham.

No one benefited from us not growing pot and hemp, except the government who funds agents of the ATF, FBI and anti-drug task force. They have spent tens of billions of dollars on trying to wipe out pot and it has not been to the benefit of one damned soul.

Wow. That's crazy.

So once they did this, hemp and marijuana were essentially the same thing for decades...until now....despite the fact that hemp was used for a variety of different reasons. Now, after decades of miseducation, people are relearning what we already knew and are putting hemp back to work for all the right reasons.

F people. That's really all I got to say about that. Glad we're getting some things right, though. It's a process.
Just had an idiot brink in her daughter for an eval because the daughter's eyes "are red and she sleeps in her contacts but they're the kind she can sleep in and I've been using these drops for a few days but they're still burning so what do you think it is?"

About those drops...


Here's a couple clues, dumbass: (1.) Don't let her sleep in her contacts, and (2.) Don't put salt water in her f#$king eyes when they're already irritated. That'll be 65 bucks.

That sounds pretty dumb.
haha, honestly, I'd be surprised if she had a double-digit IQ. To top it off, she looked at me like I was the idiot when I told her to quit using those drops.

But they're eye drops.
It's salt water.
But it says they're made for the eyes.
But it's salt -- have you ever gotten sweat in your eyes? Did it sting?
Well I had to do something.
Doing nothing would have been better than putting salt in her eyes. Even if she had an infection, do you really think salt would help? Have you ever heard of a doctor prescribing Morton's for an infection instead of an antibiotic?

That last line pissed her off, but I wasn't in any mood to care :D
