
Had one of LEK's tequila and pickle juice shots. Except they put tabasco in the pickle juice. That was unique.
Had one of LEK's tequila and pickle juice shots. Except they put tabasco in the pickle juice. That was unique.
KS took one. If I hook up with Ghost this summer, he will too. Though, with all his exploits, little nervous bringing my wife around...
KS took one. If I hook up with Ghost this summer, he will too. Though, with all his exploits, little nervous bringing my wife around...

KS is a grown ass man. That's why.

Man, that is gonna be a trip. Is he coming to Louisville? I think it would be an honor for Ghost to nail my wife. I might actually pay him and I don't even need to watch.
Stayed home yesterday and did taxes. We're getting back a F-load, thank Gawd. We're on vapors without the missus workin.

But just when you think you got a bargain, you look at the amount of money you STILL pay to sustain this government, it's outrageous.

It's no wonder that they withhold their take... Would be rough cutting a $30k check to those robbers in April.
That was the 70s when I lived in Birmingham Ala. When it would come one of those tropical rains, we would head north, find a cow pasture and pick mushrooms by the sack full. FCC.

That's awesome FCC. I tried that mushroom picking thing in a Kentucky cow field. Drunk at 4 or 5 a.m picking any mushroom out of cow shit that I saw. No trippy buzz, but I did eat a lot of mushrooms.
Stayed home yesterday and did taxes. We're getting back a F-load, thank Gawd. We're on vapors without the missus workin.

But just when you think you got a bargain, you look at the amount of money you STILL pay to sustain this government, it's outrageous.

It's no wonder that they withhold their take... Would be rough cutting a $30k check to those robbers in April.

Bout to do mine. We are poor enough to prolly owe them $800-$1000. Wish I could rent kids and claim them.

This year will prolly cost us 3 to 4 trips to Whole Foods. I'm pissed.
That's awesome FCC. I tried that mushroom picking thing in a Kentucky cow field. Drunk at 4 or 5 a.m picking any mushroom out of cow shit that I saw. No trippy buzz, but I did eat a lot of mushrooms.

Learned a lot about psilocybin. I think it was the Aztecs but anyway the molecule is excreted unchanged. So when they used it they would piss in a big pot and the alchemist would come around and collect it, go through some chemical steps and recover most of it, to be ingested again. Maybe you didn't get the right ones. An Indian showed us which ones to pick. Cherokee. I never laughed so hard in my life when I ate those things. Everything was funny. FCC.
So, the big ass dog show of the year is going on, and people actually go apeshit over this thing? I don't get it. It's just a bunch of over privileged rich folk(white people) running around with a dog for a couple minutes at a time, while the dog gets tugged around on a leash, and then gets a surprise nut tug or vag slap by a guaranteed child molester in a tux, then picks a "winner" based on who TF knows what.

Seriously, 80% of those dogs look like they would thank someone if they would just shoot them in the head and put them out of their misery. The only thing that can get me to tune in for more than two seconds is if one of the people parading their mutt around were to eat the floor falling down, or if one of the dogs went full Cujo and killed their owner, the judge, and seven or eight people from the crowd. THAT'S a dog show, and would definitely get my vote for best in show.
So, the big ass dog show of the year is going on, and people actually go apeshit over this thing? I don't get it. It's just a bunch of over privileged rich folk(white people) running around with a dog for a couple minutes at a time, while the dog gets tugged around on a leash, and then gets a surprise nut tug or vag slap by a guaranteed child molester in a tux, then picks a "winner" based on who TF knows what.

I believe the Westminster show has been held for 140 years. Pretty good run.
Learned a lot about psilocybin. I think it was the Aztecs but anyway the molecule is excreted unchanged. So when they used it they would piss in a big pot and the alchemist would come around and collect it, go through some chemical steps and recover most of it, to be ingested again. Maybe you didn't get the right ones. An Indian showed us which ones to pick. Cherokee. I never laughed so hard in my life when I ate those things. Everything was funny. FCC.

Yeah, I'm sure of that. After sticking my hand in cow shit to pick whatever was growing out of it and then to eat it right there on the spot and then not get a buzz. That told me everything
Morning D-Leaguers.

Never used drugs other than alcohol. I am addicted to good bourbon. Blantons, Makers, Knob Creek, 1792 etc. Our farm, when I was growing up, had hemp in the fence rows and we had cows with the mushroom, but dad told me not to eat the mushrooms or smoke the pot; so I never did.

I would be scared shitless of LST.

I guess I am on straight dude when it come to banned substances.
I need to finish my taxes this weekend. Getting some $$ back from the feds, but have to write a check to the state. It shouldn't be so damn complicated.

I've never done hard drugs or any drugs other than alcohol. I had NO2 for a tooth extraction once. I liked that. It was a good buzz.

I just got handed another radioactive drug study protocol and asked to attend a meeting on it this afternoon.

What's up with Alex? Is he gonna play again? Do we need him?
I need to finish my taxes this weekend. Getting some $$ back from the feds, but have to write a check to the state. It shouldn't be so damn complicated.

What's up with Alex? Is he gonna play again? Do we need him?
We still must file our taxes. We're getting some $$ back too.

Hope we get Alex back. We're kinda thin up front right now, IMO.
I watched about 10 min of the Grammys last night after reading Ghost's post about them. I saw some 12 yo kid play jazz piano. He was good, but had some crazy looking wig on his head. Anyone else see that?

No didn't see that. Hey, those radioactive drugs, are you physically handling them in a lab? Is that the ones where they tag a molecule with the radioactive drug that goes after the bad cells? Just wondering. FCC.
If the team that has played the last two games keeps showing up, they don't need Alex. I'll take him for another big, but he has been this years Disappearius Miller.

Forde may have just outdone himself on his weekly article for Yahoo. He talked coaches doing good, and bad this season. He put Slick in the bad, saying whoregate could do him in, but then spends the rest of the paragraph sucking his big red rocket. Saying Pitino is coaching his ass off, and that after 15 years it may be time to hit the reset button. HEY DIPSHIT! Maybe he needs to not hire whores to get recruits!

Then in the end of the article, he puts Cal on blast. Saying he should take the bus into work this week. Called him out for not doing a post game presser, and saying "I can't talk about it.", when asked about Saturday. HEY DIPSHIT! You're Syphyllis ridden butt buddy skips them all the time, where's your outrage for him? Do you forgive him while he's giving you a reach around at night? Oh, and didn't you and Bozich both write pieces during ACC media days wishing Pitino would GIVE THE SAME GD ANSWER TO HOOKERGATE!!!?!??!!!? The same thing you wanted your homo lover, not that there's anything wrong with that, to do when he was surrounded in controversy, another coach does, and you nail them for it. Which is it, Forde? Make up your mind
No didn't see that. Hey, those radioactive drugs, are you physically handling them in a lab? Is that the ones where they tag a molecule with the radioactive drug that goes after the bad cells? Just wondering. FCC.
Correct, the drugs have a radioactivity that tagged to a molecule that will bind to the cancer cells. A lot of work here on drugs that bind to neuroendrocine receptors. Several years ago, my wife coordinated a phase 1 clinical trial of a radioactive drug here. The research on that stuff is picking up again.

One type of cancer that is being targeted with some of these therapies mostly hits kids around age 4-5, so eventually, we will be using this in young kids.

The consulting work that I do is for a guy that is a radio-chemist. He is working on tagging different radionuclides to other drug molecules. He also works on setting up automated processes for doing this.

Of course the idea is to deliver a radiation dose directly to the tumor cells without doing too much collateral damage to the surrounding good cells.

My role is to make sure that we keep our people, our facillity, and visitors safe while we do all of this.
Correct, the drugs have a radioactivity that tagged to a molecule that will bind to the cancer cells. A lot of work here on drugs that bind to neuroendrocine receptors. Several years ago, my wife coordinated a phase 1 clinical trial of a radioactive drug here. The research on that stuff is picking up again.

One type of cancer that is being targeted with some of these therapies mostly hits kids around age 4-5, so eventually, we will be using this in young kids.

The consulting work that I do is for a guy that is a radio-chemist. He is working on tagging different radionuclides to other drug molecules. He also works on setting up automated processes for doing this.

Of course the idea is to deliver a radiation dose directly to the tumor cells without doing too much collateral damage to the surrounding good cells.

My role is to make sure that we keep our people, our facillity, and visitors safe while we do all of this.

Fascinating. Thanks. And thanks for your work. The tagging is certainly better than chemo tx that kills a lot of good cells. The targeting is got to be better. I studied that just a little bit when I took Immunology. Good stuff 93. And I bet it fires Bert up too. FCC.
FCC- you would probably understand the chemistry of these drugs much better than I do.

There have been several advances in radiation beam therapy as well. A lot of work is being done to monitor the exact position of the patient during treatment (& sometimes even the breathing). The beam can then be shifted or gated to very precise on times. You would be surprised at how much stuff is moving inside the body , even when a person is lying completely still.
-Need to get caught up on tv. Havent watched it in weeks. I do like to watch a few programs.

-Been hitting the gym regularly. Feels good. I notice mood swings now when I dont go. Up to 3 days a week.

-Not sure for lunch. Nothing heavy.

-Put a pot roast in the crock this morning. Roast, carrots, potatoes, onions, red pepper, green beans, zucchini, squash. Mmmm.
My dog is a mutt but I'll be damned if you call her that. She is way too beautiful. One of the sexiest dogs I've ever seen. The slight brownish tones on her silky black coat really pop when the sun is out, but her best feature is her big floppy puppy ears that feel like velvet. She's something special. I'm probably gonna marry that bitch.